Is Your Church a Praying Church . . . or Not?

Lord, I lift up the Church in our city. Thank You for creating the body as one unit made up of many parts. Help us understand the value of each part as You have arranged them. We confess that we’ve minimized other parts. Forgive us, for we are all baptized by one Spirit into one body. Help us to work at being one: concerned about one another—suffering with and rejoicing with other congregations as appropriate. (1 Cor. 12:12-26)

our congregations are still filled with believers whose corporate prayer experience is listening to their pastor or deacon or group leader pray on their behalf. Even with all the conferences and retreats, resources, and ministries, the preponderance of pew sitters are still expected to do just that; sit and listen in their pew.
Too many Christians are “repeating Kindergarten over and over again” each year, rather than progressing in their practice of prayer. Hopefully, not at your church, not on your watch. Right?

Q. “How can I determine if the prayer life of our church is strong or weak?”

Church used a survey to determine the depth of prayer throughout his congregation. Consider customizing the questions to fit your congregation. The use of a survey is an excellent way to remind and motivate members toward prayer and would be more effective if juxtaposed with a sermon or series of messages on prayer.


As the Prayer Action Team, we are asking your help with an important survey. Our goal is to form small group Bible study/prayer times that reach every interested individual in our church family. Please answer the following questions honestly and we are requesting that you do not give your name.

GENERAL QUESTIONS: Please circle that which applies –
Male or Female?

Age Group:
12 or under 13 – 18 19 – 25 26-35
36-49 50-65 Over 65
Married Single Widow Widower?
Do you have children under the age of 6?
Do you have children ages 6-18?
Are you employed outside the home? Full-time or Part-time?
1. Do you have a personal prayer time each day?

2. What part does prayer play in your daily life?

3. What are your major prayer interests? For example, family, missions, pastors and church family, government, social issues, spiritual warfare.

4. Do you have a prayer partner(s)?

5. Are you comfortable praying: a) in a small group b) in a large group c) out loud d) one-on-one e) with your children f) with your spouse g) with someone you don’t know? Please circle all that apply.

6. Do you attend Wednesday evening prayer meeting? Why or why not?

7. What do you like about Wednesday evening prayer meeting? How can it be improved?

8. Do you see prayer included in a meaningful way in our worship services?

9. Have you ever attended our men’s prayer breakfast held on the first Saturday of each month? Would you be interested in attending?

10. Do you attend a small group Bible study? Is this group outside of our church family?

11. Do you think that the phone and e-mail prayer chains are effective? If not, what do you suggest needs changing? Would you like to be added to either of these prayer chains?

12. Would you desire more teaching on prayer? For example, sermons, Bible studies, Sunday School?

13. Do you see prayer modeled in our church meetings and activities?

14. If you serve on a church committee or board, does prayer play a part in decision-making?

15. Would you like to be involved in a small group for the purpose of prayer?

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