Statistics shows that, out of every one hundred people when asked;

Do you want to be successful?

100% answer yes, unfortunately 95% out of 100% cannot sacrifice or do what it really takes to be a successful person.

Many have died with their dreams unaccomplished. Some with their project unexecuted and others with their talents not expressed. No wonder a wise man says “The richest place in the world is the grave yard; that is where the various great potentials not utilized are buried life”

Don’t hold your success to yourself.

“You are God’s handkerchief to someone in tears” Akin o. alibi

That dream, that talent could be what will take you to the expected end, God is heading you to. Take a bold step now! Get rid of the fear,

“Refuse to let fear control your life or it will keep you from ever reaching your destiny” Bob Gas

Are you intimidated about your given talents? Are you saying I’m not as good as this or that person? That talent or idea is not as little as you think, start work on it. Are you scared that you are too young to execute that project or you are bothered about the finance. All these held me back too, until I registered my company name at age 19 despite all hindrances, take it out of your head

“Your self-esteem is not predicated by your age, bank account or material property”Cology

God is looking beyond that in your life. “Go in that your might you mighty man of Valor”

Take hold of that talent, re-structure those dreams; pursue that goal; go and start that business; make that phone call; submit that proposal; take that bold step now. If you do not, another person will. Stand up to the task. Jesus started dominating as a child; David as a teen; you can do it.

“Maturity is not about your age. It depends on experience and how wide you can think and put things in order”

Dr. Samuel Langely a professor of mathematics and astronomy at the Smith Sonian Institution, in October 8, 1903 took a bold step, to make man fly in the sky. What a great innovation; with all zeal, putting together all materials and money and with the support from U.S Department of Defense’, he succeeded after many trials. He failed the first and second time he tried to fly his plane and was blasted by the New York Times they said

“We hope professor Langely will not put his substantial greatness in further peril by continuing to waste his time and money”,

what a discouraging word. What do you do when you are discouraged doing what you like doing best? So many time you have been despised, don’t be discouraged, the world have been known for that. Albert Einstein tried inventing electricity and failing more than an hundred times so try on more times. Professor Langely was frustrated and, he forgot where he was going to and missed it he wrote ” I have brought to a close the portion of the work which seemed to be specially mine for the next stage, the world may look to others.” What a sorrowful end of a great innovation.

The world did look for others, now we all see air planes, helicopters and jets even rockets around us today. The Wright Brothers were the two bicycle mechanics who pioneered the first plane that flew and landed successfully. After ten years, bicycle mechanics finished up the project and succeeded a Professor. Orville and Wilbur Wright, with no Educational background and no funds or support from the Governments flew their plane (flyer 1) over the sands of Kitty Hawk and into history book.

“You don’t need money first you need idea first” Myles Munroe

Define where you are going to, it may take a little longer; the road might be rough but don’t be discourage; take a bold step forward on that vision

“Beginning is half done” Robert Schuler

The world is waiting for your manifestation. That one Idea in you can change Nigeria and this generation for good. The world is waiting for your arrival or do you want us to look for others? God forbid!

Take the bold step to succeed now, the future is yours. You are the messiah of that profession, business, craft … come and show the light they are expecting. I leave you with this.

Figure it out for yourself, my lad,

You have all that the greatest of men had to be successful.

You have all you need (a brain) to use to be wise. This is more than enough for you to get started.

“So start for the top and say I Can” Edgar Guest

Act Now! you can make it happen in 2010!

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