Many of our conferences,"meetings", and symposiums,especially those of the past 2-3 decades have had their focus on healing and deliverance,and there's been a new wave of deliverance training and ministry in a large number of community churches, in pretty much, all denominations. At the very top of the list of injury, or pain sources is "the Church"! I can not ,personally, think of one single individual who was not wounded, traumatized, bruised, disillusioned, crippled or disappointed, at some point by some church, church leader, or parishioner. Unfortunately, these wounds don't "go away", and they usually impact the injured believers walk with God, their perception of God, the Church and "church folk", unless they have the wisdom, or guidance, to seek out deliverance, submit to it, and embrace it. I believe that it is utmost wisdom for anyone in between churches, ministries or beginning new churches or 'works", after leaving another church/ministry, to seek out deliverance, even on the chance that there may be unresolved issues, or unrecognized offenses, unless they are mature enough to bring themselves through the purging and purifying process. To not do so, puts one at risk to become and perpetuate the exact same thing that caused them grief and suffering, because these situations "flavor" and influence that which has been conceived in the spiritual womb, or is already being birthed. It is too common, to find a Pastor who was nurtured by a controlling, arrogant, and selfish leader, who was devastated by these people birth a church, and even after they testify about their foul treatment ,and how they would never handle their flock the way that they were mishandled, only to begin to manifest the very same familiar spirits, except in a "double portion"! In the medical profession, there's a condition known as a "nosocomial infection", which means that the patient acquired an illness IN THE HOSPITAL, that they didn't have when they were admitted! Well the same "disease" exists in the Church, in that people come to the house of God already beaten down, BLEEDING, and nearly paralyzed from their life, and the world, only to encounter "church", and "church folk", who only intensify their suffering and pain, and inflame, INFECT, and add further complications to their already severely compromised condition, and spiritual health. What makes this even more tragic is when the "Chief Surgeon, or the primary "health care team" (the Pastor and Church leadership) are the ones doing the infecting, or delivering poor ,substandard "treatment", if not neglecting their conditions, all together! (more on this in my book "BLOOD IN THE PEWS) At thhis very moment we have an amazing number of people , with great vision, callings and purposes who have "opted out" of "traditional" church, and the very concept of what they have experienced as "church" has left a vile taste in their mouths. Some of them are grounded and mature enugh to be sustained, but a large number of them gradually "moonwalk" and never give God another chance,or set foot in another formalized church again, until they are rolled in "head first", if then! We, as Christ's Church, have to take some responsibility for many of these casualties, and we will be charged with accountability when we stand before God, and the great white throne.

There's a "stench" in the nostrils of the Lord, in many of our assemblies and it is so offensive to Him, that He will not cross the thresh-hold to come and tabernacle with the people or capture their ""praise" and draw it to His bosom. This "stench" is the smell of putrid flesh, that has become inflammed, and filled with "pus" (offense, rejection, despair and resentment) until that inflammation becomes a raging infection, with the potential to have the whole church in quarentine,lest it spread to the individal homes, the corporate body,and even the commuity! It is the stench of the "blood" that has been applied superficially, and not infused, and that has begun to disintegrate and decompose. If one could view these places and people through God's eyes of the Spirit, you would see the maimed with jagged flesh hangig off, from their being handled so abrasively, the amputees, those with sopiritual "boils", and assorted "tumors"! You would see the oozing flesh, and the dripping wouds in varied states of decomposure, while the choirs still rendering their "A" and "B" selections, the ushers are still stepping high in cadence, and the preacher is still getting his/her "whoop on" while "spitting cotton" all over the front row! The spiritually sick and the injured may have their names placed on the "shut in" list, but they're not shut in, and no one has stopped to pay enough attention to realize that they are right there,next to them, in techni-color, but their attire and their "meager" offerings render them "invisible"! They were BORN rejected even from their Mama's wombs, and they've lived an invisible life, unless someone noticed them long enough to abuse misuse,or violate them! They have advanced degrees in pain and agony, and they thought that if they stopped by the "Church?Hospital, that maybe someone wold cover them in this "Balm in Gilead" heard so much about, only to find out, they obviously don't have enough "coverage" to qualify for the much needed "vaccines" and "penicillins" of unconditional love, forebearance, compassion, and longsuffering! What a great tragedy for the household of faith, because many have failed their greatest test, that would've resulted in the ultimate divine "accreditation" which would've qualified them for unlimited "funding",divine "grants" support and other pivileges, but it just so happened, that a few of those "injured" souls who came though their doors in "desperate need" of the loving care of the Father's "chosen vessels" were heavenly ambassadors and "angels", who were fulfilling an assignment to observe, assess, and critique, unannounced, the activities of those who call themselves "Christ's Church"! The Lord is so tired of these patterns of superiority, fraternization, spiritual social clubs, that consist of the "elite", the "got a little somethings" and the "ain't got nothings" and He's even more tired of all these abominable and unGodly activities being done with His Name flying high as the "banner" over these travesties. His mind is that, if you are goiing to persist in "churching" in this unBiblical ad unChristian way, take HIS Name of Rightousness ad Holiness down, and put YOURS up ther instead!

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Comment by prophetess m. brignac on August 19, 2009 at 11:56pm

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