It is sad but many church leaders , including a few pastors do not honor the word, the church or God. I know of several stories where church leaders and yes ministers have had sex in the church. (One in particular was having an affair outside of his marriage and having sex in the church. ) He was found and released from his position.

A good friend of mine who had a previous problem with sex went to her Pastor (uncle) for prayer and to see how she could be delivered. He had a well known pastor visit a few weeks later to do a revival. He remembered his neices problem(sexual) and knowing that his neice was weak in that area, gave the visiting pastor her number. The visiting Pastor called her and had sex with her all during the time that he was in revival. The young woman became pregnant and the pastor wanted nothing to do with her or the child. She miscarriaged. What do you all think? How do I know this? I was one of the people who prayed for and minstered to her during and afer this time very frequently.

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Comment by Superintendent Elijah Marshall on July 28, 2009 at 3:35pm
My comment will be short-lived, but specific... We have to be so careful as ministers of the gospel, those that are truly called and anointed by God to do a work for Him in the Earth-realm in these last days.. no matter what your title is, we have to be VERY watchful. Because when I read this, the Holy Ghost prompted me and He said, "witness".. The enemy wants the anointed of God, the remnant of the Lord, to be blamed and to be accused that the gospel can be blamed, thereby ruining our witness.. even the devil knows that once our witness (or reputation as a holy people) is ruined in the eyes of the world, that's it! All we have you all, is our witness! We dont want to taint the anointing especially, but even so our witness... The Bible says let us suffer from the lying, the persecution, the slander, the ridicule, BUT DONT LET IT BE TRUE... and the enemy is always trying to setup God's preachers for a fall, so that this gospel we preach be blamed.. but if we watch and strengthen our discernment in the Holy Ghost, ask God to give us keen discernment against these devils of disaster, He will grant it to us, because He doesnt withhold wisdom from anyone that asks.. for wisdom is the principal thing. I'm glad that Pastor Samuels brought this forth because the truth of the matter is.. it's a lot of lust and sexual sins amongst many that's running rapid in the churches today. SOMEBODY needs to expose it, lets deal with it, so the enemy can be defeated in this area amongst others so that we can truly say as Jesus said, "The evil one cometh, but He has nothing in me"... God bless
Comment by PASTOR CHARLES E BELL JR on July 28, 2009 at 1:50pm
YES it is sad you think a man who is called by god would step out on his wife but even more sad is that anther preacher would help a pastor to cheat but greater is this young lady who had a chose went to a marry Man hotel and had sex with him this is sad i read one say they dont trust a man of god but it take two to have commited this type of sin can a pastor trust a lose women you know there are some preach hookers also i visted one church and a group of women sat on the front pew showing every thing and more and offer favor also but i turn them down hell is too hot for me i couldnt make it there so before you just attack the preacher.look at the whole story if we think of the family,God gave us the hurt it can cause then we will think before we act.but lets pray for him ,her and him lest we fall into the same temptation
Comment by Audrey L Dowling on July 28, 2009 at 12:34pm
This is a sad but true commentary! I have heard of several instances where this has happened both with the "big named" preachers as well as the "local city" preachers. Knowing that all have sinned and come short of the glory, we can not use that as an excuse to sin. When we sin, i don't care who we are or what we have done, or what part of the ministry we operate in, we take someone else with us (as in someone will more likely stumble, fall or turn away from God as a result of our actions). We are at all times out brothers' and sisters' keepers!!!
Comment by Evelyn Blacksher on July 28, 2009 at 12:23pm
women are guilty of these kind of activities also,i too,have had to minster to some who have been "caught up" by those in leadership positions(especially pastors) male/female. But can i keep it "real" for a moment? a lot of these brick & mortar places,are little more than "cat-houses,social clubs,casinos,net-working events, magic shows,live @ the appollo,concert halls,soul destroying places with GOD,Church,Worship/Family/etc. Center,on the marquee and that as close as "these" places come to JESUS CHRIST.we have to keep praying,crying loud and sparing not,being available to GOD to advance the kingdom of GOD, pulling down strongholds,preaching,TEACHING the WORD of GOD &most of all, not be found guilty of these horrible things. I do know i am NOT talking about YOUR place of worship,but,will you join me in praying that HIS will be done in the earth(us)? this is to all who read this comment.

more than conquering in HIS name
Comment by LaDonna Gher'ald Mayhew on July 28, 2009 at 11:17am
Here is the larger problem..pastor will tell the story But never address the pastor /bishop about the error of such ways. I was a young twenty year old who reported an incident to a bishop.He never spoke with the offending pastor. Women have to really learn take the necessary steps to guard your own gate! It is important to also network as women educating!
Comment by Alexis Michelle on July 28, 2009 at 11:16am
the bible says a man is drawn away by his own lusts...and the bible is clear on whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also i wasn't there when the conversations took place between the uncle and his niece (don't know what the arrangment was) and neither was i there when the conversation took place between the visiting pastor and the young lady (don't know if he said you can be my woman or this is just a moment of emptiness for sexual gratification)...but what i do know is most pastors who operate in this manner is very clear about what they want and what they don't my opinion we put to much emphasis on the title more so than the character God has called us to walk in. by that i mean if he would have been a regular lay member would we really be as outraged or is it because he has the title of pastor? that's a rhetorical question. this occurs in the body of Christ on regular and that is not suggest it is right and we should accept it. however, the pastor, the visiting pastor and the woman must take responsiblity.

when i came out of my abusive relationship and i was angry with my abuser God asked, "alexis who told you to keep going back?" and it was in that i had to take responsiblity for my didnt matter why i went back but every time i did i tacitly said it was okay to hit me again...what i am saying? as women we HAVE to learn how not to put ourselves in situations that promote keeping us stuck...i say that because men can only do what we allow them to do (other than rape) we have control whether we know it or titus 2:11 the bible says no came with salvation...but again i respond based off the discussion. in addition, women have issues believing men period...but that is another topic for another day.
Comment by Evelyn Blacksher on July 28, 2009 at 11:11am
Bless you for your availibility to GOD to be used as a instrument of restoration.I pray the young woman has renewed her relationship with CHRIST ,her view of men has not been forever distorted, thank GOD for her deliverance.
Comment by Maria Espinoza on July 28, 2009 at 10:32am
This is why woman are having trouble believing men that are so called Men of God!

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