Special Prophetic Prayer Call - Sun., Sept. 13

Greetings All,

You're invited to dial in and join us for a Special Prophetic Prayer Call.

As a reminder, for those who will be joining us and may have background noise wherever you are, please press *6 to mute your line.

On our our last call we have had a problem with someone purposely making snoring sounds in the lines. That is a demonic spirit (SPIRIT OF DISTRACTION)! We welcome you to join us but if you feel like you are going to fall asleep on the line, please mute your phone AS SOON AS you come on the line as not to be a distraction for others who are pressing for their breakthrough! God IS NOT at all pleased with those who would interfere with the work of the Kingdom!

Sunday, September 13, 2009
10 p.m. (EST)
9 p.m. (CST)
7 p.m. (PST)

Dial: (269) 320-8200
Access: 693355#

You may send any personal prayer requests to prophetic.intercession@gmail.com.

People of God, we MUST NOT lose momentum during these times of prayer!!!! DO NOT grow weary.....YOU are on the verge of your BREAKTHROUGH!

Please come to the line with an expectancy! God is doing TREMENDOUS things during these times of prayer! We are grateful to God for His presence on the lines as well as for the praise reports that continue to come in! To God be the glory!

I am asking that as many states (and countries) as possible dial in during this time of prayer. If you are able to join us, please e-mail me the state that you will be calling from. We will not necessarily call on you to pray. We just need to know what representation we will have on the line to touch and agree.

As a reminder, this will indeed be a time of prayer so this will not be the proper time to come on the line with alot of "idle chat." We want to come on the line with our spirit, heart and soul in a posture to receive a word from God! I do appreciate each of you and your participation & cooperation!

God WILL be glorified!

Session Facilitator:
Adrienne Williams, D.Min.
United Nations International Ministries
Prophetic Institute International

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