Should Christians drink wine,Beer and Liquor

I was invited to a Pastors house and was shocked when I saw what I saw,,they were n drinking and DRUNK,,they looked at me and was too drunk to realize who I was or did not care,,they said ,,DONT LOOK AT US LIKE THAT JESUS DRANK WITH BOYZ,,,,Does the Bible teach about drinking wine?

Rom 14:21--"It is good neither to eat flesh, nor drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak."

It is good not to drink wine.

Eph 5:18--"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit."

We are told to be filled with the Spirit instead of trying to get high on wine.

1Tim 3:8--"Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre."

Not give to much wine must be taken in Scriptural use not according to worldly consumption. There is no Scriptural practice of casual drinking of wine either with meals or at times of social fellowship. The next verse gives us the only New Testament authority for use of wine.

1Tim 5:23--"Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities."
This was written to Timothy not to the Church. It can be applied to the Church but was not so the intent of Paul. Timothy had a stomach problem that drinking wine as a medicine was acceptable. We do not know that his stomach disorder was. All we know is Timothy was told to drink a "LITTLE" wine for his stomach sake. This is hardly a scripture to use for the right to drink wine at meals or in times of social fellowship. He was also told to use wine for his infirmities. Some think this means he is to drink it. This is false, there are infirmities that are external where wine is used as an antiseptic. The good Samaritan poured wine into the wounds of the Jew who fell among thieves. These wounds were infirmities. One thing is here noted: Paul did not authorize use of wine for any other purpose. Thus, a person in need of wine as Paul prescribed was not to be "given to wine." Which means not to over-do the use beyond its medicinal purpose. Drinking wine with meals and in social fellowship is not for medicinal purpose.

Titus 1:7--"For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre."

Here is a wonderful thing to note: Bishops are not to drink wine. Men who desire this office have a requirement to abstain from wine. Many novices and Ministers who covet the office of Bishop should not be going around seducing unstable souls to drink wine.

Titus 2:3--"The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things."

Here is a text most who drink wine do not honor. This text does not give open freedom to drink wine. It gives "aged" women this right and again, I believe the use of wine is in its Biblical order and for medicinal purposes.

Several years ago near Orlando, Florida a UPC pastor fell into drinking wine for meals and in private with friends. This went on for several years and eventually he became an alcoholic. I went to this man's Church with Pastor W.S. Craig, of St. Petersburg, Florida, who was then a Presbyter of the district. The man was such a nice person, but he was an alcoholic and it was now time he had to resign because he had taken his drunkenness to Church and it was obvious he was drunk and trying to preach. He was not removed the night I was there with the Presbyter but some time later he did resign. I can recount several more men over the years since 1968 and my Christian journey who stumbled and fell into alcoholism drinking wine because they believed they had a right. No real man of God will drink wine except in the use of the Lord's Passover and it is respect to this Cup and this representation of the precious blood that will forbid them to drink at any other time. This is the only sacrifice for which wine is used in our lives. For we who fellowship around

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Comment by Worship on April 5, 2009 at 3:18pm
The problem comes not from drinking it is drunkedness that is unacceptable. God said not to be a drunkard plus any thing that that you do that you over do like eating is a sin also.
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 5, 2009 at 2:36pm
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 5, 2009 at 2:23pm
I know there are many comments as well as both has said somethings that you two really agree with ..lets shift the topic into another area,,I understand that while in SIN people drink and drug,,wich is expected,,BUT should this behavior be allowed while in the Body of the Christ OR one walking in the TORA? you see I have seen and tired of seeing and hearing proclaim being saved and filled as well as some pretending to be Hebraics,,Now I am speaking on a few that I know OFF this network [so all of you calm down,,LOL],,But still Drink and drug as a matter of fact a Hebrew Brother believe it or not does not carry himself like the ones I see on BPN,,he lust,drinks, lie,curse like a sailor and offer youg girls money for sex,,and this is done in the same day of sabbath,as well as Christains who come from Church and stop past the beer store to get there Hennessey for that night..WHY GO TO CHURCH??it is not that a person goes to church but how do they live when they leave see I outreach with Prisons and I constantly hear ,,MAN I WAS DRUNK WHEN I KILLED THEM PEOPLE OR I WAS HIGH WHEN I RAPED THAT SISTER AND KILLED HER KIDS,,I WAS DRUNK WHEN I CUT THEM PEOPLES HEADS OFF and recently I HEARD WHEN I SET THAT SISTER ON FIRE ,,I WAS HIGH AND WANTED TO SMELL HOW A HUMAN FLESH SMELLED..So substance abuse plays a major role,,and sometimes people say it is about control and excess,,BUT depending on the individual,,that is the KEY here,,I am hearing both of you and many are reading can agree it is the individual..some people dont need EXCESS because they're out of control..Then have the nerve to say IAM UNDER THE SPIRIT!!! WHAT SPIRIT THAT THEY'RE UNDER??or are we talking the SEVEN DEMONDS..this is Crippling believers walk,, THIS IS SOMETHING THAT NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED,,,SUBSTANCE ABUSE WHILE DOING THE WORK OF YAHWEH/GOD Should not be prohibitted but how do we seperate it if people feel that it is nothing wrong with it??,,this is my question to BPN
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 5, 2009 at 9:39am
I just stumbled over some notes and found this on EXCESS

The slanderous accusations of verse 34 also assume that Jesus was a social drinker. Jesus’ enemies were saying three negative things about Him. First they call Him “a glutton.” Second, they call Him “a drunkard.” And third, they call Him “a friend of tax collectors and sinners.” By “friend” they mean one who condones and participates in their sinful practices. What did tax collectors and sinners commonly do in that day? They glutted themselves on food and they got drunk on wine. It’s important to note that each of these accusations were slanderous exaggerations of Jesus’ practice. When they accuse Jesus of being a glutton, they are referring to the fact that Jesus ate at feasts, and based on that fact, they then exaggerate His practice and falsely accuse Him of gluttony. In the same way, when they accuse Jesus of being “a winebibber,” they’re referring to the fact that Jesus did drink deluted wine. But they slanderously exaggerate what is true and accuse Him of drinking wine in excess. back then the wine was mixed with water ,portion was wine and portion was water or fruit juice
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 5, 2009 at 9:36am
And as far as John the Baptist..I love how he was introduced

Commentators agree that the description of Jesus practice in verse 34 stands in contrast to the description of John the Baptist’s practice in verse 33. This is confirmed by the illustration used in verses 31 & 32 where a wedding march is contrasted with a funeral dirge. John’s approach to ministry was somewhat “funeral-like.” In contrast to that, Jesus’ approach to ministry was somewhat “wedding-like.” So if we can determine what John’s practice was according to verse 33, then we’ll be able to attribute the opposite practice to Jesus in verse 34. According to Jesus, “John came neither eating bread nor drinking wine.” And John’s practice of abstinence finds its rationale in the birth announcement, which the angel Gabriel made to John’s father, Zacharias.

But the angel said to him, ‘Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your prayer is heard; and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall call his name John. And you will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. For he will be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink. He will also be filled with the Holy Spirit, even from his mother’s womb (Luke 1:13-15).

Clearly, the angel describes John’s future ministry as being characterized by the practice of complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. Some commentators believe the angel is alluding to the Nazirite vow. As a Nazirite, John could not cut his hair, use alcohol, or touch anything dead. Whatever the case, both Gabriel and Jesus describe John as a teetotaler. Now follow the logic: if the “came not drinking” in verse 33
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 5, 2009 at 9:32am
OK Now we're back to EXCESS
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 5, 2009 at 9:30am
Now Brother Moreh

Matthew 26:29

29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom

I have to address one objection commonly advanced by scholars and by well-known preachers today. Some argue, primarily on the basis of extra-biblical data, that the wine of Jesus’ day was heavily diluted with water in order to minimize its alcoholic content. For example, in an article entitled, “Wine Drinking in New Testament Times,” Robert Stein argues that the wine of NT times was three parts water to one part wine. In fact, Stein believes the main purpose of wine was to purify water. He writes,

In ancient times there were not many beverages that were safe to drink. The danger of drinking water alone raises another point. There were several ways in which the ancient could make water safe to drink. One method was boiling, but this was tedious and costly. Different methods of filtration were tried. The safest and easiest method of making the water safe to drink, however, was to mix it with wine. The drinking of wine … served therefore as a safety measure, since often the water available was not safe
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 4, 2009 at 8:41pm
We are in a situation here where we need to be sober to be used to the fullest of God/Yah,,now if there is a calling on a persons life,,well I have seen preachers drunk, lying and slurring,and one time urine on himself while preaching,,this should not be ,,,and I believe that not one person who is called hit rock bottom yet..but as I said before if not careful we sometimes can create our own hell
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 4, 2009 at 8:37pm
What a true comment ,,SO,,,Now,,,,a little wine for the stomach I said was for Timothy ONLY not for the church..people indulging and saying it is for socialble reasons ONLY and I am in control and I am not drunk,,BUT the Lifestyle tells different,,Prophet Id ont know if you read the actual Post but i was invited over a leaders house and there they were the entire Clergy DRUNK and swearing and boasting ,really acting out of character,,they're words was DONT LOOK AT US LIKE THAT,,,JESUS DRANK WITH THE BOYS!!! THEY TALKED LIKE JESUS GOT DRUNK WITH THE DESCIPLES AND THEY ALL SHOO-WOPPED ALL NIGHT...YES I DID BECOME UPSET AND DISAPPOINTED AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE I DID NOT EXPECT THIS FROM CLERGY OF THE CLOTH..But now my Brother NOTHING SHOCKS me anymore..I am glad that you explained the winebibbers story,,because some think that he was drunk on maddog 20/20,,LOL
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 4, 2009 at 4:46pm
Well said,,I say the same thing however we are dealing now with EXCESS..what I am encountering is nothing wrong as long as your in control

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