Matthew 7:21-23)Not everyone who says to Me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Then I will declare to them solemnly, I never knew you. Depart from me you evildoers.

Too many Christians today think that being saved is the only thing to it. That is where their walk stops! Many figure as long as they make it by the tip of their teeth that's ok. Well, it's not. Not according to God's Word. This is a time where we need to get serious and realize that God has stipulations in His word that we need to obey. Too many of us today are on the left, where the goats will be, rather than on the right, where the sheep should be. This is a message I heard in my church yesterday and the Lord really impressed it on my heart to share it today. Time is short people and we have to dig in and get to work. If there is anything in us that is wrong, we need to ask God to go in and fix those things.

Many Christians today are disobedient to God's word and are completely oblivious and blind to that fact. Are we truly doing the will of our Father in Heaven? Many of us aren't. There is a last great revival to take place very soon before Jesus comes for His bride and each one of us needs to clean house and get ready. Are you left or are you right?

Are you connected to a Body, in a Holy Spirit filled church? If not, then you are left. You are in disobedience to God's word to not forsake the gathering of yourselves together. Spending time with one or two Christians just isn't going to cut it anymore with God. The Lord is moving in His Body and we need to be connected and obedient to receive the benefits. As the Lord put it in my heart a while back: To be a Lone Ranger is to be in Danger. There is so much protection and power in the corporate assembling of the Body together. There is a move of the Holy Spirit taking over that many are missing on.

Are you truly seeking Him with all your heart? If not, again you're on the left. God's word says to seek Him (daily) with all our hearts and everything we need will be added on to us. And I"m paraphrasing here. Too many of us are too lazy to even pick up the Bible and read it, never mind study it. If we're not studying it, then again, we are on the left. God says to study His word to rightly divide and to show ourselves approved by God.

Are you being involved in things that tear down the Body of Christ such as gossiping, lying, accusing, judging, criticizing etc? If you are, once again you are on the left. We are to build up, encourage and walk in love at all times and under all circumstances. God loved us when we were in sin, who are we to not love the sinner? God says to love the sinner but hate the sin. God's word also says not to judge or criticize anyone. It's not our job. We all have a Holy Spirit, allow Him to do the work in each one of us.

These are just a few samples that we need to look at in our lives. If we take the time to get into God's word, the Holy Spirit will show us where we are left instead of being right. We need most of all to work on our relationship with God, then our relationships with one another. God is love, who are we to be any less? Are you doing the will of God today? Remember that the Word says that the path to God is very small indeed. Being born again is not enough. We are to obey God and His word, but most of all to be quick to do His will and His work. If we are lazy or slack in anything, then we are left and not right. Let's get right today! I don't know about you but I want to hear "Well done good and faithful servant!" The words that would totally break my heart and destroy me would be "Depart from Me, I know you not!" How much do we love Jesus? How much are we obeying Him and His word? Food for thought. This is something that God has given us today that we need not ignore. Let us do a deep and total heart search and allow God to remove things which are not glorifying Him. Let us become a true walking, living testimony of God's character. In this way we will become too blessed to be stressed. Amen? God bless you, I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could.

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