Every person have a THEIR. There is a place that you are destined to go. when you were a twinkle in your dad's eyes your there was alreadly being set up.

Some of us depends on education, some depends on family, friends you know who know who the right connections. Some depends on luck to open doors for them.

Some depends on there self worth and many depends on Faith. Whatever you are depending on to take you to the next lever toward your THEIR I want to help you.

There are four steps you must take I like to call them The HUNT for YOUR THEIR - YOUR DESTINY! I promise you when you can master these four steps you will be on your way to achieving an entrepreneur mind-set.

These four steps or "The Hunt" are easy for you to do. Every thing in life is first seen in the invisible and has to be pulled into the visible. Your THEIR is your destiny. Your THEIR is where you are going to see just how easy it is to implement the pieces: Your THEIR is where you are going to find YOU!

1. Harness What You Have:

Identify your interest, and your skills. Figure out something tangible that you love to do like a trade you are proved to be associated with or product you like. Put them together and you're gor a business venture.

2. Underestimate Your Obstacles:

Define your vision and mentally pass the multitude of things that can go wrong or stand in your way. Better safe then sorry.

3. Notice Your Network:

Find those around you who can assist you in finding you. Your destiny is what you walk into or walk away from. You were created for purpose and destiny good or bad you have a destiny. Realizing your vision and utilize the leverage that othrs will provide you in reaching your THIER goals (A MEN WITH OUT A PLAN; PLAN TO FELL).

4. Take The First Step:

Develop a Bias toward your vision. This step provides the catalyst that makes any entrepreneurial dreams or vision turn into reality with out this bias there is NO HUNT! The true entrpreneurial mind set comes from THEIR basic human need for self preservation. If you look back on your life you can probably see the HUNT principles at work weathers it was a money earning project or just a hobby.

You have talents that you have harnessed to accomplish things. But! somewhere along the way you got the idea that this wasn't rally working . You stopped taking your self seriously and started trying to fit into what other people thought you should do. What would be prestigious, or what was considered safe. We were created for purpose and destiny that "Hunt" is engraved within each of us.

It is written "I Can do All Things" All Things Through Christ

"You Cannot Conquer What You Will Not Confront ~ You Cannot Confront What You Will Not Identify"

If you want to be successfull you must Identify what is keep you from reaching your purpose and destiny.

Once we can identify and take steps to change only then can you truly walk into your "THEIR"

God's Blessing on you Splash...Splash...

Be Bless

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