Today and everyday, God is seeking to bless His children. We, however have allowed our own thinking, our schedules, our pride, our friends,family and others to hinder or sabotage us. We must begin to live in and surrender to God and His presence if we are to have increased chances of walking in blessings. There is much confusion about God, His word and How God does things. We must learn to lean more and more on God. God is seeking to teach us how to walk in the KIngdom versus the world system. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind" We MUST get past religious excersize and begin to build REAL relationship with God so that we can walk with Him and walk His way...

We all must remember that where the word is silent on a subject or there is confusion, we MUST go to God in prayer and trust that God by the Holy Spirit will give us clarity and revelation. Why? Because prayer is a a revelation resource. Also because the Holy Spirit is out teacher, guide, revelation knowledge giver, comforter, and much more. The word says that the greatnesss of God is unsearchable...if it is unsearchable, then how can we know God's greatness? By revelation from the Holy Spirit, that is, if our hearts are open to receive truth. What does the word say? The day that you hear(my words, my truth,)...harden not your hearts.

Today by faith, write down 5 to 25 ideas, thoughts and ways that can bless you, your family, your ministry, your business. Just write them down or record the to you phone, Pda, Pocket PC, tape recorder...(Don't try to figure them out now, just record them!) You can pray over them later and wisely choose which to or not to do. If you do this daily, you will begin to consistently see increase, blessings, and problems solved....

Simple Prayer: Father I praise you and give you the all the glory and praise. Give me today ideas, strategies, plans, visions and resources that can help me to improve my life, my family, the church, the community and beyond. My desire is to bless the kingdom. Also protect me, my family, my community, my church and beyond from seen and unseen dangers. I thank you for and receive these answers to my prayer now. Amen

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Comment by Pastor Michael Samuels on August 11, 2009 at 6:40am
Well...there is only one cheif Apostle. That is Jesus Christ. I do understand the intent of the term cheif apostle as used by men but if we really submit to God, There is only one and that is Jesus Christ. The term Archbishop is used for a bishop (who should have served and been ordained in the role of bishop prior to be given the title archbisop) The archbishop is over a diocese( or group of churches usually under the episcopal covering). whoever, there is only one bishop(pastor), over all and that is Jesus Christ.

If a man is sleeping, fornicating, comminting adultary and has the calling of christian, minister, church leader, deacon, pastor, bishop or whatever he or she wants to call him or herself, I think the following should happen..

1. Great prayer should go up for that person so that he or she can come out of that lifestyle, sin and lust. (rebellion)..
2. Those praying should be led by God as to how to deal with that person. Why? Because there are some people who will come out of that sexual practice of sin and become great testimonies, great teachers and leaders for God. If man goes before God and tries to deal with that person with their own human understanding, then it might hinder what God wants to do
3. If afetr a season that person doesn't change, doesn't obey God, is causing(obviuosly) a problem in the church and ministry..then ask God to remove that person or for wisdom on what to do to remove that person and ask God to replace that person with the right person
4. Those who know of this sin of the leader must be careful nbot to gossip but to come together quietly and secretly if you must and pray often and fervently for that leader, the person he or she is having a sexual affair witth, the church, its members, the health, success and growth of the church and that the vision for the church that has be given by God will not be negatively affected.

5. Lastly and most important, immediately obey whatever instruction God gives regarding this so that His plan will nbot be hindered, so people can be blessed and that Satan's plans will be destroyed..I hope this helps
Comment by Apostle Addie Robinson on August 11, 2009 at 12:43am
Pastor Michael Samuels - I am waiting on you:) Pastor I am sitting at this computer. I am waiting on you to write me back. I need your advice. this is a "911" call. What do you think about the preachers that call themselves Chief Apostles and are sleeping with the members in the church? And they even call themselves Archbishops!!! Tell me what do you think abouth this???
Comment by Prophetess Yolanda O. Irons on August 10, 2009 at 3:29pm
Pastor Samuels ... this is awesome and I'm planning to do just that :) God bless you !
Comment by Charles E. Grant on August 8, 2009 at 11:54am
Hello, Pastor Samuels... I just wanted to say a heartfelt "AMEN"! Great post... keep up the good work!


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