The Prophets Blog; Prophet Ken Cox 2009 Year of The Professional Servant

The Prophets Blog; Prophet Ken Cox 2009 Year of the Professional Servant

Welcome to 2009 at least the calendar year, yes I know many of you are saying we still have a few days to go. Yes those days are on the calendar only. Mentally I want to share with those of you who have already gone into 2009 spiritually. We must talk. Normally this time of year many Prophets and those with a Prophetic mantel share words of encouragement and revelation for the body of Christ. I won't use this forum for that. We still have not internalized the prophetic words released 5-10 years ago. So I will focus on what God has given to me to kick start calendar year 2009

The Professional Servant of God

I'm sharing about a special eagle, of rare lineage. This type of individual must be keenly aware of who he/ she is and must be willing to execute the Will of God upon any given venue. This will not always be easy, and will surely open you up to criticism and people putting their mouths on you, Anointed One of God. Because if you know who you are you will be able to stand. Let’s talk about what it will take for you to be able to stand have dignity, direction and purpose, in other words your focus continues to mature.

Why is a Professional servant of God necessary? Thank you for asking. A professional as stated is a rare breed, which is what a servant of God is. We are servants of God; walking, talking specialists who specialize in deliverance, healing, restoration, miracles, prophecy, basically what ever the Will of God is, we are available for God to use us. We are heirs of Salvation who are empowered to execute the Will of God in this day we live in. Our service is our serving and executing the Will of God, period. Why should we be professional? We need to be at our very best. Our best includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual excellence.

This is not just for the holidays or occasions, but excellence must be our new normal. A professional operates at the highest level in a chosen profession. We have” chosen to follow Jesus”. This is simply the highest calling for anyone. When a professional operates in a venue, a setting, yes even a church, this person sets protocol, order, and exhibits a standard of excellence as well as demonstrates the standard as routine operations. (Romans 12:1) This is our method of operation as servants of God. When the enemy comes, we are tasked to uphold God’s standard as proof that our God lives within us. (Isaiah 59:19) We must be available for God to use us.

A professional servant of God means that you operate at the highest level that God empowers you to. This level is not measured by the number of people who follow you, but the number of people you serve. Are you giving your gift to more than your personal circles? We're anointed to serve people through more than a message from our pulpits. Friend, there is much more. Let me start now into the meat. If you are still with me, then I declare you as radical for Jesus. I love sharing with radical people for the Anointing, because they are focused, determined and understand that our battle is not against each other but against the Legion of Darkness.

Becoming a Professional Servant of God

I find myself, now at a cross road, as the author of a dictionary of experiences, revelations, and yes perceptions as we discuss an effective ministry model. While all three have merit, I must impress upon you that you are free to share your analogy of characteristics that will help us all. With that being said, let’s start and see how we can start to see ourselves in another way.

I don’t know about you but, I grow so tired of seeing and hearing Men and Women of God, Men and Women in the body of Christ, simply put down each other. We all, yes we all have put our mouths on God’s Anointed. We all are guilty, even though I know some of us won't admit it, but the truth is that the 3 or 4 of you who will, I ask God to bless you immediately as you, we confess our faults one to another. Saul did this to David, but David, did it not to Saul. “David said repeatedly I will not touch the Lord’s Anointed”. (1 Samuel 26:11) Saul, an anointed man of God, tried to kill David, and yet in this day we live in, we experience the same thing as many have tried to kill and discredit our ministries and us personally. Witchcraft, intimidation, and other forms of demonic control are daily issues that many of us deal with as we build ministries and simply serve God.

Would you agree with me that Professionals can co exist, even in the body of Christ, What are you saying prophet? Thank you for asking! Many of us need to learn respect, even if you don't agree with another’s faith. As long as they are preaching “Jesus”, we are all on the same team; but we may have different assignments. You can't tell me that there is, no longer a certain ministry gift, because your faith does not recognize the gift. That’s your “Faith”, but if the Word of God says so, then that’s validation of the gift and characteristics of the ministry gift, the same Word of God that we all use.

Does anyone remember Ephesians 4:11-13? The Word says until we all come into unity of Faith and the knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.

While secular professionals talk about each other, they also exhibit respect and disrespect just as we do. One thing I have noticed with secular professionals at the top levels is that they will come together despite differences and complete the mission to empower their bank accounts. The saints of God will also only if they feel that person will raise enough money. You know that same person who was “the devil, the evil spirit, the witch or warlock is now “holy’ because it’s anniversary time and they now need, that same person to raise a certain amount of money. Funny, how money makes one “Holy” and Anointed all of a sudden”. I wonder, am I the only one who has seen this over and over again? When will we learn as Professional Servants of God that we are duty bound to work together to fulfill the great commission (Mark 16: 15-20) Jesus gave us!

In The Secular World a Professional studies their craft with formal schooling or training. Some may need to go to school. While schooling always has it merits; there is still no better mentor than the Holy Ghost. How many of us have seen men and women of God who confuse theology with validation? Deliverance, breakthrough, and restoration are birthed through struggle, trial and tribulations. Faith is only tested in times of adversity. This is the birthing of a Professional Servant of God. Some will never agree with that, it’s ok; this is why we exchange information and revelations to empower each other.

Moses, Noah, Job, Paul, and lets add our names to this list of those who can relate. A professional servant of God will never stop learning or experiencing. I’m reminded of Elijah who was true to God as he spoke the word of God right up to his death. (2 Kings 13: 15-20)

A mentor’s uncommon influence is to get you to a level not common to you, so you will be effective when you arrive on the uncommon level to deal with uncommon issues. In other words there is a demonic assignment waiting for you at the next level or dimension you choose to operate within. Have you ever seen someone who has all the answers in their circles of influence? Am I talking about you? You're in trouble if so. The question now becomes who is pouring into you when you need a Word? Sometimes we all need to hear a word from God, and sometimes it’s in the most unlikely mouth. Experience sure is a great teacher and a costly teacher sometimes. A Professional Servant of God is needed in times of every life. We are specialists who market God’s Holy word, His secrets and His revelations as His people need them. We are used by God for the perfecting (maturing) of the Saints.

Can I go deeper with this? We as servants of God do not want to go to Sunday school, Bible Studies, Bible classes or what ever you call it. Why? This is and continues to be the backbone of the Church, which is the proponent of the Kingdom of God. The church is the creative arm of God’s kingdom and we must realize that God is ready to take us to our next dimension as servants. Is studying to show thyself approved still a viable option in this day we live in? Have you ever seen some one who knows every thing in the Bible? I mean everything! A very elderly and seasoned preacher said to me one day, “young prophet he said, you will know when you have met a fool, because they will know everything about God and the Bible, and young prophet don't waste your time trying to prophesy to a know it all”. I laughed but knew he spoke truth.

We are serving the Highest God, so why shouldn't we enjoy the highest benefit of life he gives us. Soul prosperity is the highest benefit and standard of life. We as servants must realize that we are the earthly mouthpieces who must exhibit a standard of Excellence. This will cost us friends, finances, and connections of influence, but we will gain the approval of the Most High God. I urge you my friend to become a person, and servant of value. Become a Professional servant of God. The secular world mirrors God’s system, which is the kingdom of God.

2009 is upon you, and if you want to take it where you have never, before, look to improve where you thought you were at your best. Challenge yourself, others around you? Task yourself, not foolishly but in the same spirit as Gods servants in the biblical days. It is still possible for us to do the impossible. Knowledge is not hidden; it is just not where many of us have looked. The dream / vision you have that is so big that you don't know how to accomplish it, is God’s work that must be performed through you!

2009 I pray that more will aspire to become true, professionals, professional servants of The most High God. Thank you for allowing me to share with you, Prophetess Cox and myself are preparing for a vigorous 2009 and we look forward to seeing you soon! We are coming to your city or a city near you soon. We look forward to the fellowship! Remember one word from God will change your life, your miracle is in the mouth of the Prophet!

Those of you with 5 Fold ministry callings please check out our new site we are excited about it, go to WWW.THEMOUTHOFTHEPROPHET.NING.COM . You are welcome to sign up for free on this site.

Thank you for your comments and visiting this site, We appreciate your time, responses and wisdom you share with us! You can also respond to me via email at The Lord Bless you my friends , thank you for allowing me to share with you , as always I will respond as appropriate

In The Anointing

Prophet Ken Cox

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