The Prophets Blog; Prophet Ken Cox “The Curse of My Enemy”

The Prophets Blog; Prophet Ken Cox “The Curse of My Enemy”
Greetings again in Jesus Name. Prophetess Cox and I thank God for each of you, and as we enter this Holiday season. Let's stop worrying about the economy and focus on our relationship with God. I'm thankful to each of you for your reading the Blogs and the messages you send us. We are really touched, and humbled by your responses.

Because this is the time of year in a traditional sense that we reflect, and give thanks renew relationships and generally prepare for a new year. Maybe I'm trying to bundle everything here but I trust you get the implied message here. Lets talk about a subject that you don't hear a lot about " The curse of Your Enemy".

We know that a curse is a doomed occurrence that moves within family circles from generations to generations. We know that a curse will cause some sort of trouble, unnatural habit, infirmity, or general discomfort in some sort of uncommon nature. When we are able to identify "The Curse of your enemy", you move into a new level of the Anointing.

The Word of God tells us to love our enemies.(Matthew 5:48) We are mandated to do this. When someone wrongs us, bad mouths us, or even destroys our dream, we surely identify them as an enemy quickly. People come in and out of our ministries, we may see them as permanent, but sometimes their assignment is only temporary. We may even see the spirit of an enemy upon them during the separation process. We feel let down, disappointed, and seek spiritual comfort within our circles. How do we handle our enemies determines the power we are able to operate in. This is a tough pill to swallow within the confines of our justified anger.

I've come to understand why an enemy is so important in ones life. They really do push you closer to God. They are assigned to our life in certain ways, to bring Glory to the Kingdom of God. What we must understand because many times they will be cursed from a previous generation and they are acting in an acceptable way for them, but it is not acceptable to you. David understood this about Saul, and never once did he harm Saul, although he had ample chances to do so. Can we say the same for our enemies? Or do we spend valuable time planning their demise, as they did ours? Did we ever once look at that person and see the curse they operate under? The curse will not make them right, but if you look you with a spiritual eye, you can't help but understand why people do the illogical, irresponsible, and simply unholy things they do. Some how they want it validated in the Name of Jesus. We wonder why God allows some ministries to do more with less? Because they understand this kingdom principle of God.

We must understand that the habits of one generation are the addiction of another generation. Habits are passed just like customs and traditions , we simply come to accept them in people and this allows them to mature whether they are healthy or unhealthy. The behavior we allow in our lives will become the accepted norm of our next generation. This is why it is difficult, but not impossible, to break a curse. Most will not want to do the required work necessary for change.

When we sense an enemy, do we ever wonder why they are operating the way they are? Do we look beyond the surface, and see why they are hurting. It's true, hurting people really do hurt people. They become our adversary and fuel us to in turn hurt someone else, who we may or may not think will hurt us. It's a test for us to accept differences within each other and yet, the word is clear to love your enemies. Clearly there are differences within you and your enemy. They see your perceived weakness and you see a mirror of similar inadequacies within them. We now officially have differing opinions who will seek circles of like minds to validate what they see, feel, and perceive in the Spirit. ( And the Church said AMEN!)

What makes them our enemy is not the question, the bigger question is what fuels them to become our enemy? Obvious facts such as background, family, social connections, are the usual villains that produce the manifestation of an earthly enemy. That's an assignment that they are on. They did not know at birth that they would be an enemy, but what was passed to them generationally was and has been released within our lives. This is where we must recognize who is around us. Are they here for a reason or a season?

Lets take the spirit of Jealously for example. Jealously is one of the Demonic realms Top 4 Field Generals that moves from generation to generation. The jealous spirit becomes an addiction because it was a habit of a previous generation that was never defeated.

The first and foremost thing we must do is recognize a jealous spirit and then we will understand that it is a curse because someone was hurt, by "a not enough spirit" in some area of one's life and then it was passed to a family member. You now come in contact with that family member and your mission is to love this person whom is your sworn enemy. When Cain killed Abel, he was jealous of his acceptance by God. What Cain had was "not enough" but he would not ask God why? All he did was become an enemy of his brother, Abel. This was the Bible's first killing. When you identify an earthly enemy, they have an ultimate motive to kill you spiritually or physically and many times both. I want to help you identify this enemy so we can take the steps to defeat this enemy in all our lives.

Here are the basic 4 types of a Jealous Spirit. These are the result of curses make no mistake.

1. "The Quiet Spirit"....The spirit never has anything positive to acknowledge towards you! This spirit chooses to ignore your Blessings, and glorify theirs. Understand this spirit feels that your blessings do not count or matter. The spirit has a cousin called.."I'm more important than you Spirit". These jealous demonic spirits work hand in hand.

2. "The Are you Sure Spirit"...This spirit ask this question frequently in this, or a similar manner. It will ask, but never provide you with answers, or solutions that you can use. This is the cousin spirit of "The if it was me spirit" . The funny thing is that the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Party information spirits are always best friends of "The Are You Sure Spirit". Other cousin spirits of this spirit are"The In Your Face Displeasure Spirit and "The I want Your Place Spirit".

3. "The I don't want You to Know Spirit" This spirit doesn't want you to know what they know.
They feel it will diminish the "me' in their mind. "The I don't want you to know Spirit" specializes in this concept. I want to know your business but (me) share mine with you?" You must be crazy!" Don't you find it funny that this spirit always knows a better way, but never wants to reveal it openly? This spirit will only release it after the fact! ( In the "like" spirit of "after preaching" and "after prophesying", which are cousin Spirits)

4. "The I Release Myself Spirit" ...This spirit works when a person(s) distances themselves from you or your spirit. They lack the character to tell you why directly, but find alternative reasons for the unexplained release. You must understand that the distance is not in what you are doing, but in the "perceived perception" of what they see. Perception is everything when you allow limits in your life. Understand this, "They Will NOT", and You Will, so they can't function where "They Will NOT" This is why the Anointed release is such a mystery to them. They would rather not physically see your success, so they can speculate freely on your perceived unworthiness of the Anointing. (Maybe you will now understand why sometimes your support is so limited).

Why do we forget James 1: 5, if any lacks, wisdom(the principle Anointing) let him ask? Does you enemy ask God for your gift, or does your enemy ask God to remove you? Cain did not ask God, to show him "why"? before he killed Abel. And if your enemy is speaking to God about you, rest assured God is not listening to a request that will go against his Word. The curse of your enemy is your opportunity to make a mark upon someone's life that will manifest in due season. You may not be able to see the results of your struggle, but God does and he will judge you and elevate you, in your due season. "Thou prepareth a table before me in the presence of my enemies, thou anointeth my head with oil, surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord."

As always thank you for your consideration, time, and thoughts on this subject. I trust God that you will look at your enemy as an opportunity to go to your next level. Thank God for them and allow him to show you how they will launch you to your next level and beyond. Your comments are welcome at , I will respond as appropriate, on this web site or to you directly.

Prophetess Cox and I are coming to your city soon or a city near you! God Bless!

In The Anointing
Prophet Ken Cox

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