Preacher's Honorariums...When do we get to the place when unless you pay I wont preach?

Just a thought! We have come to a place when the name of Jesus is not as popular as our title and name? So if a preacher has a popular name this determines his/her worth of honorarium.

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Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 10, 2008 at 2:24pm
Keep us laugh! Its good when preachers can laugh and not be judged for the things we say.

Your jokes were on time! LOL
Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 10, 2008 at 2:21pm
Amen! A Pastor friend of my father church does what your church does. They take care of him when he does speaking engagements outside of the church.

When I grow up I want to be like you, Pastor.
Comment by Patrick D. Joubert on December 10, 2008 at 1:59pm
Ok Dr. G...I will be on my best behavior from now....

Had a situation today that I think fits this discussion that we've been having. A minister ran into my Adm. Asst. and mentioned that they were really interested in having me come and share with them at their church in 09'. I'm told the comment was made by this pastor that "I am sure that your pastor is VERY expensive and we would have to work to raise money before he came."...My Adm. Asst replied, "give me your dates and if he's available he'll be there and it no charge. The church will take care of him so that he can take care of you guys."

The amount doesn't matter as much as the delivering of the gospel to his people. God will supply whats needed...

~ Jube ~
Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 10, 2008 at 11:59am
Pastor Jube,

We are not going to pay you so I guess you will continue to make you jokes. LOL
Comment by Patrick D. Joubert on December 9, 2008 at 11:56pm
I'm sorry about those comments regarding the prayer suit...I will behave better from now on...That's if y'all pay me to PRAY about it....(wink)

~ Jube ~
Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 9, 2008 at 11:44pm
Pastor Patrick,

You are funny!!!!! The custom prayer suit! LOL
Comment by Dr. Maxcina Gadsden on December 9, 2008 at 11:43pm
Pastor Patrick,

On my website, my Media Kit the Honorarium section there is no fee. I really was thinking about setting a fee. But as laugh at our comments and digest what we all have said along with pray; I am going to let it stay until I feel different.

I only had two bad experiences.
Comment by Patrick D. Joubert on December 9, 2008 at 5:48pm
Pastor Long....Like you I am having a tough time dealing with the 2nd offering thingy...I have been asked to do that at certain places and even though I've consented at times I still have an issue with it...I believe that the people of God should be taught thru scripture to give their BEST offering the FIRST time so that flock-fleecing is done away with in the body...Why can't we do one BIG offering and then split that one...???? Instead of playing on the people and splitting 1/2 of second offering. Most people I've observed, have waited until the second one to give anyway....Tell the people up front that we are only doing ONE offering so give your best this time...Just my thought on the second offering issue....

~ Jube ~
Comment by Patrick D. Joubert on December 9, 2008 at 5:44pm
$5000.00 for a prayer...????....He must have in mind to put on the CUSTOM MADE PRAYER-SUIT and not just the Ephod.....LOL....

~ Jube ~
Comment by Patrick D. Joubert on December 9, 2008 at 5:43pm
I do not advocate having a SET FEE for an engagement...I personally ask that you take on the burden of 1.) travel 2.) lodging at a hotel with an INDOOR hallway...LOL...None of that parking lot/door action 3.) turn me loose and allow God to have his way with me 4.) Give me what you think is fair with regards to your congregations size and ability....That's my request and other than a few times I have not been let down too terribly especially when you consider that it cost me nothing to come...

When there have been times when a church cannot afford to do these things and I'm told ahead of time then I'm willing to come anyway at my own expense in an effort to bless the body and bring an offering; believing that God will make up the difference in my life and he has done that on several occasions...

~ Jube ~

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