As I awakened this morning, I was grieved concerning the body of Christ. Because there is such an urgency for us all to transition (spiritually) and become fully functional in the body of Christ, we DO NOT have time to waste!

Many have become stagnant in their present place in the body due to relationships in their lives (whether it be family, friends, church or business relationships.) There are too many "jagged edges" and "unpaid vows" in the body of Christ! We keep starting things and stopping things (establishing no consistency) in our lives, our ministries or our churches.

It is written in Psalm 66:13-14, "I will go into thy house with burnt offerings; I will PAY THEE MY VOWS, Which my lips have uttered, and my mouth hath spoken, when I was in trouble."

Men and women of God, God is calling for US ALL to pay our vows! There are things that we promised God and vowed to God that we were going to do if He delivered us from certain situations when we were in trouble and/or in need. However, we still have not begun to fulfill our vows unto God.

It is time to for us to become STABLE in the body of Christ! It is time to CUT OFF some relationships whether it be friends, family, business or ministry! These are relationships that God has ALREADY spoken to you concerning but you've tarried in severing the tie.

It is written in 1 Samuel 10:9, "And it was so, that when he had turned his back to go from Samuel, God gave him another heart: and ALL THOSE SIGNS CAME TO PASS THAT DAY." If you will notice, Saul only saw "those signs" when he TURNED!

Some of you will not experience God's DUNAMIS power displayed in your lives, churches and ministries until you TURN from some things! The word "dunamis" can be translated by such terms as dynamic, force, power, capacity, potential, potency, capability and faculty (ability, skill, or power). God never intended for us to be a powerless church!

Men and women of God, we've got to actively overthrow the spirit of pride and take on the 6 fold functioning ministry of Jeremiah in our lives. It is written in Jeremiah 1:10, "See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, and to build, and to plant."

But we must fully understand that this 6 fold functionality MUST begin with US individually! There are some things that we MUST continue to allow God to root out, pull down, destroy, throw down, build and plant in US!

If you are “stuck” in a place (spiritually), it is now time for you to reach out (as you are led by God) to those who are TRULY willing to assist you to come to a place of functionality WITHOUT them having any ulterior motives. In other words, there should be those willing to assist you to transition and birth you spiritually whether you join their church/ministry or not! This is about the body of Christ as a whole NOT any particular church or ministry.

Right now, God wants to see fruit produced in His Kingdom! If you don’t know already, prayerfully ask God TODAY to show you what you need to TURN from so that you are able to see His true manifested glory in your life so that HE may be glorified!

I love each of you dearly.

Blessings be unto you,

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