A Word of Admonition to God's People

Determine in your heart this day the price that you are willing to pay to receive My anointing flowing through you freely. Are you willing to give up those things that you have allowed to distract you from having My intimate presence, or will you continue to allow them to rule and reign in your life?

For this is the day that I am doing a work separating the men from the boys, that is those who are mature enough to say "no" to their flesh, those who are willing to say "no" to the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, and are willing to pick up their cross and follow Me.

This is the day that I am calling My loved ones to My side that they may be mighty, and that they may succeed in every work that I will call them to do. No more will they be called "defeated", but they will be called "mighty conquerors, the righteous ones".

Are you willing to pay that price? Are you willing to crucify your flesh so that you will have My resurrection power flow through you? Well, that's what it will take this day and this hour. You can't have both the satisfaction of appeasing your flesh and still have My anointing flowing freely.

You might have an occasional happening where I was able to use you, but that is not what it is all about. I want to be able to live My life through you. I want others to receive My love radiating through you at all times to set the captives free, to heal the sick, cleanse the leper and yes, to raise the dead, both spiritual and physical.

This is the time and the hour where I want to use your feet to carry My body to where I desire to go throughout the whole world. Yes, I want to wake up My body to the seriousness of the hour, for many will be left to the wayside because I was not able to use them in the great end time harvest of souls. Many will be brought into My kingdom by the multitudes as a result of the signs and wonders following My words flowing through My loved ones.

Yes, My great end time army will rise up and be strong and take over the land. The enemy no longer will appear to be in control, because My people were willing to pay the cost. They were willing to pray that My will be done, My kingdom will come on earth as it is in heaven.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and repent of their wicked ways, then only then will I be able to hear their prayer and heal their land. If they continue to go the way that they've been going, they will dry up, they will lose desire for Me and My word.

For beware this is the day of the great falling away. You can't both have Me and mammon, Me and the world, Me and serving your flesh. There is a price to pay. Do you want it bad enough? Or is it something you think that you want? This is the hour of decision for I am calling forth My army of worshipers. I am ready to release My heart cry so that I can bring in the harvest and through you, My holy ones, I will travail, but you must be ready!

I am calling you this hour. Don't let this call pass you by for this will be the greatest move of My Spirit ever, and I want you by My side! For I love every one of you, My precious ones. I am crying out to you this hour! Will you reply "yes, Lord", or will you let it pass you by?

Word submitted by Yolanda Ballard

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