One of the Devils biggest weapons that uses against us is dividing the family. Putting one family member against the other,husband against wife,child against parent, mother against father and friend against friend. My mother use to have an old saying," what happens in the house stays in the house". What this means if there is a problem in the house, it should stay in side the house. No one in the outside world should know about the problems, that our children are having, our husbands or wives, everything should remain under one roof and not discussed among friends. Because that's where we often get some very bad advice and the Devil does not need any help when it comes to destroying a family or a relationship. When we seek advice and direction, then we should seek our Father in Heaven first, because he is the head of all of our lives. Then we should seek counsel from someone who is not a friend of ours and someone who will not take sides, someone with the ability to look at the situation from an objective prospective. All problems and solutions should remain private and anything that happens in your household should remain there.
Another one of the Devils weapons that he uses to destroy relationships is money and finances. This is a problem that is in most household's, when the man or the woman makes more money that the other, there is often jealousy and resentment. The husband or the wife is jealous, because their spouse makes more money than them and then the other is very resentful because they pay more of the bills then the other. Now this is a problem that should not be, because if both live in the same home then everything made should be under one roof anyway. Two incomes, with two very strong Christian people can go along way and also can get a lot accomplished. When two become one, that means , " whats yours is mine and whats mine is yours, your income, your possessions, your body and soul belong to each other. The home you live in, become the couples home, the car you drive becomes the couples car, what every you posses becomes the couples possession's. God put you together and will provide for you both, if you remain faithful, then you will realize that God blesses a marriage. Its a contract you sign with him and when you honor it by staying devoted, faithful and trusting only him, then everything under one roof will remain, blessed.
Have a blessed Sunday,
Proverbs 23:23-26
Buy the truth and do not sell it; get wisdom, discipline and understanding. The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him. May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave birth rejoice. My son give your heart and let your eyes keep my ways

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Comment by Tara Robinson on April 13, 2009 at 2:04pm
Well said my brother well said. blessings to you.

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