Have you ever been 100% sure of something only to find out that you were wrong? Let me tell you I've been there and done that several times in my life. We are fallible humans who make mistakes in our judgments, in how we think about things, and in our opinions constantly. With that in mind, I want to send a word of caution your way concerning judging those who God is using to spread the gospel.

In this world, we all have varying levels of education, we’re all at different stages of development, we all have different levels of intelligence and we all are different ages chronologically speaking. Wouldn't it be ridiculous for a 4th grader to be exposed to a college undergraduate's lecture on physics, then leave the class and go out telling everyone that the lecture was totally and completely wrong because he didn't understand it? You might say, "Well Greg, the point you're trying to make is obvious". Yes, but this sort of thing happens in the Body of Christ all the time.

Sometimes we tend to discount a word that God may be delivering through a speaker if we don't understand it, if it's not delivered in a way that's easy for us to receive, or if it's something that appears to go against what we've previously been taught. But then we compound things, by leaving the service speaking negatively about the speaker and his message.

God uses many different "delivery systems" to get His Word across to us. We all have our own way of receiving God's Word. I have about 5 different bible teachers whom I receive best from. But even when it comes to my 5 preferred teachers, all of them have said things from time to time that I didn't necessarily agree 100% with.

Maybe I'm not at the spiritual maturity level to understand or grasp the things that I didn't agree with. Maybe the statement or subject that I didn't agree with was a college topic when I'm only in the 4th grade spiritually speaking. Maybe the Word in that particular service was delivered in a way best suited for someone else to receive and not me. So in these cases, wisdom would dictate that I take what I can use from the message and apply it to my life and I leave what I can't use on the shelf.

Beware of leaving situations like the above and talking negatively about the speaker or his message. Think about this for a moment. God uses people to deliver His Word to mankind. Are you prepared to stand before God and explain to Him why you had disparaging words to say about a speaker He appointed who's delivery style or subject matter you didn't agree with?

In the worst case scenario, what if the man of God was willfully leading God's people astray. Do you think that God is not capable of taking care of that situation and seeing to it that retribution comes to the wrong doer? God is well able to take care of His sheep.

But on the other hand, what if you take it upon yourself to be the official "corrector of the church" and you are mistaken in your judgment? What if, in your opinion, you're 100% certain that what the man of God has to say is wrong, when in reality you're the one who's wrong? You could find yourself in a position of fighting against God (which is not a very good place to find yourself in).

As I began this message, I can look back on situations in my life where I would have bet all that I had (if I were a betting man), that I was right on given situations in my life only to find out later that I was dead wrong. I'd rather not have that happen where judging and speaking against someone whom God may be using to deliver His Word is concerned. I think I'll play it safe and leave all judgment in these cases to the just judge.

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