A call to salvatoin,is a thing that i tthink every body need, because i don't think any body want to mis heaven,may while this is my own opinion. My brother and sister, you might think that who am about to introdue to you is not important,but i let you know that this person is the all and all, infact He's the ultimate that you need,if you have not receive him,but before i introdue Him to you,i want to talk about some characters that deprive people to him,some say iam a somcker, some say i am a drunker ,some say the pleasuer of this world is too sweet,so they can not afford to live it,alrght,THE MAN I WANT TO INTRODUE TO YOU IS J E S U E,if you have not know him i tell you some thing is missing in your life, my dearly belove,Jesus need's you,don't consider you status,don't think of the wrong you have done or committed,may be you still consider yourself a sin and that He can not for give you, that is nothing, He's the one that have power to for give sin,no matter who you are,He can for give you all the wrong you ever did,He's waiting for you,JESUS is waiting for you. Revelation 3:20, JSEUS said behold,i stand at the door,and knock:if any man hear my voice and open the door,i will come into him, and will sup with him,and he with me.did you hear that,all He want from you is to accept Him,so that He can redirtect and shape your life again,and be the LORDSHIP of your life,nothing in this world that worth losing JESUS.Matthew 16:26 the bible says what is a man profit ,if he shall gain the whole world,and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? If you read this portion of the bible then answer the question for yourself,what in this world,that you want to lose the kingdom of heaven for,nothing on earth worth loseing heaven,make up your mind to day and follow JESUS,He love you.first corinthian 15:19 the bible says, if in this life only we have hope in christ,we are of all men most miserable, my dearly belove,all that we see in this world are vanity,if in this life you have hope in christ, that person is a failure,think about heaven a moment.Are you juju worshiper,are you a drug adit,are you a prostitue,are you an homosexual, are you a lesbian,or do you gain pleasuer in the affair of this world,look all this things JESUS, CAN GIVE YOU IF YOU COME TO HIM,JESUS IS WAITING FOR YOU,don't wait any longer before you receive HIM.John 3:16 it says for GOD so love the world that he gave his only begotten son,that who so ever believeth in him should not perish,but have everlasting life.may be you have not read this verse of the bible, is open to you day, you can see that JESUS LOVE YOU MORE THAN YOU DO, FOR HIM TO HAVE CAME FROM HEAVEN,IT WORTH YOU ACCEPTING HIM,HE DIE FOR YOU HE PAID THE PRICE HE DID NOT OWN FOR YOUR SAKE,COME TO HIM, COME TO HIM,COME TO HIM,HE'S WAITING FOR YOU,NOW IS THE TIME TOMORROW WILL TOO LATE,MAKE UP YOUR MIND TODAY,HE WILL COME AND LIVE WITH YOU FOREVER, IF YOU HAVE RECEIVE JESUS AS YOUR LORD AND PERSONAL SAVIOUR,SAY THIS, LORD JESUS I RECEIVE YOU INTO MY HEART,BY FAITH,MAKE ME YOUR DWELLING PLACE, THANK YOU JESUS FOR GIVEING ME ETERNAL LIFE,I AM NOW BORN AGAIN,I AM A CHILD OF GOD CONGRATULATION IF YOU HAVE JUST MADE THIS CONFESSION,YOU ARE NOW A CHILD OF GOD,YOU CAN LOOK FOR A NEAR BY CHURCH, TO GROW UP SPIRITUALLY.GOD BLESS YOU.

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