lil wayne, what else can I say? dude talks about nothing and we buy it."grassroots, jesus on a motercycle, pizza-hut, mcdonald's, I got mine, where did you get yer's, she got the itchy from a man named burg".this is how he makes money, grow some dreds and get tats and you will be a success- this is what our generation thinks is success.

what I have to say is that we are all influenced by what we hear. you can be entertained and interlectually stimulated at the same time.
do you know how many billions this bogus industry called hip-hop generates? when white america thinks about our black men I do not want an image of lil Wayne to pop up... what... See More about langston huges, Obama, musicans that we should take notice of like ben harper? music like "make it rain" is poisining the minds of young girls everywhere.
dont get me wrong, if you can divide entertainment and your personal lifestyle... by all means litsen to what you want.. but the majorty of people who listen to this type of mind destructing music, have not developed the interlect to think for themselves. thats why the "children" in our socity are mixed-up

my children will not listen to hip-hop, like I didn't when I was a child.....I did't say I don't think it's innovative, or creative at all. But there are more ways for a black male to become a success, rather than being a rapper, pro-ball player or singer...And there are more area's for a black female to find a place in the world than singing on a ... See Morestage in a swim-suit, or being someones jump-off in a music video!!

I said it and I will put it on a t-shirt and walk around the mall with it long as the shirt matches my COACH shoes!

I don't know if the Image will change, but I am just addressing the way other people who might not know who lil wayne or any other rapper is. If a person see's lil wayne at the mall without ever litsening to his music what would be there first impression? Tats all over his face baggy jeans and dreads...I would not want to be... See More seen with him, but apart from that the lyrics is what children are repeating. there is power in your tongue.
when I was seven years old I sung "twinkle twinkle little star" not "apple bottom jeans"!
young kids and I mean 2-7 years old, know these songs verb to verb, they cant even read or tie their shoes.
this is a free world, everyone has the right to choose (and I will say again do whatever is best for you), but when the time comes for me to have a family.....I will not subject my sons or daughter's to the Chuvanistic idealism that is called hip-hop....

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