{rep·a·ra·tion }amends, repair or restoration of something to good condition, or the process of doing this.


(rst-tshn, -ty-) The act of restoring to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, lost, or surrendered. The act of making good or compensating for loss, damage, or injury; indemnification.

Although, the words are thought to be interchangeable, there is a big and vast difference between the two words.

My fellow citizens of the United States of America and those that have chosen to call themselves Americans,

I will hold onto the pride I have as I help America climb out of the depths of destruction. As we rebuild upon the words spoken just 45 short years ago, I will hold onto my pride because America is free at last. We are now free to work hard to obtain the American dream, as we stand united with the rest of America. The many that gave their energy and life for our freedom, can rejoice. Thank God almighty, America is free at last.

Now, let us discuss the rightful reparations for the years of slavery. Moreover, let us discuss responsibilities of each of us as American citizens. Let us discuss changing the policies of this great country that destroys the dreams and hopes of its citizens. Let us discuss the poverty that we were forced to endure because we were deemed to be only an unheard American citizen.

African Americans are owed reparations because we were never offered a fair start. We have always been designated to the back of society. For years, present and those of old, we have been denied the same dream the rest of America enjoyed. Our communities were denied prosperity because our communities were often over looked by the businesses of America. Only a few years ago, America set the hounds of crack addiction upon the African American community. I think we need to talk about reparations.

Every citizen in the United States of America should be paid the price of answers to many questions that we are asking. We should seek to know the truth behind the lies that we have been forced feed by our politicians, the Christian conservative right, the liberal left, the Conservative middle, Wall Street, and the greedy bankers. They are the reason we are face with this global economic famine.

However change has come. Hope has risen over the horizon. The words of America and the call of democracy have been heard. Now is the time to come to the table of unity, sit down, and talk. Let us not talk in anger because anger never will solve our problems. Let us talk about the actions each of us must take to help America right itself upon the turbulent sea of our wrongs. I thank we need to talk about reparations.

The reparations that I speak of will give help to the poor and disenfranchised of America instead of Wall Street and the bankers. It will give everyone the chance to stand up out of shadows of nonexistent, instead of a bribe to stay down. I speak of reparation that will repair the great racial divide and bridge the heaping chasms that undeniable greed, corruption, and injustice have dug. I speak of coming together as brothers and sisters and backing each other up in the mist of our struggle to survive. I speak of caring when your neighbor hurt and picking them up off the ground. When my neighbors are down, I should be down also; I should be helping them to their feet. We are in this journey together. Let us resolve in this defining moment in our history to repair the hurts, to ease the pain, and to end the suffering that is all around us. Together we can stand as the United States of America and together, we shall overcome.

Why should we give anyone reparations? It answer is our sins consist of not only the slavery of the 1800's. Our sins are the love of money and our despicable greed. Our sins are the disgraceful selfishness our insidious Capitalist desires bred. We clawed through life and stepped over our fellow American. We, my fellow citizens of the United States of America, are guilty of high treason because we have turned against each other. The ties that bind are broken. The pledges to love our neighbors as ourselves were forgotten. Our nation now stands teetering on the brink of a defining choice in the fundamental first decade of a new millennium.

We have the choice to stand together prayerfully working to make America great once again. Our ancestors fought for the union we are fighting to destroy. Some of them believed in the institution of slavery and some did not believe in slavery. Nevertheless, every one of them believed in the power of the union of the people. United we stand was the battle cry that rung out in the night as they fought for America‘s freedom. As the troubles of the great depression and the war to end all wars quickly fall upon the United States, united they stood. Finally, today as we stand in the fleeting shadows of history and ready ourselves to face a different future, united we must stand.

It is time to talk about allowing every community the right to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness along with the rest of America. It is time to talk about letting every child, man, and woman take their rightful place in this shining moment of American history. Let us discuss the values that we hold so true. The belief that united we stand and divided we fall. Let us talk about the reparations of simply saying, my fellow African Americans, White Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and all others, I am sorry for the way we, America have treated each of you.

Let us come together in the spirit of brotherly and sisterly love and stand to face the storms ahead. Let us talk of our resolve for our country to stand tall as the beacon of hope for the world to see. They will see the light that true democracy brings. They will see the prosperity of the land where freedom rings.

Then, as the joy of our unity rise as a jubilant cry in the darkest of America’s nights, America can at last take her righteous stand. America can hold the beacons of liberty high to bring hope across the world. The call again can be heard, ‘Bring me your tired, your hungry and huddle masses yearning to become free. Bring them to our shores and we shall welcome them. We, the United States of America, shall always welcome them in.

Free at last, Free at last. Thank God, almighty America is free at last.

As always, may God bless each of us,
Pastor Reginald Levi Walker.
November 5, 2008

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