Diary of Well Women - Day 1 - "Jesus are you really real?"

Diary of Well Women - Day 1 - "Jesus are you really real?"

JACKIE writes:

Today, I woke up wondering, "Will today be like yesterday's yesterday?" Will I finally experience true happiness or will the cycle of dissatisfaction continue as my relationships seem like a hotel with a revolving door...people check in but they rarely stay.

That preacher was on TV last night talking about Jesus loves me. Why in the world would Jesus love me? Doesn't he know the things I've done? Doesn't he know what has been done to me? Doesn't he know who I really am? I'm like an emotional Nazi hiding in a country after my concentration camp was invaded. No one knows who I really am. No one knows my shame. No one knows my pain. No one knows that I'm wounded from the war within that has been raging since I was gang molested as a child. No one knows...

But something that preacher said last night... I ... I just can't get it out of my head. He said Jesus loves me... the real me. It was as if he saw who I really was. As if... he knew everything that happened in my life. The things I have told no one.

Jesus... are you real? Are you really real? Can you hear my thoughts? I'm afraid to speak out loud...someone might hear me praying. Can you hear me?

I just need someone who can hear the words I don't speak.

I'm in pain Jesus. But I can't tell anyone about it.

It hurts, its lonely, its scary.

My happiness isn't really real. Its like a cold popsicle, it satisfies for a moment and then...its gone.

Is happiness real?

When I was a kid they told me about Santa Claus... but Santa aint real.

When I was a kid they told me about the Easter Bunny...but that bunny aint real

Jesus, are you really real?

~Jackie, Well Woman~


Listen to the song: JESUS IS REAL



My dear Jackie, here is a bottle of water. You look thirsty. Go ahead. Drink up. While you are drinking, let me share something with you.

My sister, I can only tell you that Jesus IS real.

He is more than an experience.

He is more than a feeling.

He is more than just knowledge in your head.

Even though you don't understand gravity, even though you can't see gravity, the evidence of the existence of gravity is all around you. If you don't believe me, stand on a chair and jump off. You will never just float or fly away. You will always fall to the floor. That is the evidence of existence of gravity. Go ahead, try it.

The evidence of Jesus' existence is all around you my sister. He will remove the feelings of guilt from your past when you accept the fact that he has not only forgiven you of your past actions but has also forgotten what you've done. The painful memories your experience is you replaying those moments in your mind. You are choosing to stay in your past. Jesus wants to move you out of that place into fullness of joy. But he won't force you to do it.

You want happiness, Jesus offers you wholeness. Happiness is contingent upon events and feelings. Something goes wrong, you're not happy anymore. But with Jesus, wholeness provides an assurance, a confidence that even when something goes wrong, you know that he has total control and your life is in the palm of his hand...no one can pluck you out of his hand.

Unlike the people you've experienced, Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you. Your life is not a like a hotel to him. Once he checks in, he doesn't leave...he won't go back out thru the revolving door. He wants to come in and sup with you, abide with you, live with you for all eternity. Jesus is not only the truth but he is trustworthy.

He knows your thoughts before you even think them. So, yes, he hears your unspoken words. He sees the tears you cry when no one is around, he hears your silent screams.

Let him comfort your hurting heart. Let him show you the real you...the you that you hide from others. He sees past your representative ... the person that smiles to everyone but is crying and dying on the inside. He sees the REAL you.

Know this...Jesus is REAL and he sees, knows and loves the REAL you.

Listen to this song: YOU ARE MY JOY

~Minister Tracy Curtis~
"One day, I met Jesus at the well"

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