Should Christians drink wine,Beer and Liquor

I was invited to a Pastors house and was shocked when I saw what I saw,,they were n drinking and DRUNK,,they looked at me and was too drunk to realize who I was or did not care,,they said ,,DONT LOOK AT US LIKE THAT JESUS DRANK WITH BOYZ,,,,Does the Bible teach about drinking wine?

Rom 14:21--"It is good neither to eat flesh, nor drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak."

It is good not to drink wine.

Eph 5:18--"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit."

We are told to be filled with the Spirit instead of trying to get high on wine.

1Tim 3:8--"Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre."

Not give to much wine must be taken in Scriptural use not according to worldly consumption. There is no Scriptural practice of casual drinking of wine either with meals or at times of social fellowship. The next verse gives us the only New Testament authority for use of wine.

1Tim 5:23--"Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities."
This was written to Timothy not to the Church. It can be applied to the Church but was not so the intent of Paul. Timothy had a stomach problem that drinking wine as a medicine was acceptable. We do not know that his stomach disorder was. All we know is Timothy was told to drink a "LITTLE" wine for his stomach sake. This is hardly a scripture to use for the right to drink wine at meals or in times of social fellowship. He was also told to use wine for his infirmities. Some think this means he is to drink it. This is false, there are infirmities that are external where wine is used as an antiseptic. The good Samaritan poured wine into the wounds of the Jew who fell among thieves. These wounds were infirmities. One thing is here noted: Paul did not authorize use of wine for any other purpose. Thus, a person in need of wine as Paul prescribed was not to be "given to wine." Which means not to over-do the use beyond its medicinal purpose. Drinking wine with meals and in social fellowship is not for medicinal purpose.

Titus 1:7--"For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not selfwilled, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre."

Here is a wonderful thing to note: Bishops are not to drink wine. Men who desire this office have a requirement to abstain from wine. Many novices and Ministers who covet the office of Bishop should not be going around seducing unstable souls to drink wine.

Titus 2:3--"The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things."

Here is a text most who drink wine do not honor. This text does not give open freedom to drink wine. It gives "aged" women this right and again, I believe the use of wine is in its Biblical order and for medicinal purposes.

Several years ago near Orlando, Florida a UPC pastor fell into drinking wine for meals and in private with friends. This went on for several years and eventually he became an alcoholic. I went to this man's Church with Pastor W.S. Craig, of St. Petersburg, Florida, who was then a Presbyter of the district. The man was such a nice person, but he was an alcoholic and it was now time he had to resign because he had taken his drunkenness to Church and it was obvious he was drunk and trying to preach. He was not removed the night I was there with the Presbyter but some time later he did resign. I can recount several more men over the years since 1968 and my Christian journey who stumbled and fell into alcoholism drinking wine because they believed they had a right. No real man of God will drink wine except in the use of the Lord's Passover and it is respect to this Cup and this representation of the precious blood that will forbid them to drink at any other time. This is the only sacrifice for which wine is used in our lives. For we who fellowship around

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Comment by Eric Hancock on April 3, 2009 at 5:22pm
And when Yahshua turned water into wine he did not drink it,,now your saying in so many words then why did he do it? to manefest his Glory,, Hey My Brother Live your life to the Fullest
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 3, 2009 at 5:19pm
Well first of all Brother Moreh your late,,LOL,I was expecting you twenty minutes ago,LOL,,,your slipping..LOL and you just answere your own Question,will your culture allow you to be drunk? Now Noah was drunk BUT it did not stop him from building the ARK as well as finishing his assignment..People dont have that type of Mentallity today..Once that they get drunk then they're finished
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 3, 2009 at 5:07pm
Well I use to wonder that myself what they was drinking BUT remember if it was Liquor they were in control enough to remember there lines..LOL and I know they have to do what the script tells them to do,,My neighbor that I grew up with is and Actor and he played in the movie DELIVER US FROM EVE it was a comedy with LL COOL J as a star a few years ago ,,make a long story short he was the Gay hair dresser,,that was his Part he hated it BUT had to get paid,,now I know him and all Elevin of his Brothers and there is Nothing gay about him ,,BUT what you said is true...Now as far as Farrakhan ,,did you know Brother Brooks?? he was with the nation,,I have known him for thirty three years and we went to school together he joined when he was 19 and he just left five years ago,,the Nation bought him a House in Chicago and Farakhan named all SIX of his daughters thats how close he was to him,,he spent nights in the Ministers home and other members could not..So I understand that as well,,,Now the quality time with the wife My Brother I dont drink but,,SOLOMON listen to soft music and scholars believe that it was a form of JAZZ can you believe it?? so I too listen to what will set the atsmosphere you feeling right?? But I want to hip you on to something else since we are talking the mood..Abraham got Sarah Pregnant when she was 99 years old..would you believe that there diet consist on beans and Pottage,,but it was FAVA Beans that he was eating ..I checked out FAVA beans, BETTER THAN VIAGRA and its all natural and it is a cure for those who suffer from PARCANSES desease as well,,, FYI since we are talking setting the atmoshere
Comment by Scott R. Newman on April 3, 2009 at 4:47pm
Yes I agree with all of it, anything like I said taken to extreme or to abuse can lead to out of control behaviour.

Yes we should all abstain from all appearances of evil, now who is going to define what "evil" is? In no way do I subscribe to not be sober. And I don't think being sober as in being drunk is what that implies, but as you defined what sober is, to me is what is written..TEMPERATE, WATCHFUL. Which takes on a whole more broad range than the inclusive one you chose to speak on.

To be honest, most of my life outside of Christ was a sober (non drunk) one and I did more evil and took great chances with my life and others when I was...SOBER. I'm much more dangerous sober than drunk any day. LOL Matter fact that was one of my old sayings back in the day, "I don't need to be drunk, I'm more dangerous..SOBER!"

Lets see, I fornicated sober, I cussed sober, I made my own porno's sober, I dishonored my parents sober, I was narcissistic sober, I worked at unseemingly places including a sub prime mortgage bank sober, I corrupted myself and others sober, I chose Islam sober, I bowed to baal sober, I bear witness to another god sober, I recruited others in Islam sober, I bear witness that there was no other god but allah and he had no intercessors sober, I at one time thought Farrakhan was a prophet sober, I laughed at Christians (sometimes still do) sober, I spoke against Jesus on tv and radio sober, etc, etc...Really most if not all my sins were done, sober. Or was I sober?

Eph 5:14 Wherefore he saith, Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine upon thee.

So really I wasn't sober after all, with no wine or alcohol in my system, I wasn't drunk, I was ASLEEP and DEAD in my sins and I knew it was why I needed a SAVIOR to REDEEM me from a death sentence.

So yes I agree that alcohol along with food, coffee, cigarettes, aspirin, etc taken to extremes can lead to obsession which can lead to compulsive and addictive behaviours if certain boundaries from within aren't there. And for those who are weak and have a history of falling prey to those things that have caused great stumbling blocks, I agree they should abstain from all appearances of evil. But having a glass of red wine with wifey poo after the children are in bed as we create a romantic ambiance that is condusive to putting on R. Kelly (well what should I play The Mississippi blind boys of Gospel) when we have a romantic night or go on our "Date Night" for a weekend. Trust I am not convicted to say the least and there is no drunkenness, never was and never has been.

I am convicted more powerfully when we can watch movies lately, even PG movies that blaspheme God's name that is everywhere, have you noticed? That incenses me when they think they can damn God. What is it nowadays, seems like these actors and actresses have to say what these writers put in the script to blaspheme our Lord and Savior, how come noone has mentioned that. I've been writing these companies lately who and movies that continue to blaspheme which is one of the commandments of God not too, rather than having a glass of wine in remembrance of Him. I don't think they used welchs grape juice, nor do we.

Comment by Eric Hancock on April 3, 2009 at 4:20pm
Brother Moreh
same response as well enjoy life with what please you BUT I wont do it and wont recommend it...i know that people in other cultures do it and live longer,,But I will continue to drink water and stay sober,,and far as meat not being a sin I agree but is you would really study,,they never ate meat till after the flood and they lived longer,,not a sin but another topic for the mind to wander,,that is how I feel about drinking..But again do what you feel ..I have no Heaven or Hell to put you in
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 3, 2009 at 4:15pm
Scott I did not reconize you, you changed your picture!! I understand what your saying and Now I remember you and I had a disagreement last time on this matter,and AGAIN,,do what you want ,,BUT when you asked me a question this is my response

I understand but look at this this is what I mean by out of Control

ALCOHOLIC WINE ASSOCIATED WITH EVIL “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” --- 1 Thessalonians 5:22. It is undeniable, and statistically proven that alcohol is the root cause of the majority of crimes against society: such as road accidents, rapes, murders, broken homes, poverty, and divorces. It brings misery and shame to all those who become addicted to it. “abstain” means “hold ones self from”. Since alcohol is associated with evil, the Christian must abstain from it.

ALCOHOL IS WHAT CAUSES ONE TO GROW DRUNK Eph. 5:18 “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;” (“Drunk” in this verse is the Greek word METHUSKO which “signifies to make drunk, of grow drunk (an inceptive verb which marks the process of the state of being drunk” (Vine). The the New Testament not only forbids drunkenness, but also beginning the process of becoming drunk. It therefore forbids drinking, even in “moderation”, because the first glass is the beginning of the process.

IT DESTROYS YOUR HEALTH. Overwhelming evidence is available from various sources to show that alcohol does irreparable damage to the body. Especially affected is the brain and liver. Pregnant women are advised by many sources to totally abstain during pregnancy lest they send toxic (poison) to their baby. A Christian's body belongs to God (1 Cor 16:19-20). Thus a Christian who wilfully destroys his body is robbing God!

ALCOHOL DESTROY the CHRISTIANS INFLUENCE FOR GOOD. The disciple of Christ is to be “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” (Matt 5:13-16). What would others think of our “Christianity” if they knew we partook of alcoholic beverages? Even those in the world can see the inconsistency of a Christian drinking alcohol.

ALCOHOL INTOXICATES YOUR BRAIN. The Bible commands us to be “sober” (1 Thessalonians 5:6,8; 2 Tim 4:5; 1 Pet 1:13). The Greek word for “sober” is “Nepho”. which means “to be, sober, temperate, abstinent, especially in respect of wine), sober minded, watchful, circumspect.” (Bullenger's lexicon). We can see by this that God wants us to be clear headed at all times. If therefore you cherish your health, your home, your influence, your soul, and your life, stay away from alcoholic beverages!!!|

let us notice in conclusion that the miracle “manifested His glory” and had the primary purpose of causing His disciples to believe in Him (John 2:12). If the wine made by Christ had been alcoholic, it could not have done this. Christ was sinless, and He is is the perfect example for us to follow. It is inconceivable that he made an abundance of alcoholic beverage for a feast already “well drunk” with wine.
Comment by Scott R. Newman on April 3, 2009 at 12:48pm
Agreed Moreh, is why when I have many friends who are against drinking for whatever reasons, I don't to not be offensive to them. Just like if you came to my house I'd keep the pig feet away...LOL No just playing. Matter of fact my wife and I have come to the conclusion that we will no longer eat the swine. We've been studying the pig together and not only is bad for you, but there must've been a good reason why God forbade the chosen for eating it. Besides the trichnae worms that are attached to it. Matter of fact thinking of eliminating most meats from our diets. And I'm starting to get tired of us who are followers of the Christ looking so bad and in failing health which very few are speaking about. I took a good and hard look at the saints in the congregation and we look terrible. Everybody complaining about their little touch of sugar and their diabetes and comparing insulin with bags under their eyes, with big guts and breathing all hard, got gout and high cholesterol, etc, etc.....

Why is that never spoken about in terms of keeping our temple's Holy? Is eating a double whopper a sin? It should!
Comment by Scott R. Newman on April 3, 2009 at 12:22pm
Am I in control?? I'm always in control, even when folx think I'm not. Where in God's Word that I could see that forbids those who are not convicted nor has a history of alcohol abuse, not to have wine. The only one that I know who was forbidden not to drink was John the Baptist. Jesus did drink wine, He said he drank wine.

Mat 11:18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a demon.
Mat 11:19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold, a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners! And wisdom is justified by her works.

Anything we do in exteme that turns into abuse is a sin, that goes for food (which gluttony is mentioned more in the Bible than homosexuality and one of the main reasons why God destroyed Sodom and Gemorrah) which noone speaks about since the average fat American is obese to morbidly obese. Anyway, I know many women who are addicted to hair weaves is that a sin? For some reason ever since I gave my life to the Lord and have been redeemed, seems like other Christians have been trying to get me back in hell...LOL

But to answer your question, no I've never been drunk in my life. Oh, except once when I was about 19 years old and went to Germany and had a beer not knowing how powerful German beer really was and felt light headed and found myself barfing all over myself...LOL But as my wife and others can attest before salvation and especially afterwards, I have never been drunk or closely tipsy. My father who is not saved woud always say, "why would you be drunk when your enemy is sober" with that I've always been in my right mind, now since I'm saved, I'm in my renewed mind and would rather be drunk in the spirit.

Most of our sin consciences are a direct result of how most had lived prior to being saved and had alcohol issues in the past and based on that, to them drinking anything, whether its scriptural or not is a sin to them as it becomes a stumblingblock to them just to think that someone like me can have a glass of wine with his wife and because of that believes he is hell bound..LOL Ridiculous, just like sista sapphire who is 50 lbs overweight is hellbound cause of her obvious gluttony, that would make 80% of all americans hell bound then.

Lets put it this way, I'm not convicted by having a glass of red wine with my wife at all. Now if I was at a strip club or a bar sitting at a bar stool downing couvesier (spelled right?) that would be another story. Lets not get to the point that we strain at a knat and swallow a camel.
Comment by Eric Hancock on April 3, 2009 at 12:06pm
Comment by Scott R. Newman on April 3, 2009 at 11:58am
Are we speaking of being drunk or having a glass of merlot with your wife?

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