The Next Dimension

by Bayo Omoyiola, Jr

There remains therefore a rest to the people of God ...
Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest... - Hebrews 4:9, 11a

There is a next dimension for Christians that desire new
things in their life. There remains another day of rest to
enter into. Doing the same thing, the same way in the same
place and for the same purpose every time could be very
boring. Some times we need a change. I have found out that
people love change but not everyone is embracing it. Some
folks will say - the old is better but change is very
important. In fact, change is the only constant thing in
the world today. Things are changing and getting better.
You too ought to change, improve on yourself and move to
the next level of your life.

If you have been crawling in life, you have to start
walking. If you have been walking in life, you have to
start running. If you have been running in life, you have
to start flying. You ought to soar on wings as eagles do.
God is bringing his people into a new dimension, into a
new reality of heaven on earth. If you believe that, get
ready. For preparation is a pre-requisite for moving to
the next level. Get ready and start working towards your
desired change.

I discovered that God is a God of 3-dimensions. We have
the outer court, the inner court and the holiest of all.
We also have Faith, Hope and Love. We have God the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit. He is the God who was, who is
and is to come. Did you notice all the examples I just
gave are in 3 dimensions? Remember we have Good, Better
and Best. If what you desire is the best, then this
message is for you. If you have been thanking God for what
he has done, you are only in the outer court. You have to
move on and deeper in the Lord. If you have been praising
him for what he is doing, you have just moved to the inner
court. You got to press deeper into the holy of holies. If
you have been worshiping him for who he is, I rejoice
with you because you are right now in the holy of holies -
beholding his face. Keep on beholding and get changed from
glory to glory. If you have only known God as a loving
father, you are immature in your christian faith. You got
to grow up. If you know God only as a God of Judgment then
you are yet to be matured. You got to draw closer to God
and know him more till you get to know God as a loving
Father and God of Judgment.

When you are operating by faith, you are walking. When you
operate in hope, you run but when you operate in love, you
soar. I would rather fly than walk all my life without
flying. You still have to walk a-times though but your
walking must lead you to running and your running must
lead you to a place where you can soar. That is what faith
mixed with love can do to you. You start by walking in
faith then start running and later see yourself flying
with the wings of love.

There are 3 dimensions of Faith: The bible talks about no
faith, little faith and also talks of strong faith. Faith
is a gift and a fruit of the Spirit of God. You can grow
in faith and move from one level to another as you feed on
the word and yield yourself to the Holy Spirit . Note that
when you become filled with the Spirit, you walk by faith
and not by sight. The Holy Spirit is the author of faith
and is also the builder/furnisher or finisher of our faith
in Christ. With faith in him you can change your life and
change the circumstances that affect your life.

There are 3 dimensions of Hope: No hope, weak hope and
strong hope. Strong Hope doesn't make one ashamed. With
faith in the word, your hope can be increased and you can
start running in life with full assurance in God. The hope
of the righteous cannot be cut off. Please note that your
faith in God is what leads you to having strong hope in
him. So you start walking in faith then start running in

There are 3 dimensions of Love: No love, the kind of love
our Lord Jesus Christ commands us to have (Loving your
neighbor as yourself) and the Greater Love (the kind of
love displayed by a man that loves others more than he
loves himself). In true love, there are brotherly love,
romantic love and agape love.
God is love so when you operate in love, you become
automatically connected to God. Allow me share this secret
with you. Any time you walk in love, you are connected to
Heaven. You don't have to be in church or kneeling down in
your house before you get connected to the Holy throne
room of God. You become connected immediately you start
operating in love. Isn't that amazing? Yea, it is amazing
and it is indeed a beautiful thing to receive this
revelation and behold the Sun of Righteousness.

Now let us consider the lives of some old testament saints : Joseph`s promotion was 3-dimensional; He was first
a leader in potipher`s house, then a leader in the prison
before he became a leader over Egypt. David`s ordination
was 3-dimensional; He was anointed king at the age of 17
in his father`s house. Then he was anointed at the age of
30 as king over Judah before he was later anointed king
over Israel some years later. Moses` life was also 3-dimensional; He lived the first 40 years of his life in Egypt as an adopted son of an
Egyptian princess, then he lived the second 40 years of
his life as a shepherd to Jethro, a gentile and lived the
last 40 years of his life as a deliverer to the people of

Our Lord Jesus Christ`s life was also 3-dimensional; He
was Jesus for 30 years of his life then he became Jesus
Christ (the anointed one and his anointing) and later
became Lord Jesus Christ (Lord of Lord/ King of Kings)
after his death and resurrection.

Amongst the disciples of Christ, you will also find 3
dimensions of relationship with the Lord. There were the
12 disciples of Christ then there were 3 disciples of his
that were close to him then there was John - the beloved,
the disciple that was most intimate with him.

If you are not born again, you cannot have a revelation of
Christ. I would like you to invite the Lord Jesus Christ
into your life right now if you are yet to do so and enjoy
the spiritual feast of passover. Whenever a man gives his
life to Christ, there is joy in heaven. A celebration
which I call ' the feast of passover ' takes place in
heaven for the newly saved life. After a man has given his
life to Christ then he can become water baptized and Holy
Spirit baptized and enjoy another feast which I call feast
of Pentecost. On receiving the Holy Spirit, the man can
enjoy the feast of Pentecost. You can gather fellow
Christians together and have a prayer meeting in which you
will pray and sing in tongues. If you do that, I bet you
will experience a mighty presence of God and enjoy the
feast of Pentecost. There is a 3rd kind of feast for God
lovers. It is called the feast of tabernacles. It is for
those who worship God will all their hearts. It is only
for those that are very intimate with the Holy Spirit and
those who come to the throne room of God to worship him
for who he is.

There is a call to intimacy with Christ. As you draw near
to him, you will experience the well, river and rain
dimensions of the anointing of God and as you fellowship
with him, his glory will continue to rise in you. The
glory can move from the ankle level to the loins level and
then from the loins level, it can rise till it gets to a
level in which you become totally immersed in the river of
God and experience his fullness. At this level, you can
bath and swim in the river of God. You can enjoy his
overflowing grace. Here, you enjoy the en-grafted word of
God and enjoy a dimension of 100 folds of fruitfulness in
life having moved from 30 fold dimension to 60 and then to
100 folds dimension.

Brethren, it is time to move to the next level. It is the
will of God for you to move to a new dimension. He wants
you to experience rest on all sides. God has prepared a
place called rest for you. You must therefore strive to
enter in and move into the next dimension of God`s good,
acceptable & perfect will for your life. Selah

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