God Is Bigger Than Your Problems

Jeremiah 32:17:

17 “O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!

New Living Translation (NLT)

Over the course of my life, I have heard people say the following (and I have said these things, as well ):

•I don't know how I am going to get out of this mess.
•I wonder if God really heard my prayer.
•Can God heal my marriage?
•How are we ever going to pay these bills?
Have you said any of these at some point-in-time in your life? Be honest. My guess is, "yes". Don't be ashamed. We have all done it. Why? Because at the time, we saw our problem bigger than the God who could fix it. Are we supposed to do this? No.

If you are like me, you had to retrain yourself on how NOT to speak negatively. You had to retrain yourself that your God is bigger than your problems. You see, I didn't grow up hearing the postives. I grew up hearing the negatives. If I am describing you, just know that there is hope for you.

Using the examples above, I am going to say the same thing in a positive way:

•Lord, I may not know exactly how I am going to get out of this mess, but one thing I do know is this...You haven't brought me this far to leave me. Since You brought me out of all of my other messes, I know that You are more than able to bring me out of this one, too. Thank You, Lord.
•Lord, I used to wonder if You heard my prayer. Now, I know that You hear my prayers the moment I pray. I know that Jesus is interceding on my behalf. I know that things may not happen when I want them to, or exactly how I want them to. But this I know...my steps are ordered by You, Lord. And I know that whatever is in store for me, that it is for my good, and You are going to get all of the glory, honor and praise from it. Thank You, Lord.
•Lord, this one is easy for me. I know that You can heal and restore marriages. You healed and restored mine. And since You are not a respecter of persons, I know that what You did for me, You can do for others. However, you may say something along this line...Lord, I thank You that my marriage IS (not will be) healed and restored. I thank You for being in the midst of my marriage. I thank You that NO weapon formed against my marriage shall prosper. May Your Will be done.
•Lord, I thank You that all of my bills are paid in full and on time. I thank You that I am debt free and that I am living in the overflow! Lord, I thank You that money is coming from unknown sources--knowing all the while that You are my ultimate Source. I thank You that I have favor with You and with men. I speak death to lack, poverty, financial struggle and generational curses, and I curse those things at the root right now, in the Name of Jesus. I speak life to increase, overflow, divine connections, and opened doors that no man can shut and closed doors that no man can open. I speak life to employment opportunties, advancement within the company, raises and whatever else You have for me. Thank You, Lord.
You see how that works? It goes from doubt to faith-expecting. It goes from wondering if your God is big enough to knowing that you know that you know that He is bigger than your problems.

Key Point: If you need a change in your situation, more often than not you need to change the way you've been talking. You have what you say.


Lord, forgive us for the times that we've doubted You, Your Word and Your power. Move Your mighty hand in our situations. Have Your way, Lord. From this moment forward, may we see You bigger than our current circumstances. May we live by faith and not by sight. I thank You that we already have victory over all of our situations, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

by Lashonda M. Booker
Copyright © 2008

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