Be encouraged as you read. Be Blessed !




" And it came to pass in those days, when there was no king in Israel,
that there was a certain Levite staying in the remote mountains of 
Ephraim. He took for himself a concubine from Bethlehem in Judah.
Judges 19:1-2. NKJV. " It is very important for you to take note of
who the Levites were .The following information is taken from Nelson's
New Illustrated Bible Dictionary.  " Levites were descendants if Levi
who served as assistants to the priests in the worship system of the
nation of Israel. As Levites, Aaron and his sons and their descendants
were charged with the responsibility of the priesthood offering burnt
offerings and leading the people in worship and confession. But all the
other Levites who were not descended directly from Aaron were to serve
as priestly assistants, taking care of the tabernacle and the temple and
performing other menial duties ( Numbers 8:6 ). The choice of the Levites
as a people who would perform special service for God goes back to the
days of the Exodus when the children of Israel were camped at Mt. Sinai.
The people grew restless while they waited for Moses to return from talking
with the Lord on the mountain. Breaking their covenant with God, they made
a golden calf and began to worship it. The Levites were no less guilty than
the other tribes. But when Moses returned and called for those on the Lord's
side to come forward, the descendants of Levi were the only ones who 
voluntarily rallied to his side; showing zeal for God's honor (Exodus 32:26-28)."
Now while it is not unusual for Levites to live in their own cities. It is important
to understand that the Levites partook of the Holy things of Yahweh, and lived
consecrated lives. Yet this particular Levite spoken of earlier went and got for
himself a concubine, he became torn between two loves. Read what happens in
verse two of Judges 19. (2) " But his concubine played the harlot against him,
and went away from him to her father's house at Bethlehem in Judah, and was
there for whole two months. (3) " Then her husband arose and went after her,
to speak kindly to her and bring her back, having his servant and a couple of
donkeys with him. So she brought him into her father's house; and when the
father of the young woman saw him, he was glad to meet him. " This Levite,
instead of chasing after God, and performing his priestly duties, he found him
self torn between two loves. For he loved God too; yet he had a deeper passion
for his concubine even though she was stepping out on him so to speak. He still
wanted very much to be with her. As it turns out the Levite stayed at his concubine
father's house for five days at his insistence; however on the fifth day during the
afternoon, he departed with his concubine. Being unaware that the journey home
would be a treacherous one in the city Gibeah which he chose to spend the night
for the sun had gone down on them, and they were still very far from home. Sadly
in Gibeah, no one would take them in for the night. So they sat in the square of this
city. Do you not know in spite of Abba Father always makes a way ? Read (16) "
Just then an old man came in from his work in the field at evening, who also was
from the mountains of Ephraim; he was staying in Gibeah, where as the men of
the place were Benjamites. " (17) " And when he raised his eyes, he saw the traveler
in  the square of the city, and the old man said, where are you going, and where do
you come from ? " (21) " So he brought him into his house, and gave fodder to the
donkeys. And they washed their feet, and ate and drank. " (22) " As they were en-
joying themselves, suddenly certain  men of the city. Perverted men surrounded the
house and beat on the door. They spoke to the master of the house, the old man saying;
bring out the man who came to your house, that we may know him carnally! "
(23) " But the man, the master of the house, went out to them, " No, my brethren!
I beg you, do not act so wickedly! Seeing this man has come into my house; do not
commit this outrage. " (24) "  Look, here is my virgin daughter and the man's
concubine, " Let me bring them out now. Humble them, and do with them as you please,
but to this man do not do such a vile thing! " Now take note of what the Levite himself
did in verse (25) " But the men would not heed him. So the man took his concubine and
brought her out to them. And they knew her and abused her all night until morning, and
when the day began to break, they let her go. " (26) " Then the woman came as the day
was dawning, and fell down at the door of the man's house where her master was till it
was light. " (27) " When her master arose in the morning, and opened the doors of the
house and went out to go his way, there was his concubine, fallen at the door of the house
with her hands on the threshold. " (28) " And he said to her, " Get up and let us be going."
But there was no answer. So the man lifted her onto the donkey; and the man got up and
went to his place. " This Levite was so torn between two loves so much so it seemed as 
if he had forgotten the God whom he served. He did not pray. Read what he did as soon
as he arrived to his home. (29) " When he entered his house he took a knife, laid hold of
his concubine, and dived her into twelve pieces, limb by limb, and sent her throughout all
the territory of Israel. " This act shook up all of Israel. Read their response to seeing
such a gruesome sight. (30) " And so it was that all who saw it said, " No such deed has
been done or seen from the day that the children of Israel came up from the land of
Egypt until this day. Consider it, confer, and speak up! " Question is; Are you and I as
men and women of God partaking of the Holy things of Yahweh, and are torn between
two loves ? For the Levite, it was his concubine which caused him not to go after the
God he served and loved. It seemed he did not pray and ask for any help and directions
during his time of crisis. What is even worse, he never repented before the Lord. In fact
when the old man, who had taken him into his home asked him where he was going. He
told him he was going to the house of the Lord. Read it for yourself from (11) " Now
I am going to the house of the LORD. But there is no one who will take me into his
house. " Pause for a moment ! Take a deep breath in.....Breathe out ! Now calmly
think about this (me too) Are you torn between two loves ? Who or what is it causing
you not to hunger and thirst after Yahweh like you used to do ? Not fasting before Him ?
Not getting involved in Church Ministry anymore ? Torn between two loves, not spending
time in the secret place of His presence like you used to. Prayer ? What about prayer,
you may ask ? Do you remember when you used to tarry before Him all night ? Now
most of the time you are slumbering upon your bed, and missing those vital appointments
with Him ! Men of Yahweh, you may not have a concubine (sweetheart), women of Yahweh,
you may not be stepping out on your husbands. Yet I hear it resounding again, torn between
two loves. You and I must take inventory daily of our lives, for God is very displeased !
What is it that is causing you to be torn between two loves ? The alarm is ringing relentlessly.
The watch towers all across the globe are being left unattended, the prayer warriors, and
intercessors have fallen into a deep sleep. The gates of the cities are swinging wide open,
and the gate keepers are no where to be found, and the enemy has crept in unawares reaking
havoc all over the world !

In conclusion. Let us not be like the Levite, who took matters into his own hands seeking 
revenge for the death of his concubine. Instead let's repent in godly sorrow and put to death
carnality, the works of the flesh seeking Abba Father's forgiveness and be true and faithful

only to Him, never to be torn between two loves ever again !

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