There once was a water pitcher.She thought she wasn't any different from the other water pitchers in the Master's house.They were all made of golden bronze and shined like the sun. There were many of them in the Master's house. All of them were used for water. The Master always took her pitcher to a special spring to refill. She thought that all the rest of the water pitchers went there as well, she really never knew. She would often times be used by other members of the house to refill many of the other pitchers. But she always knew when the Master would use her for she was accustomed to his touch.She often flowed freely never measuring what she was giving. She knew what being refreshed felt like and it was a pleasure to refresh her fellow pitchers. Often times when other members of the household poured her out, they would touch her vessel in places that would leave her tarnished and not presentable to be placed back for the Master to refresh her. She would wait patiently tarnished and dirty. The Master never left her for to long. He would come, for he was faithful. He would take her to that special spring and fill her up again.

Days went pass and months. She was bit dirtier than she had been before. Many of the members of the hous even strangers she had never felt before had used her, and it seemed, over and over agian. She thought to her self " maybe the Master is on vacation". The golden bronze water pitcher began to turn black, for many of the members of the household weren't holding her properly. She had smudges and fingerprints all over her. Yet, many of the other water pitchers still shone like the morning sun, at least thats what she thought. She didn't refill at that special spring since the Master had gone, just from the water in the sink. One day a member was refilling her to fill a chosen vessel in the choice room of the house. She thought to herself, "surely they know where the Master is, and maybe I'll ask them if they could leave just a drop for me to quench my thrist and maybe, just maybe to clean myself so when the Master returns I won't look so flithy".

As the member of the house poured her out, she spake to the chosen vessel and said,"I was wondering brothe if you could refresh me and leave a drop for me to polish myself so I don't get rusted and by the way have you seen the Master?". The chosen vessel to he surpise retorted," Foolish child can I refresh you with spring water? Am I the Master, or a member of the Master's household." Just then, she heard a crack.

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Comment by Edwin Osera on June 27, 2009 at 2:11pm
Yes, it is wondeful.I feel like that pitcher.I Look forward to the next episode.

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