Are You In Step With The Army Of The Lord?

Joel 2: 7-8)They run like mighty men; they climb the wall like men of war. They march each one (straight ahead) on his ways, and they do not break their ranks. Neither does one thrust upon another; they walk every one in his path. And they burst through and upon the weapons, yet they are not wounded and do not change their course.

God is calling each one of us to be mighty men of war. He is calling us to be warriors who keep in step and do not break our ranks nor allow anything to pull us away from our walk. We are in a spiritual war but God is turning the tables on our enemies. In the spirit God has shown me His people walking line after line, shoulder to shoulder and nothing being able to penetrate that barrier. Nothing! That is the importance of being connected together as a Body. We are to march together forward and not turn away from this walk in any way. We are not to compromise our walk with the things of this world. In my spirit I know that God is doing a new thing. He is bringing about changes within each one of us to make us more victorious than we've ever been. He is bringing us to a place where nothing and no one will be able to stop us. No weapons formed against us are going to prosper but be cast down in Jesus name!

God has so been speaking to my heart about being very aggressive with His Word and with His name. Yet those of us who have one foot in the world and one foot in our walk will not be effective in what God is doing. It is time to get serious and to seek God as never before. He has to be first priority in our lives. Why? Because for those who are faithful in obeying Him in what He has commanded us to do, He is about to overtake us in blessings, anointings and power. Has your walk been compromised in any way? Are there things in your life that is taking priority over Jesus? Are you seeking God with all of your heart and mind? Are you obeying all His commands? These are questions we need to ask ourselves in these times. We also need to let the Holy Spirit search our hearts to see if there is any wicked way in us.

I was about to do another sharing today when the Lord put this one on my heart. There is an urgency in my spirit and it's time we step up to the plate and get our houses in order. Time is short and Jesus is coming soon. Will you have your lamps full on His coming? Or will you be like the foolish virgins who had no oil in their lamp and missed the coming of the King? When we do not change our course, our walk, with God then nothing can wound us. That is what God is trying to show us today. The power within the unity of ranks in the Body of Christ is more powerful than we can imagine. No wonder the enemy is very busy getting us out of churches and away from God's people. Wake up church! God is on the move and many Christians today are missing it completely. I would really urge you to seek God, be very sensitive to the Spirit and get connected in a Holy Spirit filled and empowered church. Don't think just because you are born again you will be in the rapture. We need to be in step with the army of the Lord. Something to think on folks. Let's finally get it together and step up to the plate shall we? God bless you, I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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