The Prophets Blog; Prophet Ken Cox “The Ministry of Rumor”

The Prophets Blog; Prophet Ken Cox “The Ministry of Rumor”

Greetings again in Jesus name, indeed it’s a pleasure to hear from so many of you around the world. In our wildest dreams Prophetess Cox and I never realized so many of us face similar challenges in the Body of Christ. I want to thank you for your comments because it blesses me to hear your thoughts and share information. Some of your comments are long, some are short, I just want you to know they are appreciated.

I want each of you to join me as we keep all our friends, family, Brothers and Sisters in Christ in the Texas area and surrounding areas in prayer. Ike was a huge storm and I encourage you to look at what God is saying to us in this day we live in. Ike was not an accident; it was a divine uncommon Message in this uncommon season. I will share more on Ike at another time. One thing Ike did and did well was start rumors. The word of God plainly tells us there will be rumors (Matthew 24:6). Have you ever heard of or known of anyone who brought you a rumor?

Sure you have, we all have, and maybe a better question is how do you handle a rumor? Let me also ask what justifies a rumor? Could it be the messenger? Does the person or persons have creditability, based on your history with them? Does their position mandate instant creditability and respect? One of the most popular terms I hear is “I’m staying out of grown folks business”. I'm laughing also as I write this because “grown folks business” is the essence of a rumor.

Let’s take our profession, as who we are in the Body of Christ. Rumors about each of us are running rampant, some true, some not. Somebody somewhere is talking about you. Serving God will generate this type of attention. You must push forward regardless of the topic of your rumored situation. I’m still trying to find the benefit of this type of ministry. I’ve never seen it remove burdens or destroy yokes, but the ministry of rumor is strong, alive and well in all areas of The Body of Christ. Since the so-called ministry of rumor does not, I repeat does not remove burdens nor does it destroy yokes, I must conclude that it’s not sent from God. Some of you may have a different opinion, which you are very much entitled to.

Have you ever seen Spiritual Leaders in the rumor mill? The world calls it entertainment news; in the body of Christ, we say” “Lets me tell you what the word is” or “the word was”. I find it so strange that we would rather ask a neighbor or acquaintance than ask the brother or sister directly, especially if we really want to know, what the “real deal” is. Maybe we are scared to ask because we have for so long spread so many unfounded rumors. Can you understand that some people would rather people talk about them and spread rumors, because it helps them identify people as they move to the “next level and beyond” in the Anointing? They just refuse to give life through them to the rumor.

This creates a circle of "like minds"(that term again) that operate at another level. Why is this a secret among those who participate in the ministry of rumor, because this type of ministry will block reception to anything but it. It will disguise it self as what ever it has to, as it keeps one's attention, sorry full attention.

I've seen relationships in the body of Christ destroyed, because of the ministry of rumor. You know how it works. Leader A gets upset with Leader B and Leader A now vents to Leaders C, D, and E. Now Leaders C, D, E take the ONE SIDED story and tell their version to LEADERS F, G, & H. We now have a full fledged rumor based on someone’s opinion & perception. Funny thing is that it may or may not be true, but does it (the rumor) remove burdens or destroy yokes? The answer is no from this writer. The Anointing does, but not this, because it refuses the Anointing. The fact of the matter is that the ministry of rumor can't co-exist with the Anointing. What does the ministry of rumor do but further divide leaders in the Body of Christ, which divides ministries, denominations and of course people.

Why is a Word of Knowledge or a Word of Wisdom a forgotten ministry in this day and time? When they do manifest they are almost instantly rejected, because they don’t come from a specific vessel that has been validated by the ministry of rumor. We all have heard the slogan "a dog that will bring a bone (rumor) will carry back a bone (rumor)". Funny how the bone becomes bones and the names of the bones become the same ones that the initial bone was brought to. The rumor grows and we wonder why some people act the way they do?

The quickest way to kill a rumor is let it die with the messenger, don't receive it and it won't have life. The rumor depends on you giving it life to someone else, by spreading it. Once it gets into the atmosphere it needs someone to speak life to it, forget the fact that the current spreader may or may not have all the details. All the ministry of rumor needs is someone willing to speak it! All God needs is someone willing to speak also.

Somehow I rather speak for God; the benefits are out of this world! And His blessings I see every day. Can we say the same about the ministry of rumor? Instead of blessings we tend to see division and misunderstandings, and seasonal people who move with every wind that blows and people with more and more disrespect for each other. I’m praying that we learn how to celebrate and not tolerate as the Body of Christ.

God Bless you today, what’s your take on the ministry of rumor? Email me at or post your comment to this website. I read all comments and respond back as warranted by your emails, and comments.

Prophetess Cox and I are coming to your city soon or a city near you!

In The Anointing
Prophet Ken Cox

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