Assassins in the Sanctuary (Dealing With Hurt Acquired in the Church Setting - It's Time to Get Over It!) - TONIGHT!!!

Assassins in the Sanctuary -(It's Time to Get Over It!) - TONIGHT!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
10:00 p.m. (EST)
9:00 p.m. (CST)
7:00 p.m. (PST)

Adrienne Williams, D.Min.

School of the Prophets Teleconference Line
(This session will be taught in conjunction with Prophet Marc Richardson, Deliverance Prayer Night facilitator.)
Dial: (269) 320-8200
Access: 693355#

This teleconference session will deal with the myth behind what many are calling "church hurt." This will primarily be a time to address the issues of those who have been hurt while serving in the church setting.

There are too many in the body of Christ who are currently being held in a holding pattern concerning this subject because they have not yet released feelings of bitterness and unforgiveness to begin to walk in the deliverance that has already been given to them!

God is saying that it's time to release, get over it and WALK into your destiny! No more delay!!!

I will be facilitating this session during the time of the Deliverance Prayer Call (with Prophet Marc Richardson). God led me to teach during this time so that we are able to go into prayer immediately after the teaching and RELEASE some things!

If you have experienced or are currently struggling with any type of hurt that occurred while you were serving in the church/ministry setting and you are still struggling with the pain, this call is for YOU. It's time to walk in the deliverance that has ALREADY been made available to you!

Your Assignment (for this session)

E-mail me your prayer requests or area of struggle to You may also e-mail any questions that you would like to hear addressed during this session. The identity of those sending in questions will remain anonymous. We will read and answer the question only.

Blessings be unto each of you,
Adrienne Williams, D.Min.
United Nations International Ministries
Prophetic Institute International

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