I was preparing to write something that is a direct ministration but something happen which I need to share first.

This story that I’m about to write is an incident that happen in my life just recently. But I will be telling part of the story figuratively.

This past few months has really been a trying months in my life (since like June). I have been depressed and un-pressed, broke and patch myself back again, through it all, it has really been God who has kept me.
I happen to be someone who doesn’t speak out a lot about whatever situation that I may be dealing with unless the situation is really glaring and getting out of hands. When you have people around you, who believes in you and they look up to you, the last thing you want to do is fret and present yourself as a broken record or in position of not been able to help yourself. So, whatever the situation, I keep my cool and just put my smiley facade on. But I come to realize that as a leader there is also a need to have some to be accountable to, someone that can encourage and console, someone that will understand the trials you going through or just give you a hug and tell you it will be well.
So, I started searching and one way or the other, I found someone that I believe God has put in this position, who happen to be an acquaintance, and I believe I could trust and be able to share my mind with this person. I made contact with the person, who I like to name as my uncle Bob.
Uncle Bob was only a few years older than I am, but he’s my person that I will like to look up to.
My first conversation with uncle Bob was a surprise for me. The scenario of our conversation was like, I was a little kid that suppose to go out to a fun party with his uncle, but instead of getting ready to go out, this little kid went out to pick a fight, got very beat up with swollen forehead and came back home to uncle Bob to console him. Instead of getting consolation from his uncle, he got whooped for not doing the appropriate thing getting ready for the party. And now that the little kid as gotten a swollen head, his uncle told him, he’s not going to take him out to the party anymore because he can not be seen with a kid that is beaten up with swollen head. Uncle Bob went on his way and the little kid is left with remorse, adding to the pain in his body from the fight.

I thought I was going through a bad time and letting go, even though I tried to be courageous and carry on with different activities. After sharing one of my short coming, the respond I got really weakens my heart. I was looking for consolation instead I got chastised. Minutes after the phone conversation, my eyes were with tears, for the things I should have done right but never get to do and never make enough effort to get it done. The day after the conversation, I felt sick remembering what I heard. 2 days after, I still feel like shit to myself. I have never had anyone who has strongly challenge me like this person did in recent time. I have had friends that encourage me to carry on, it will be well. But this time I was made to face my pains and regrets and find a way to deal with them.
My struggle remains, I’m still trying to find solutions to life situations around me, and I’m also working on making sure my friendship with my uncle Bob remains good and encouraging.
Today is the third day after our conversation, even though I emailed uncle Bob after our conversation to let him know how I felt, I have also text him to thank him and ask about his day. I have not heard anything from uncle Bob and I don’t how I will feel today remembering the conversation.
And with all these happening, my birthday is actually tomorrow, Thursday 30th, and I have never been so glad, to actually see my birthday come.

Peace and Grace.

Leave me a comment if you can, I will appreciate it.

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