"Integrity Is Not For Sale" - Proper Protocol Ministry Concept

The need for INTEGRITY today is perhaps as great as it has ever been. It is essential for anyone who desires to become a person of influence. So often in today's society, we see character issues coming up in every aspect of life. Sadly, we have more Leaders, TV preachers and prominant Spiritual Pastors fall morally, mothers abandoning children, athletics on the news falling from grace.( The list is insurmontable of concerns ) It seems some view integrity as an outdated idea or viewpiont. The need for integrity today is as great as it has ever been.
As important as integrity is to your spiritual and business success; it's even more critical if you want to become an influencer. ( a leader ) This is the foundation upon which your other qualities are built, such as respect, diginity and yes TRUST!

Your congregation or followers will not grow if there is a lack of trust. For example, if the foundation of a home is not strong, it can not stand a huge storm . If the foundation is sound, then it will hold up agaisnt the raging waters. When we have cracks in the foundation , the stress ( strength ) of the storm deepens the crack until it crumbles under pressure. We must be mindful that where we go the people will follow. Integrity will motivate you to influence people to a life of purpose not false hope and venture.

King Solomon stated " A good name is more desireable than great riches". A good reputation exist as a reflection of a persons character. If good is like gold , then having integrity is like owning the mine. Worry less about what others think, give attention to your inner character. It always start with yourself.

The road of integrity may not be the easiest one, but its the only one that will get you where you ultimately want to go.

Become blessed and showered with much favor as your integrity is NEVER for sale.
LaDonna Mayhew, Proper Protocol Ministry Concepts.....................

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Comment by Minister Theresa Crabtree-White on September 3, 2009 at 3:16pm
I spoke to my youth about this same thing....the same day!! GOD is so awesome
Keep speaking GOD's truth to build up HIS KINGDOM!
Comment by Fadayomi Yinka on August 23, 2009 at 5:56am
Thank you Woman of God,This message is timely. God bless you.
I have a similar book along this side titled, CHARISMA VERSUS CHARACTERS. make your choice.
May the Lord continue to renew your strength day in, day out.
Every leader needs to work on their characters.
It is well.
Evang. Yinka.

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