My Ministry Co-ordinator (Brother Shakeel) in Pakistan who have been working with us in bringing the message of Christ’s redeeming love to this Muslim nation has just confirmed the rate in which Christians are being persecuted in all areas in Pakistan. The destruction of lives and properties are at alarming rate. Most Christians have fled their homes and cities as a result of intense persecution now.
They need our prayers. Let us pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in region beyond.
Jesus commanded us to be there for our Brethren in need (Matthew 25:32-46).

With the Zia-ul-Haq's Islamization and forced implementation of Islamic Sharia law in Pakistan marginalized the Christian minorities and caused intense persecutions.

With the governments of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and Zia ul-Haq, more stringently Islamic laws transformed Pakistan. While conversion to other faiths than Islam is not prohibited by law, culture and social pressures prohibit such conversions.
Extremely controversial were the blasphemy laws, which made it treacherous for non-Muslims to express themselves without coming off as un-Islamic. Zia also introduced the Shariat as a basis for lawmaking, reinforced by Nawaz Sharif in 1991. Coerced conversions to Islam from Christianity are a major source of concern for Pakistani Christians, and the minority face threats, harassment and intimidation tactics from Islamic extremists. Often, converts to Christianity from Islam face the death penalty.

In the 1990s, some Christians were arrested on charges of blasphemy, and for protesting that appeared to insult Islam. John Joseph, a bishop in Faisalabad committed suicide to protest the execution of a Christian man on blasphemy charges.

Faisalabad Riots
The English Daily Telegraph published reports on November 14, 2005 claiming that Christian churches and schools (in the city of Faisalabad) have been destroyed "when Muslim preachers urged people to 'take revenge' after a Christian allegedly burnt pages of the Koran."
The newspaper went on to say: "Hundreds of Christians fled the town as a crowd thousands strong, wielding axes and sticks, set fire to five churches, a dozen houses, three schools, a dispensary, a convent and two parsonages."

They need our prayers. Let us pray for God’s protection for them and their families.
Let us also pray for God’s kingdom to be established in Pakistan and other Muslim nations.

God bless you as you pray, and encourage others to pray for these persecuted believers in 10/40 window.

Evang. Yinka.

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