Anger Brings Destruction Physically & Emotionally

Proverbs 22:24} Make no friendships with a man given to anger, and with a wrathful man do not associate.

God has been putting this Scripture on my heart so much these days. Maybe because I've been praying for a few angry people that I know. Ever associate with angry or wrathful people? I know I have. In fact God has pulled me away from such people. God pulls you away from close friends too who behave in ways that are not pleasing to God. As hard as it has been for me, the Lord has done exactly that with me with a person in my life whom I love very much. Anger, rage and emotions drive this person. But I stand in the gap and continue to pray for healing and deliverance. Why wouldn't God want us hanging around with such people? Because it can spill over on us and we can begin to operate in such things. As hard as it is to pull away from some people, we have to obey the Spirit of God and allow Him to deal with them. Often times when we operate in negative things we will run to this person and that person for prayer or even ask what we can do to change ourselves or change the situations in our lives. Why do we do that when we should go directly to God? He is the only One who can go deeply enough to set us free from things we should not be operating in or things that have come to attack us. He is the Deliverer, He is the Healer!

Oh, we could go around and tell people what we feel they should change in their lives, but what good would that do? There is nothing we can do to ''fix'' the person or the problem. That's God's job. What the Lord has shown me through prayer is that many who operate in anger and rage will always think that something that comes up in their thought process is "thus sayeth the Lord" or '' the Holy Spirit told me to do this" when all the time they are being led by their emotions. We need to remember that the heart is very deceitful and we can be deceived by our own thoughts, desires, wants and emotions. That is why when we see people pulling away from us in any way we need to go to God and say: Ok Lord, what is going on? Search my heart and see if there is any wicked way in me. And when He does show, we need to be quick to repent. Most of all we need to allow Him to go into the deepest parts of our souls that need healing and deliverance. Many are afraid to do that. Makes me wonder why. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Who wouldn't want that? Unless, of course, we are enjoying our pity parties or the power we think we have over others.

Angry people are very impatient, rude and just can't seem to say anything nice to anyone or about anyone. Angry people will always want their way and to be right above everyone else. Angry people will not be open to hear anyone's point of view and they surely won't be open to good advice or correction. Angry people will refuse to repent of their actions or their words that were said to hurt someone. Either that or they will say they are sorry and continue into the same habits as before. Nothing changes. The same life style patterns repeat themselves over and over again. Angry people don't have many friends. Angry people often will have a spirit of usery where they will connive and find a way to get something out of someone that they desperately want. One example is that they will hint and pull on your heartstrings until they get it. Angry people have many issues attached to their anger like..jealousy, receive rejection where there is none, unforgiveness, bitterness, intimidation and so many other negative things that can come in. So if you know anyone that has these issues pray for them. But be very cautious that you don't get around them too often especially if the Lord tells you to back off.

I am so amazed when I put my fingers to this keyboard and ask the Lord what He wants me to share. He seems to always go in a direction I would never have thought to go in. But many of us need to hear what He is saying. We need to remember that we are Ambassadors to Christ. We should operate in His character in every way. Just as John the Baptist ushered in and made way for Christ's first coming, so we too are here to usher in Christ's second coming!! Really think about that for a moment! God desires to fill us with His full glory this year. So we need to line up our walk with His Word and to be faithful and obedient in everything He has commanded us to do. When we are truly humbled and submitted to God 100% we will be amazed to how God will use us. We need to remember that Jesus said we would do greater things than He did. But the key is to be totally submitted to Him and to this walk. God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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