Special Prophetic Prayer Call - Sun., Nov. 22 @ 10 p.m. (EST)

Greetings To All,

I am so humbled and grateful for those of you who have pressed your way to the lines continually to touch and agree in prayer! I love you all dearly.

As a reminder, it will be so important that each of you participating on the prayer calls come to the line with your spirit in a posture of expectancy to receive a divine visitation from GOD! It will also be equally important for each of you to come in a state of humility and repentance which will assist to unlock Heaven for our petitions to be heard and even more importantly, ANSWERED! God bless you all and I will hear you on the line!

(Please review call directives toward the end of this correspondence.)

I remain grateful to those who have continued to join us for prayer on Sundays! God is certainly moving during our prayer times in a MIGHTY way!

I am asking that as many states (and countries) as possible dial in during our next session. If you will, please e-mail and let me know what state you will be calling from. (You may just e-mail and place your state in the subject line of the e-mail.) Please feel free to invite others.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
10:00 p.m. (EST)
9:00 p.m. (CST)
7:00 p.m. (PST)

Dial: (269) 320-8200
Access: 693355#

You may send any personal prayer requests to prophetic.intercession@gmail.com.

For ALL callers (new and returning) who may be joining us on the line, please review the call directives below:

1) Should you be in an atmosphere that has background noise, please press *6 to mute your line as to not cause a disturbance or distractions during the prayer session. This includes those who feel that they may FALL ASLEEP & SNORE on the line! NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US SHALL PROSPER! We WILL continue to press toward the mark!

2) We ask that you please do not use "blue tooth" or "speaker phone" capabilities if at all possible during this session. These functions sometimes cause interference on the lines so we ask that you disable those capabilities during the call and use your regular receiver.

3) Once we get into the prayer time, should you feel compelled to sing, cry out or pray during the session while the moderator is praying and you are unable to control it, we ask that you please lay your receiver down completely and NOT speak directly into the receiver. This will ensure that everyone on the line is able to hear the moderator or assistant who may be leading prayer during the session.

4) We welcome you all to worship during our session because we do need worship to set the atmosphere for prayer to take place. We encourage your worship. However, we do ask that as you begin to worship, please drop your receiver down just a little below your chin as not to speak directly in your receiver. We will still be able to hear you which is fine. We just want to be sure that the prayers going forth by the person appointed to lead prayer during the session are being heard by everyone on the line.

Again, we say THANK YOU for joining us for this time of prayer!

God WILL be glorified!

Session Facilitator:

Apostle Adrienne Williams
United Nations International Ministries
Prophetic Institute International

(NOTE: To be removed from the SOP mailing list, you will need to go to your "Friends" list and select "Remove Me As A Friend" or go to my profile page and select "Remove Me As A Friend." You may also go to my page and choose "Block Messages" to discontinue receipt of our e-mail correspondence. It is certainly not our intent to maintain those in our e-mail database who do not wish to receive correspondence. We do apologize for any inconvenience.)

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