Dr. Anthony A. Yarde

A. Definition of a family:

- A group of two or more persons living together in a household and related to each other by blood, adoption or marriage.

A Christian family:
- A group of people (two or more) who are bound together in a community under God’s direction for two basic purposes:

1. To provide for legitimate relational needs
(a) security
(b) acceptance
(c) love and affection
(d) self-esteem
(e) success
(f) physical needs

2. To communicate, within the context of relationship, life-changing truths about God.

The family stands as a paramount priority as God’s first created social structure.
- Solid families are society’s strongest foundation.

Yet in past decades, several forces have been chipping away at it.
- The drive for self-fulfilment has convinced some parents that divorce will give them “space” to grow.

Feminist rhetoric
- Has convinced many women to delay motherhood and homemaking until later in life
- Also encourages them to jump back into the marketplace as soon as possible
- This puts them under phenomenal stress of trying to be mother, wife and businesswoman.

Men have accepted the cultural line that the way to success, power and prestige is to pour themselves into their work instead of giving priority to family life.

Family is where couples experience the greatest miracle of existence.
- From their love springs another life.

Family is where children are sheltered and nurtured.
- Here they find safety and love
- They see truth lived as well as taught and they develop strength and stability as they move toward independence.

Family is where our children hear about God and have their spiritual lives fashioned and formed.

Family is where we model for the world the picture of Christ and the church
- His unconditional love
- Our happy submission to Him

We must be thankful God has not left us without a pattern to follow.

B. Roles and Responsibilities within the Family

1. The Husband

(a) Must be the head of the home (Genesis 1:26, 2:7; 1 Cor. 11:3, 7, 9)

As the head, the husband must the
1. Leader
2. Provider (1 Tim. 5:8)
3. Protector
4. Spiritual leader of the family (Deut. 4:6, 20; Eph. 6:4)

(b) Must be a lover – The Christ Model (Phil. 2:6-10)
1. Love as Christ loved the Church (Eph. 5:25)
2. Love as own flesh (Eph. 5:28)
3. Love and not be harsh with wife (Col. 3:19(
4. Love and live in an understanding way (1 Pet. 3:7)
5. Love by attending to concerns of wife (1 Cor. 7:33)

(c) Must be a proper role model
1. Proper social, moral, spiritual development of children
2. Development of proper sexual identity in children
3. Development of proper self-esteem in children

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