God has given every one of us a measure of faith to be who we are. We are not what others perceive us to be; but we are known by our xpressions. There are 4 principle xpressions, better known as the four humors such as a sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric or melalncholy. Beyond the humor expressions, God has given every living soul their won xpression. The first xpression I would like to tag as spontaneous. They are joyful, friendly and speedy. Their compassion is to please as many people as possible within the confines of a moment. They are opposite and attracted to an individual tagged as compassionate whose main xpression is percision and patience. They are orderly and tender hearted individuals. The other paired xpressions are tagged leaders and negotiators. Those tagged leaders are the business oriented, leader with the main xpression of quick thinking. Their desire is to exceeding and excel at every challenge. This individual is graced to be opposite the peaceful negotiator who is very observant and able to get along with everyone. They too are also known to be cautiously patient.
God begun these expressions in the Garden of Eden when he formed Adam out of the dust of the earth. As God begin to look for a helpmeet for Adam in the form of different earthly creatures; he didn't find one suitable. God then put Adam to sleep and took out a rib to form the woman.

A side story: God told Adam that he knew of a wife that will cook and clean, wash and wax his car better than any detailer, she loves football and always brings her husband his favorite remote, slippers and beverage right before the game begins. She loves to run his bath water and gives him all the pleasures that Adam would desire. Adam asked God what would it cost him. God said an arm and a leg. Adam asked, what could I get for a rib?

When God gave Adam a wife he also gave her wo of the xpressions that Adam he no longer needed. When God took every creature to Adam to see what he would call it, Adam used all 4 xpressions in order to get to know each animal. Adam took time to know each creature before he named them. He had to be patient to observe the sloth's movement, spontaneous in order to observe the lightening bug, caution to observe the serpent and business like to call the raccoon who he was.

Once God noticed there was not another helpmeet made of similiar flesh, God decided to take a rib from Adam to see if a woman would be fitting. When God presented the woman to Adam, Adam said that she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. In other words she didn't have paws or 4 legs with fur all over. She was made like Adam and was opposite to him in every way.

Genesis 3 gives the reader an example of the xpressions of both Adam and Eve. Eve had the extrovert xpressions and Adam had the two introvert xpressions. Eve was spontaneous in her conversation with the serpent as well as desired to get to the bottom of the matter. She reasonsed and evaluated the words of the serpent and then she took the lead to prove her leadership.

Adam was the introvert and displayed both introver xpressions. As a cautious negotiator he never interferred with Eve's conversations. As the patient compassionate xpression, he allowed Eve to express herself in a manner she was acustomed to.

God started with Adam having all four xpressions, then he divided them into two when Eve was created. The final division of the xpressions is formatted once Adam and Eve were placed outside the Garden of Eden. Since that moment, every living soul is given a measure of faith to live and work with one main xpression. This information is an overview of each individual.

This information has brough closure to many individuals who have had issues concerning interpersonal relationships. I personally did not understand why a particular type of person always had the same opinion of me, including my own siblings. This information concerning my own xpression has allowed me to not only to mend, but also repair broken relationships. In some cases by adjusting my own response and xpression toward others, conflict is avoided.

The true and living God has graced every living soul to express themselves by giving to each person a measue of faith. With that measure, everyone is able to attain a prosperous and meaningful relationship with Christ. The bible says that man is without excuse when it comes to choosing to worshipping the creation over the creator. When man looks up and sees the sun, moon, stars and rain, he/she would be wise to think that someone so awesome, not made of hands has done such a marvelous thing. The problem comes when man decides to sidestep the true and living God who sent his son, Jesus Christ to redeem the world back to him.

Primitive man also has no excuse to make and build idols. They too have the same sun, moon and stars to observe in awe. They should logically direct their worship toward the creator not the created thing. Inspite of man's determination to be or have or mold their own god, that god is imagined and formed by and through their own xpressions.

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