Matthew 24:23-25} If anyone says to you then, Behold, here is the Christ (the Messiah) or, There He is!---do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive and lead astray, if posssible, even the elect (God's chosen ones).

God has warned us this year to be very discerning and to make our ears very in tune with God's voice. Why? Because already many are rising up as false teachers, false prophets and many will come saying they are Christ. If any of us have studied the Bible we all know how Jesus is going to come. No human being will have to tell us that He's here. We will know! We really need to practice walking in the spirit more than our flesh. We need to stop seeing with our natural eyes and start seeing with our spiritual eyes. Just as we have to stop understanding with our natural mind and open up our spiritual understanding. How do we do this? By spending quality time with the Lord and studying His word. It takes more than reading it folks. Also it wouldn't hurt to ask the Lord to open up our spiritual eyes and understanding.

Whether we like to hear this or not, we as God's people, are going to go through some very hard times. But if we stay in intimacy with the Lord He will get us through. He will supply all our needs when unbelievers are in lack. So many today are being deceived by thinking they do not have to be in church, they don't have to study the word, and so on. They are out there on their own and believe me when I say that right now this is a dangerous place to be in. Many are in churches that keep doing the same thing week after week when all the time the Holy Spirit is moving and doing something new. It's time we stop putting our religions and our religious programs ahead of what God wants to do! Through wanting our own way we are creating dead churches.

By that I mean that we see no move of the Spirit, no healings, no deliverances, no utterances of words of wisdom, knowledge and prophecy. All these things should be in operation in our churches if we are truly led by the Spirit of God. God wants us to operate in His wisdom and knowledge, which by the way is so much higher than ours. That means taking our stinking thinking out of His way. He is preparing us for the days to come. If you're out there on your own, you're in danger. Whatever works to keep us from forsaking the assembling together of ourselves the enemy will use. If you have a touchy spirit, that means if you are easily offended, then he will use someone or something to get you to leave church. Satan will use people and situations and yes, I have even seen him use Christians. Many Christians today have a gypsy spirit, they cannot stay in one place, they jump and move all the time when God is telling them to stay where He is putting them. And sadly enough, they stay in that same vicious circle all their lives.
Our discernment will not be sharpened for such a time as this if we do not discipline ourselves to study God's word. It's wonderful that we have teachers, but God commands us to study His word FOR OURSELVES not only to be able to discern what is right and what is wrong, what is evil and what is good, but we seem to overlook the second half of this command: TO SHOW YOURSELVES APPROVED UNTO HIM! God will not bless disobedience. And let's face it, many Christians today are in rebellion and disobedience. Now I'm not saying we all are, I am saying many are. We really need to take the time daily to get into God's presence and to ask Him to show us what areas in us are in disobedience. And once He shows us, we need to step up to the plate, acknowledge it, repent of it and change our ways.

It's time for the church, the people of God, to step up and step out! It's time to stop playing church and to stop hiding our light under a bushel! I'm not saying to get out there and start beating people over the head with God's word. That doesn't work because many don't want to hear it and it tends to push people away. Not to mention that those in the world are discerning enough to see that some of God's people are hypocrites and not living the word for themselves. We need to be representatives of who Christ is. To show His love, His generosity, His forgiveness...everything that is Him. It's not about us and it's time we stop being self-centered and selfish and start being God centered and people focused. God will enable us to do things in the days to come we thought we could never do. All He wants is a willing heart, a willing vessel.

I just wanted to share something real quick here, not to blow my own whistle but to give God glory. I recently went to an event where men of God gave their time to fix cars for widows and women who are alone. That is showing the character of God! They didn't charge a thing for this service. But what blew me away is what happened while I was in the lobby. People were coming to me, I didn't have to go to them. I share God's love by hugging them, listening to their problems, praying with them and giving them a cross that I make with the salvation message. I even had a little child come up to me and hug me! He would not stop hugging me! His mom asked if I minded, I say no, not at all. Eventually that little boy laid in my lap and God told me to lay hands on him and pray for him because he was sick. So I obeyed. After a few minutes he told his mom he felt better. His mom gave me a hug and thanked me, I gave them a cross and told them I just did what God led me to do. God is bringing them to us! But we have to get out there. Be open to do whatever God tells you, even if it doesn't make sense. Just obey! This is how blessings will come into your life. This is how you will have favor with God! But most of all, this is how you will give God glory by letting others see Jesus in you. Many are readers of the word but not doers. Let's change that. It's time to let our light shine folks. And please, get connected, God is moving in our churches! God bless you. I love you, but Jesus loves you so much more than I ever could. Below is a word the Lord gave me last week, I hope you will take the time to read it, go to God with it and be open to obey it.


Listen carefully and heed what I have to say to you this day. You are entering a new realm of My glory. I ask you again to let me out of your man made religious boxes. Over and over I have led you to step into your gifts, to enter into the freedom of My Spirit. Yet again and again you keep going back to your man made rituals, programs and what you think may be pleasing to Me. What is pleasing to Me is your full surrender and obedience. Follow the leading of My Spirit at all times and in all places. It is your obedience to My leading that pleases Me greatly. This is how you obtain great favor with Me. It is not you being in your churches every time the doors open. It is being finely tuned to My voice and very sensitive to My Spirit. Have I not said to be sensitive to My Spirit this year? I long to do a new thing, a glorious thing among My people. I see your fasts, I hear your prayers, yet why do you continue in the same old rituals?Allow Me freedom in your services, let Me take over. Then you shall see great and mighty things.
You have among you, sitting in your midst, many prophets. You have among you many who have the gifts of healing, deliverance, wisdom and knowledge. Why are you not nourishing those who are so greatly anointed by Me? Why are not these gifts operating in your midst? Seek Me, really seek Me and I will reveal them to you. I can tell you why such as these are not stepping out, but will you listen? You are in love with your religions, your programs, your doctrines and you constantly walk away from your First Love. Listen carefully, it is not what you think you need to do that impresses Me. It is what I tell you to do and what you obey in doing that greatly pleases Me. I am about to shake up the churches of this nation. I am about to shake up the people of this nation. There is a stronghold of religious demons in this nation and I am about to shake it loose. Satan is trying to choke the life out of My people, but I tell you he will not succeed for I have raised a banner against Him and My people will be victorious and rise up courageously and boldly in My power and by My Spirit says the Lord. I desire My people to be healed, delivered and set free in ways they cannot even imagine. I desire My people to prosper in all their ways.

Did My disciples go to school to get degrees and scholarships in order to do the work that I have called them to do? No they did not! They grabbed a hold of the Truth and they knew that I had given them everything they need to made an impact in this world. They recognized who they were in Me! When will you grab a hold of this truth? When will you stop playing church and allow My Spirit to touch, heal and set free a very devastated and hurting world? It is not by your might, nor by your power, it is not by your set programs and religious ways, it is by MY SPIRIT!

I am He who has called you! I am He who has anointed you! I am He who has equipped you with everything you will need in the days to come! Step into your anointings and gifts! Follow the lead of My Spirit! Let Me out of your man made boxes! The world desires to see, feel hear and experience Me and they will through each of you who are open enough to allow Me to take over. Another great shaking is coming, first to My Body then to the world. All shall come to know that I AM and have done this great thing! Are you willing to allow Me to take over in every area of your lives and your services? Are you willing to allow the gifts I have placed in My people to operate fully? I am He who ordains! There will come a time when the whole world will take notice and know that you are Mine! Just as My disciples, your mere shadows will heal the sick and set people free. It is My anointing on you, My Power within you but you must be open , very open and obedient. I am going to do a new thing. It is My love, My compassion, My forgiveness, My tenderness, My generosity, My patience, My gifts flowing through each of you that will bring masses of people to you. Many are searching, many are hungry, but the laborers are few for they are too busy playing church.

Do not force My children to do what My Spirit is not leading them to do. For I tell you that those who are truly surrendered to Me will go against the grain of your religious programs and such because they are very sensitive to My Spirit and will always follow the leading of My Spirit. So do not judge them harshly because of what you see with your natural eyes. Open your spiritual eyes to see what I see in them! They have been set free in a very large place. Do you want this freedom? Then stop what you think I want you to do and listen to what I tell you to do. Spend quality time with Me and listen to what I have to say to you. I am always speaking but many never listen. Many are too busy in their religious works. They know of Me but do not know Me intimately. Again I say, be very sensitive to My Spirit for the days to come will bring glorious and dramatic changes in the way you do things. It will be by My Spirit if you allow Me that freedom. Will you allow Me that freedom to touch all people I bring to you? Do not be quick to answer, search your hearts deeply. For there are things I will ask you to do that may make no sense to you but will you obey anyway?

I was radical when I walked the earth and I am asking you to be radical for your God. What is your answer? I wait for your response. And remember, I need you to surrender to My Spirit not for a short time but for all things I will lead you to and at all times. Know that I love you deeply and passionately and I will always do My best for you. My eyes are searching, who will I find that is truly faithful and obedient to Me? Will it be you? A great transformation is coming to My Body, but I need your cooperation.

Hebrews 12:26-27) Then His voice shook the earth, but now He has given a promise: Yet once more I will shake and make tremble not only the earth but also the heavens. Now this expression, Yet once more, indicates the final removal and transformation of all that can be shaken...that is of that which has been order that what cannot be shaken may remain and continue

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