Christian Divorce Recovery Support Group

Kingdom Greetings Women & Men of God,

Did you or someone that you know have the fortunate/and or unfortunate experience of a Divorce? Are you separated from your spouse and in the process of getting a Divorce? Are you still Praying about if your Marriage is over and if you should proceed with a Divorce? Or perhaps you are Divorced and have been for many years or you are Remarried and would like to share and help others as they go through their Recovery.

It has been noted that Divorce among Christians are at a higher rate than non believers. (Especially in Leadership.) There also has been a lack of support for the recovery of those that are Divorced in Christendom as well. I personally have found this to be true when I was in the process of a Divorce myself. January of 2009 marks my 1 year Anniversary of being Divorced. (It is also the same month that I got Married 12 years ago isn't that ironic). I remember looking for some type of support group and I was unable to go to the Married Couples fellowship although I was legally Married. I was going through a Divorce. I also couldn't participate in the Singles Ministry because although I was Single (again) I was legally Married. My relationships had changed with friends and associates as well. It has been 3 years that I have been in Recovery from a Marriage (or so called one). For over a year now it has been on my heart to establish a support group. I have several friends that have been Divorced recently and they are still in their process of Recovery as well. We live in different States and the option is for us to meet via Teleconference monthly or bimonthly. Our Goal is to Start ASAP!

If you or someone that you know would be interested in joining a (Bible Based, Spirit Filled) Christian Divorce Recovery Support Group. Please contact me with the days and time of your availability. This group is for Women. Although I believe there are some Men of God out there that would also appreciate the support as well. So we are willing to open it up to Men too. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A FORUM TO BASH MEN OR OUR FORMER SPOUSES. The objective is for us to get Totally Healed and Delivered from our PAIN! To deal with our issues and to Recover! We will have discussions about Separation, Adjusting to Singlessness, Dating, Rebound relationships, Child Custody support, Alimony, Finances, Self-esteem/Self worth, Depression, Anger, Bitterness, Resentment, Sexual Purity etc. We will start and end all Sessions with Prayer!

Yours in Kingdom Building,
Evangelist/Prophetess Lisa Martin aka Virtuous Lady
Ministry email: or
Personal email:
Ministry voicemail: 1-641-715-3900 X16052#

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