As the reality sat in, many looked around in utter awe and shock. Not a foot was standing still as they ran to and fro searching for someone to tell them that this had not happened. Nobody had any other cares in the world other than the fact that they were not ready for this day. This day had been long anticipated but those standing, kneeling or lying prostrate all realized the same thing, their time had run out. There was always talk of getting prepared and being ready but those on whom this reality has fallen now know this one thing. There is no more time for getting ready. The time for getting ready is over. There has been numerous reports of crashes and collisions, turmoil and chaos, suicide and mayhem. Everyone is looking to someone for reasons why and explanations for what they do not want to believe. Could it be that it has finally happened. What am I doing here many are asking themselves. I should not be here. I did what was required of me, or so I thought. I can’t seem to comprehend much at this point. My whole thought pattern has been twisted with what if’s and why’s and more. Could it all be a dream. I called family and friends and they are all still here and wondering just as I am. What is so eerily wrong or should I say right about today. Neighbors who are usually very cordial and concerned now share the same look of wonder. No one has an answer for anyone. No words to console no songs to repair damaged thoughts. This is the day the music stopped playing. If there was a way to ever explain the phrase “I can not comprehend” then this is it. This day will go on forever. People in the world over will know that this will be forever defined as the day the biggest mistake of their lives unfolded. This day marks the end of the rest of their lives. No one can buy their way out nor can they be redeemed. The military can’t be called upon and the President is himself helpless as a lamb in the midst of 10 wolves. The needs and desires of this world are less talked about as this day wearies on. Eternal sleep is the desire for most that knows their own choices have brought them to this place. The righteous in their own minds wonder how much righteousness was required if theirs didn’t reach the mark. How can it be is the new unsung song as singing is no longer desired. The need to wake up from this horrid dream is setting in as reality. Let’s take a drive to the park or let’s go out to dinner will not be the cries of the children today. Honey let’s go to the movies will be one of the furthest thoughts from the minds of the married or partnered. If thoughts could be replayed as movies and each thought earned a dollar the revenue earned would be infinity. The difference with these unedited, reality movies would be the big question of the day, Why didn’t I take heed. This world all of a sudden seems cold, lifeless, fruitless, empty and shallow though so much still remains. Hopes and dreams for the future have passed on into the dark graves in the empty minds of those that remain. Many scour the streets looking for familiar faces and explanations. Although no explanation can erase what is known to be the real deal. Those whom many thought had the answers to this day before it ever arrived stand in awe of the mistake of not admonishing the many people who looked to them for the truth.

Woe unto you pastors who scatter my sheep
Pastors and false prophets everywhere will no longer require the tithes and offerings of parishioners to help do so called kingdom work for the work is finished and the door is closed. Building funds will end and food drives will cease. There will be no more praise dancers and holy hip hoppers. For the one to whom it was supposedly all for has come and gone and your dead sacrifices have been rejected. No longer will the services of the gospel rock and rollers be required for they too have realized that their dead sacrifices and worldly worship was not accepted by a God that won’t share his glory with anyone. They will soon understand that they ushered the churches right to the gates of hell as did the holy hip hoppers of this wicked generation. There will be emergency church meetings to try to sort out what has happened and to do a head count of the remaining and explanations for the vanished. In these meetings I can imagine that many will try to figure out if they can somehow fit into the remaining 12 tribes of Israel by default or perhaps even simply explain it all away as some other event. The day of the pimp preachers will be no more. The liars and the hypocrites will soon realize that those moments of deception where not worth it after all. The loose butts and the fornicators won’t desire the pleasures that only lasted moments. They will actually despise the very acts that separated them from the Lord. The cry has been made the time for the gentiles has run out.

No one cares anymore about whose right or wrong about the church mingling with the world for the minglers are now the stragglers and those that separated themselves are now gone. They have been raptured away. They took heed to the word, they obeyed God’s commandments. Jesus returned just like he said he would and took them all away. You see the scripture says that narrow is the way that leadeth to eternal life and few there will be that FIND IT. Many can’t find the narrow road because they have chosen the broad and popular road to perdition which is why this day came upon them as a thief. Those who took Jesus at his word realized exactly what Paul meant when he said that we must work out our own soul salvation with fear and trembling. It was also understood by them what the scripture meant when it said the righteous would scarcely make it in which is why each day they lived as though it was their last. Being daily renewed by the word of God and being in a constant state of repentance. If you are seeing or hearing this and the great and notable day has not yet happened then you can get things right now. Search the scriptures for understanding and don’t be left behind. Don’t be one of those who walked away from the truth only to find out that it was the truth after all. Don’t lean to your own understanding and settle within yourself that it doesn’t require all of the things set forth in the bible. It seems today that many are giving there own meanings to holy and righteous living and have defined it to fit into what they are able to accomplish. If they feel that they want to do something that the word of God prohibits then they explain their actions under the definition of a Loving God. Just remember that the same God that loved the world so much that he sent his Son to die for it also created hell for all of those who chose their own way and not God’s way. Jesus Christ is the ONLY WAY. Find the road to salvation. Confess your sins, Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and believe and receive the baptism of the holy ghost. All of this is required for salvation. Don’t let anyone fool you. Just like you can’t bake a cake without missing ingredients you can’t be saved with missing ingredients.

Give your whole life to Christ before it is too late. Don’t be satisfied with just saying a few words and walking out the same way you came in.

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Comment by cherry on September 27, 2009 at 6:09pm
Awesome message my sister-the enemy has people fooled with TIME-thinking they have Time to get it right-but no man knows the hour!!!!!
Comment by Rest Of God Ministries on March 27, 2009 at 2:16pm
Amen wife,
You are very blessed! That's why I married you, and I thank God for your spirit.

Love you,
Comment by Micah RaSun-Vann on March 27, 2009 at 1:52pm
Lord thank you for this wake up call message today!

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