Hello Network Ministers, Fellowship Churches, Partners and Friends,

I Greet you all in the Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

I've been thinking recently about all of the things the Lord has shown me about the Purpose and Plan that He has for my life. I've often taken for granted the wisdom and knowledge I've been Blessed with when considering my understanding of His Word. I value what I gain as I study or hear a Holy Ghost inspired message being ministered. I immediately seek out opportunities to apply that Word. First, I search for areas in my own life that the Word can fix, mend, build up, strengthen or bridge. I see the Word as a salve or medicine that fixes what has been broken in my life. You may have your own list of Broken Things. I also see it as a tonic that heals the areas in my life that are sick and that sicken me. I see that Word as a tree that produces fruit, that once eaten, quenches the nagging hunger with nourishment and peace. I know His Word to be my comfort and rest through a life of trials, test, heart-aches & heartbreaks.

My all in all is found in His Word and my Heart finds Joy in His Word for me. Let me explain. I believe that we all have to gain through experience the understanding that God's Word Never Fails. The entirety of His Word never fails, on this we can all agree. The understanding of God's Word for you and the Relationship that it has or the impact it has on your everyday life is experiential. No man alive was born without God's Purpose in mind. Your divine purpose can be truly known by you and God alone. People may get glimpses of the things that are in store for your life but no one knows what it is going to take for you to walk it out. That is why there is such importance placed on you knowing God's Word, His Plan and His Purpose for yourself. Men can only confirm the workmanship. That is the work God has invested into making and molding you into the person you are now.

You say that you are not happy with where you are now. Neither was Joseph of the Bible. Jacob, Joseph's Father saw the blessing of God's anointed purpose over the life of His Son and began to prepare him to walk in it. Before you know it Joseph's fortune changes. His father and brothers rebuke and revile Him because of a dream...A God Given Dream!

He gets sold into slavery, his reputation is destroyed by a lie, he spends ten years in prison as an innocent man and he was forgotten there by a broken promise.

Three Things about Joseph I want to point out.

First, Joseph never left his training. He used everything he had, where he was. The work He did as a slave and a prisoner prepared Him to take the position in the palace. Joseph's circumstances didn't matter. As long as he stayed on task, Joseph was elevated. Learn how to work where your are. (Gen. 39:1-6 & v.20-23)

Next, Joseph learned how to look beyond himself. The Bible, the world and the Church are full of People who are unable to look past themselves, their own need (desires) to reach the goal. Joseph looked past himself to get the job done. How? He knew that the purpose over His life was greater than him. Humility reaches to the Hand of God and says "take me where you go, I'm willing to be lead by you. I'm not worthy of the call so I need You to do it through me. I surrender my all to You." No one can touch or stop a person who takes on Humility. God Himself works on behalf of, opens doors for and favors the humble. (I Peter 5:6, 7)

Lastly, Speaking of Purpose, when we as ministers preach this story our focus is often skewed. We preach about the glorious victory of Joseph going from the prison to the palace. I'm guilty as charged! The real victory in the story is that God used the circumstances of the slavery and imprisonment to get Joseph to the palace. Palace, as beautiful as it may have been, only serves as the PLACE where Joseph would fulfill his God given PURPOSE! Joseph didn't know what God's Plan was for his life, but he understood that if it was not for God's Plan he would not have been able to fulfill God's Purpose.(Gen. 45:4-11) God's Purpose for Joseph was to fulfill the promise that He made to Joseph's Great Grandfather, Abraham. How do we know this? Read Genesis 46:2-4. These verses mirror the promises given to Abraham by God. What promises have God given you? Seeking His Face with a willing heart and His Plans will surely find you.

We Find Joy Living In The Center Of God's Will For Our Lives! No matter what your circumstance may be The Joy of the Lord will find you if you are where you should be found. Following God's Plan with your life, even when you do not desire to, means to let God fulfill His Purpose through your life.

I want to encourage you with this letter and remind you that Faith in God is what brings us to our eternal reward. It is the most valuable thing that you can offer to the Lord. In exchange for it you will see God show Himself to be your All in All, all you ever need for your lifetime!

God Bless You All & Thank You for your Kingship!

-Apostle Terence A. Townsend

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