Are Cheney/Bush & The Republicans the ANTI-CHRIST Agents?

Hi Blessed believers, during the 8 yr. Bush administration reign of terror, the actions of Bush/Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the republicans repeatedly showed them to be 'liars, deceivers,' of whom 'the truth abideth not in.' Their lies wrought the death of countless numbers of our soldiers.

The Bible tells us that the forerunners or preparers of the way for the Anti-Christ would be they who would, 'cast truth to the ground' (Dn. 8:12,23-25).

We know the Republican party under the Bush administration did just that. We also know they were backed by none other than the so-called Christian right who could very well be the 'false church', 'deceiving and being deceived' (2 Tim. 3:13). Scripture says, 'by their fruits (works) you shall know them' (Lk. 6:44).

Let's examine the fruit of Cheney/Bush, the Republicans and by extension the Christian right or so-called. These illegally stole the white house in the 2000 election. They took away the Constitutional right to have the American Floridian votes recounted. Instead, they, with contempt for the masses took the 'voting' rights of the American people to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court was at that 2000 time comprised of 5 conservatives and a combination of 4 moderate/liberals. Ofcourse, the right to re-count the American vote was stopped by the majority conservative Supreme court. Clarence Thomas, the sole black male on the court, with a stroke of his pen, gave the white house to George Bush.

It's ironic that he, this lone black male, literally cast down the 'votes' of every Black vote in his decision to vote against restarting the Floridian recount. Nay, No, Nada, it was more than 'ironic' it was an obscene, preposterous, blaspemous, 'evil' that Clarence Thomas was the decisive stroke of the pen that more or less cancelled the vote of black Floridians whose ancestors had fought and died that Blacks, along with whites, and all Americans, might have their vote counted. Ichabod! That means, 'There Is No Glory!' (1 Sam. 4:21 LB).

Yes, this foolish, blind, deceived male Clarence Thomas, wrought an evil that would bring us to the horrific state that caused not only the senseless wounds and death of our soldiers, including our beloved African/American soldiers illegally sent to Iraq, but would wrought the near decimation of the United States economic system as we have known it, The catastrophic loss of jobs of countless African/Americans right along with all other Americans. Oh, indeedy, when the Bible states, 'one of you shall chase a thousand', it is speaking of the power of one voice, one being who can alter the lives of countless for good or evil (Jos. 23:10). So was the power of this one man, and so was it his hand, that is just as responsible for what was wrought upon 'we the people' of the U.S. at the hands of Bush/Cheney, the Republicans and so-called Christian right who fooled people into voting for these alleged 'Of God' right-wingers.

Oh, the power of 'one!' Don't believe it? Well, that fact was proved in this last 2008 Minnesota Senatorial race that got the Democrat Al Franken a Senate seat. If Mr. Franken had not had the right to recount, such as was taken away from the Florida voters in 2000, he would not now as it stands, be the official Democratic Senator barring some Republican sinister, last ditch effort. Again, Oh, the power of One to as Scripture would proclaim, 'cast truth to the ground' (Dn. 8:12).

Once these alleged, 'men of God' Republicans took the helms of power they sought to literally 'abort' the Middle Class to the status of the poor. Yes, like a perverted Robin Hood Bush, went about 'stealing from the poor and Middle Class and giving to the rich.' This he did, with the blessing of the so-called Christian right. This the Republicans did notwithstanding the 'cursing' of the God of the Bible whose word repeatedly states, 'the rich are the enemy of Christ' (Mk. 10:25; James 2:6; etc.).

"And They Cast Truth To The Ground" (Dn. 8:12, 23-25).

These same republican alleged 'men of God' sought to abort 'Affirmative Action.' This they did through 'deception'. They used the ire of so-called 'nice, HATE-FILLED' believers, the same mind you, who depending on their age, supported segregation and laughed at the bombing of the Birmingham 4 children, the lynching of countless thousands of African/Americans, and withstood, and denounced President Johnson who signed in the 1964 Civil Rights bill. In fact, much of what is now called the Christian Right are they who with fist raised to a Just and Righteous God who was fighting FOR African/Americans and AGAINST white injustice, laughed at the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King. They swore, with balled fist raised to a Just God, that they 'would never vote Democrat again' and so they haven't! All of a sudden, God was a Republican! '

And They Cast Truth To The Ground' (Dn. 8:12, 23-25).

These same so-called Christ-like Republican leadership bred their voters to unjustly attack President Bill Clinton. They roted the same exact 'hate' that the alleged 'god-like' Republicans roted. When they could find no political wrong in President Clinton, they went after his PRIVATE personal shortcomings. Had they been around in David's day when he had the adulterous affair with that African woman BathSheba, they would have lynched him (2 Sam. 11). In fact, in as much as they did it to Clinton, they did it to King David. Make no Mistake about it!

"And They Cast Truth To The Ground" (Dn. 8:12,23-25).

In fact, so hateful were they towards what they alleged was 'bad liberals' and of course, 'bad blacks' who would rather deal with 'liberals' who were not religious hypocrites throughout history, than deal with 'evil, demonic alleged 'God fearing' beings who were'.

Mind you, not that all Caucasians who believed in God were of that make-up for history tells us that the Quakers were instrumental in denouncing our ancestor's unjust enslavement. There were ofcourse, myriads of others who went by all sorts of different faiths who were just as instrumental at decrying this injustice, as well as the injustice of segregation. In fact, there were atheists whites, who did just as much while the bulk of white so-called 'Christian America' justified the evil then, just as they justify the evil today. Yes, 'they cast truth to the ground' (Dn. 8:12).

The Republicans not only sought to 'abort' Affirmative action, the Middle Class, but they went after 'unions,', and every other safety net that God used His true righteous children to set up to stop the rich, white elitist who controlled all the wealth. Many a working man/woman, died for the right of union protection that the so-called Christian Right now 'curse.' The only ones they bless as Christ-like are the rich. The same rich who had spent centuries showing preference and giving handouts solely to other white males ike unto themselves while denying everyone who was NOT like them that same opportunity. This they gallishly did while having the gall to refer to themselves as a 'Christian nation.'

Of course, the common sense mind, would ask, 'well how can the modern day right-wingers/Christian right get away with this hypocrisy?' Well, they hid their deceit under 2 issues, abortion and homosexuals.

Yes, they alleged that the sole answer to the 'abortion' crisis was to 'curse' the Democratic party which was/is a Lie! In reality, the answer is for them to take some of the countless millions they are hauling in from the poor and Middle Class who they have been deceiving and do an outreach towards the heart's of women. Put up billboards, shout it from the housetop on their radio, television, Internet access that God loves women and the unborn are precious in His sight. Set up programs, apartments, adoption centers within the church for women. Just as they sent their flock to abortion centers, send them to the neighborhoods of the 'poor' that they allegedly care so much about. Yeah, that would have been something 'Christ-like' to behold!

As for the social issues with regard to "homosexuality', well we saw God move on the nation's heart to vote Democrat while simultaneously voting against 'homosexual same-sex marriage' so how then can they continuously LIE and proclaim, God is 'punishing the 'bad masses' who resisted the rich, racist elitist who brought this country to bankruptcy? How then can they show such utter contempt against God's masses?

Bottom line, these right-wingers and the so-called Christian right, 'Cast truth to the ground' just like Scripture says the anti-Christ will do. Therefore, they are more the enemies of Christ than the alleged 'bad' democrats.

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