What if...almost everything you ever believed about God was wrong


In order for GOD to exist….to be real….


GOD began here… on this earth… as a man

As man is in the worldGOD once was

As GOD is in the worldman may become

GOD who is our future…

Came from man who is his past

GOD evolved from the human race-

and if you really do wish and desire to love GOD…

then you need to love the things that GOD loves


The real GOD… the true GOD…

has never ever killed a human being
has never ever condoned any such action
has never ever arranged and planned any such thing

What would you think of a human…
who would plan and arrange the death of his only son??

Yet deceived Christians teach the entire world-

that the Loving, Merciful, GOD…planned and arranged

for the bloody death of his only Son

My friends,

It wasn't Yeshua’s Blood that gives you eternal life…

It is his his words and his example that gives us life

What does Yeshua himself, say

about the doctrine of "blood atonement"

Wisdom 14:53,54

For such exaltation as GOD would give
comes not by reason of my death upon the cross,

but it is my word which gives eternal life,
for the words which I speak are spirit, and they are life

What shall it profit a man if he believe in my death and burial,

or if he take delight in my resurrection

but does not the things that I say?

For I have left unto all who will,
an example that they should follow in my steps,
that they might become even as the Only Begotten of the Father

My friends,

Any book of Scripture that commands, justifies, or excuses
one person killing another person

in the name of religion, or country, or justice-
such a book does not come from GOD...

it is written purely by men

Any book of Scripture that presents GOD
as an angry god, a wrathful god, a vengeful god, a jealous god;
that book was not authored by your Heavenly Father...

it came strictly from men

Any book of Scripture that demeans and humiliates women;
that puts forth the idea that women are nothing but the
serving vessels of men-

such a book does not come from God…

it was written by men for men

Any book of Scripture that promotes

the doctrine, the belief

in hell fire and brimstone and final judgment;
does not come from GOD…it comes from men

Wisdom 12:15-17
Thus would such men as these fashion GOD like unto themselves,
that he might not rise above their own image and likeness,
being small and filled with pettiness

That even as they are filled with anger,
so then is the god of their understanding made angry also;
as they are filled with hate and loathing, so have they fashioned god;

as they are made subject unto wrath and vengeance,
so have they made subject unto like passions
the god of their own understanding

Why then will you be made to fear such a god as this,
who by vain passions is made no greater than the least of you?

Will you love him for the sake of fear only?

Wisdom 12:55
Guard yourselves therefore,
against the righteousness of churchgoers;

for by word and deed would they hope to make you
subject unto certain men of authority,

that they might hedge up the way against you,
that you might be encompassed round about
with doctrines and creeds of men

Wisdom 22:24
For at no time have I commanded

that one man should slay another-
for this is an abomination unto me

Wisdom 12:56,57

Watch, therefore and beware:

For in the beginning did the teachers and preachers
of the church seize the keys of deep knowledge

and with great cunning did they hide them
beneath the robes of their authority,
securing them against you for the sake of their traditions

I tell you truly, they shall not enter into the kingdom of God,
neither would they permit that you should enter either

Wisdom 12:24-27
By such contrivance
would the teachers and preachers of religion
separate you from the love of God;

that being made fearful,

they might hedge up the way against you
lest you should by some means
find again the Father and live

Thus would they make Christ

unlike the natural man,

being perfect;

that by his death all people

might stand condemned before the cross,

being made worthy of all reproach

Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear;
for I tell you truly that the love of God manifest itself
not in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ
as these men would have you suppose,

but rather in those things
which Yeshua desired to teach unto the children of men

That by the exercise of a goodly faith unto good works,
they might draw nigh again unto the Father of their soul,
being made holy even as he is holy

Thought to ponder for many hours:

Did Yeshua make a way back to the Father
Was Yeshua killed



Wisdom 12:69-73
Come now and before the people answer:

The death of Yeshua,

was it according to the will of God or not?”

And one answered him, saying:

“Surely it was according to the will of God.

For how shall we attain for ourselves the glory of Heaven

except there first be made some blood atonement

wherein all our sins are forgiven?

For by Adam’s transgression did death come upon every man,

but in the death of Christ are we made alive unto God,

having been cleansed of all corruption.”

Thus spoke the elders before the people,

and the Teacher hearing this, said:

“Is it not written among you this saying:

‘We believe that men will be punished for their own sins,

and not for Adam’s transgression?’

Seeing that this is held as true among you,

what need have you of blood atonement?

Consider, therefore,

how that by such doctrines as you would teach,

you would make God to appear

as being bloodier than you yourselves.”

What about the doctrine of the Virgin birth?

Wisdom 12:3-7
Consider how the teachers and preachers of religion
have desired to remove you from the Father of your soul,
for fear that you should take to yourself some knowledge of him

For they and their fathers before them
have established a multitude of doctrines and creeds
which have become as a wall to separate you from God;

that no one should by any means approach nigh unto God
except that they first go to the builders of the wall

Thus would they have you believe that this one
whom they call Christ should be brought forth of a virgin,
being conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit;
that he, being unlike the natural man, might be made free from sin

Thus, by such a birth would they make Christ
a stranger unto the children of men;
for they desired to hedge up the way, round about,
against even all who would come to a knowledge of God

For by reason of your natural birth
have they proclaimed through a million preachers
that all people are filled with evil and corruption continually,
having been made partakers of Adam's transgression

Wisdom 12:28,49
For even God your Father
came forth to dwell upon the earth,
even as a man having flesh and bone like unto yourselves,
being born unto life even as you were born

For your God is not without understanding concerning the frailties of man,
for even so great a one as he thought it not unseemly

to become as one of you when he came as Yeshua to walk upon the earth


Wisdom 12:28-34
Come now and hear again this parable:

For it so happened that on a certain day,
Yeshua of Nazareth went walking by the sea,
and in the heat of the day
he rested himself beneath the palms

Now there came unto him this Jesus Christ of the Christians
wearing garments made red with blood,
and he desired to contend with Yeshua,
seeing that he was alone

And sitting himself down,
Jesus Christ and Yeshua spoke unto one another all that day

And in the evening tide,
when the wind caressed the waters of the sea
and the birds of the air made ready their nests,

Yeshua rose from his place and speaking unto Christ, said:
"My friend, I fear that you and I shall never agree"

And Yeshua turned himself again unto the children of his soul,
being made joyful that he should walk among them

But Christ, rising from his place, turned himself again

unto the doctrines and creeds of the faithful;
muttering to himself always concerning the works and deeds
of saints and martyrs, popes and preachers

Hear now this great mystery and ponder:

For this Yeshua of Nazareth
whom these men would call Christ,
even he is the Father of your soul,
being Emmanuel unto the children of men

Why, therefore, would you let such teachings as these men would afford,
separate you from the Father who loves you?

Or, why will you not believe?


What about Condemnation, Damnation, and Judgment?

There is only one “faith” that is acceptable to GOD…

And that is the “faith” that is in no way whatsoever,

brought about by instilling “fear” as it’s foundation

This true faith which is the only acceptable faith to the true GOD

affords you and me, the right… “to walk away”

With no condemnation whatsoever-

From GOD, or the church, or any other person

Will you love him for the sake of fear only?


REINCARNATION... No Damnation or Judgment

Beginnings 21:24
And whosoever knows not good from evil,

even they shall be granted the mercies of God,

for I shall cause that they shall come again into mortality,

that they might come to a knowledge of what is good and what is evil.

Beginnings 22:71
...for I shall restore again the soul of the fallen,

that they might dwell again among the living,

whereby they might progress, even as they are able,

nigh unto the throne of God where righteousness is made to dwell forever.

4th Endowment 5:49-51
“Let this then be granted as a fair and happy compensation;

for even we are fully knowing in the ways of mortal life,

how that some are born most fully advantaged

while others are born as low and heavy burdened

with harsh and pressing cares, having to themselves no advantage given.

Thus, in this school so far away,

shall we give to each child, whether male or female,

a multiplicity of lives, causing that if one

should be born disadvantaged in one life,

then in the next shall they be born more advantaged still.

Not by way of reward for goodly actions,

but rather to compensate for such harshness

as did fall upon them in the living of their lives;

for I would prove fair and just to all my children,

giving to each some equal opportunity

to rise above advantage or disadvantage altogether.”

Wisdom 18:15-16
Therefore, by reason of his great mercy he has proclaimed the decree,

whereby all those who should die without a knowledge of heavenly things

shall God deal graciously, even as a loving Father for an only child.

And they shall come again into mortality

until they shall learn for themselves the way of holiness.

Beginnings 12:51-53
For all things, whether great or small, shall pass away.

But the life of man, this shall not pass away,

even though death press hard against us.

For behold how the day flees into night,

and the night rushes into day;

even so is the life of all men.

Consider, therefore, the life of man.

For we are born unto death,

that in our passing we might be born again unto life.

How then shall you destroy the life of the soul,

seeing that it is of God and must ever continue?

Did you not know that the ways of God are as one eternal round,

even until that day when the soul of man is exalted again unto God?

Yeshua 24:52-55
Whosoever has ears to hear, let them hear.

For the life of the body is a passing thing.

And like the sea foam it rides upon the waves of this life

to cast itself upon the shore; and, behold, it is no more,

being scattered upon the sands of time.

Yet do the waves come again and again unto the shore,

bearing upon itself the foam of yet some greater sea.

And in like manner

shall you come also again and again,

even till you shall all come to a knowledge of that God

which fashioned you and loved you,

even from the beginning of the world.

Yeshua 50:21-23, 27-30
21. If, therefore, you would attain unto God,

seek me while I may yet be found;

for all those which believe not,

the same will not find me;

22. And they shall return again unto this world,

passing from life to death to life again,

even till they shall find me.

23. Fear not, therefore,

those which are able to kill the body,

for the spirit of man lives forever....

27. Therefore, grieve not for the body,

what men shall do unto it;

for death is appointed unto all the living,

and life is apportioned unto all the dead.

28. For as a man will cast away an old garment

so that he might attain unto a new one,

even so does the spirit within

cast away the body which is old and broken,

that it might attain unto a new body wherein to dwell.

29. Be not, therefore, overwrought

because of such changes as shall come upon you,

for when you were children,

then was the body strong and filled with life.

30. But when you are old,

then shall the body be filled with death,

being made weak and feeble.

But fear not these things when they are come upon you,

for you shall live again, even as you see me live again.

2nd Endowment 9:39-52
39. For from the very beginning did God give

the very means and pathway of reincarnation,

wherein every man and every woman,

who possess eternal spirit,

might be given a great many lives

whereby they should come to learn for themselves

the way of eternal things, being in themselves

delivered from the fear of death.

40. For even the Father and Mother which dwell beyond

would have the children of their soul

to see in the mortal life some school only;

that going through the days of their mortality,

they might learn for themselves the way which is greater still.

41. Know therefore, Jehovah-Yahweh,

(the false imposter wrathful, vengeful, jealous god

who does kill and demands blood atonement)

that I shall make known unto all men

the very means of exaltation in the kingdom of God;

teaching unto them the principle of reincarnation,

which very principle shall uplift

the hearts and minds of all who believe.

42. And all they

which shall embrace the truth which comes from above,

even they shall see in life but some school only;

and in that moment shall they see no need

for desperate acts of judgment and reproach;

seeing that into their keeping

God shall grant still some other life

wherein they might learn for themselves

the way of good and evil.

43. For in the knowledge of heavenly things

is all fear made of no effect;

and in the wisdom of God

is life made to become most joyful and filled with promise.

44. Yet in the doctrine of one life only

have you, Jehovah-Yahweh,

(the false imposter wrathful, vengeful, jealous god

who does kill and demands blood atonement)

made men fearful and filled with desperation;

causing that men should act and love

in constant fear,

trembling in their souls

midst hurtful shadows which you alone created.

45. Thus would I teach

unto every man and every woman the knowledge of God;

for this would I have even all to know,

that in the death of the body is there not some final ending,

but only the awakening unto some other life.

46. For death was never the enemy which men should fear,

but rather their own inhumanity of the soul instead;

this alone is the greatest enemy

which would make most bitter the life of all who live,

filling the lives of those afflicted with all manner

of distress and sorrow.

47. Know then that in the belief of reincarnation

would God set forth the first means whereby

he might remove man’s fear of you (Jehovah-Yahweh)

for when a man is made no longer fearful of the death of the body,

then is he free to live most joyfully

the life which moves and stirs within him.

48. For in the death of the body

has God set forth the means to rescue

even all his children from such evils

as do most surely afflict from time to time;

for in death does only the good which a man does continue onward,

to dress the soul in living wisdom and faith exceeding.

49. While in death is there set forth

that certain barrier which all evil is powerless to penetrate;

for the evil which men shall do is caused to perish in the grave,

to lie interred with dead men’s bones;

while the good which men shall do,

continues onward, even unto God.

50. And if it so be

that a man do great good while in the mortal life,

then does he return to the Father and Mother of his soul,

dressed round about in great goodness,

to become even as the Lords and Gods of Elohim.

51. But if a man do little good while in the mortal life,

then does he return unto the Father and Mother of his soul,

being in himself poor and greatly diminished;

for unto his soul has he brought forth little good;

to become unlike and quite dissimilar

from the Lords and Gods of Elohim.

52. These then shall the Father and Mother

send again into life, that they might decide for themselves

whether they should follow in the steps of God,

to become even as he is;

for with the willing spirit

will God ever abide and not surcease.

4th Endowment 9:24-35
24. Thus did the children of God

move most eagerly through the dispensations,

each according to their several appointments,

which appointments would refine

the spirit and soul of the child within;

25. Being themselves carried from one life into the next

through the rebirth of the soul again and again,

going themselves from grace to grace,

here a little, there a little, line placed on line,

and precept built on precept,

even until they should touch for themselves

a fullness of goodly things.

26. For this cause

did God establish by law the principles of reincarnation,

to place between the living of each successive life

you live a veil of forgetfulness and renewal,

which veil is woven through the senses of the flesh.

27. Gathering from the days of youth, through old age,

even more and more perceptions of the present life,

which very perceptions, feelings, and emotions

do become the fabric which would cover the lives of ages past;

for in the living of our daily life do we but weave the veil,

causing that we, ourselves, should stand as blind,

being made to know this life only.

28. For God perceived rightly

that in a sure knowledge of reincarnation

might many seek to escape the hardship of their present life

to kill themselves perchance to gain again some other life

which might prove to their advantage.

29. Thus did God permit that the veil

should cover the eyes of those which live,

causing that they themselves

should prove uncertain in the taking of their lives,

being themselves ever fearful

of death and the darkness of the grave;

30. Causing that we should live our lives

and in such fiery trials as we might face

prove ourselves the victor,

taking to our soul some greater prize filled with glory.

31. Know then that in the living of many lives

do we add to our soul the wealth of many things,

being together bound through the experiences

of one life and then another,

revealing in their subtle touch, a strength

and knowing beyond the years which we can see

32. To be seen by us, in a sudden flash, as inspiration from above,

but which does most often come from the treasury of our soul,

which soul does hold within its depths the sum of who we are,

having contained therein the wisdom gleaned from every life

which we have lived.

33. For there is given to every child the spirit which comes from God,

which spirit is born of God through love and gentle breath;

but in the living of the mortal life do we build within our spirit

the soul of deeper knowing,

being itself beyond the confines of the spirit,

but which does itself reach out forever.

34. Thus through reincarnation

do the children of God build by careful measure

the depth and height and width of all their soul,

to place within the spirit of their truer self a treasury filled

with wisdom and subtle knowing, being ever anxious to reveal itself

within us, to fill our heart with wonder.

35. Know then that if you will seek daily the joy of eternal things,

then shall the soul within you reveal the lives of ages past,

here a little, there a little, being in yourselves dressed

in wisdom to touch the heart of God.

If, therefore, God is your Father, have you not a Mother also?

Wisdom 9:75-76

For I tell you truly,
no man can bring forth children unto himself
except there first be some woman to take seed.

Hear then, and understand.
For in Heaven is there made to dwell the Heavenly Mother,
even the Great Mother Spirit

which whispers unto all the children of men, both male and female.

Wisdom 16:31
Therefore, sanctify yourselves and be you consecrated unto God,
that your souls might become as one with God
through the power of your Heavenly Mother
that you might be lifted up into the presence of God your Father
and receive from his hand a fullness of blessing.

Wisdom 23:36
Thus are the righteous

not made anxious concerning the things of this life,
having received unto their souls the whisperings

of the Heavenly Mother,
even of the Heavenly Mother

who loved them from the beginning.

Wisdom 26:6

For the Mother would not have you ignorant
concerning the whisperings of the Holy Spirit;
for even as a child shall call upon her mother

in the moment of her need,
even so would the Heavenly Mother
give answer unto the children of men, even as if from afar;
that they might learn great wisdom,
that they might take unto their soul an abundance of hope.

Beginnings 29:27-29

Rejoice aloud, ye daughters of men, rejoice and sing aloud,
for all your ways has the Mother established in joy and honor,
that peace and grace might make comely your habitations.

Behold, now, how great the Mother is, even the Great Mother Spirit.
For she draws up her robes round about her and it is night;
she looses the string of her garment and it is day again.

Surely the stars are become as a crown upon her head,
and the sun a jewel upon her heart.

Commentary: Priesthood (excerpt)
If you are a woman,

your priesthood comes through your Heavenly Mother
and it is passed to you through procreation...

Heavenly Mother DOES NOT

receive her priesthood from your Heavenly Father.
To even think such a thing is an insult to your Heavenly Parents.

7th Endowment 1:40-46

40. Here beyond the starry deep, beyond the dreams you dream,
many Mothers quietly wait the coming of their children;
being each and every one filled with joyful heart,
eagerly seeking to touch the mind of every child they love,
to open wide the very portals which lead to exaltation.

41. Thus is there given for your sake
the guidance of the Mother, Holy Spirit,

blest, divine, filled with approbation;
seeking through most subtle means

to touch your heart and mind,
ever guiding, deep abiding,
waiting by your side;
whispering glowing touch of light which takes your breath away;

42. Making bright what once was dark, to chase away the gloom,
soft revealing, deep appealing, light within you bursting;

shocking, sudden inspiration which makes you fully see,
opening up before your mind the mysteries from beyond.

43. How quick the shadows flee away when Heaven near approaches,
to stand yourself as one empowered and filled with light and joy;
reflecting through the things you do the light of many Mothers.

44. So come my child and be you wise and walk a while with me,
and I will guide you through this life which swirls and rushes by,
to open up before your eyes the mysteries of your soul
and there within the deepest deep reveal the thing you are.

45. For here upon these very pages is wisdom finely gathered,
a book of light and secret turnings, a book of joy and hope;
this the book which I would give – this book of the Heavenly Mother.

46. So come my child and hear my counsel, let us wend our way,
and through the spirit of many Mothers shall I most quick enlighten,
to make most bright what now seems dark and fill you up with healing.

The Revelation of the Heavenly Mother

Again I spoke to God, saying:
“Heavenly Father, in my soul I am filled with questions.

Yet above them all is this one most needful.

If you then be both God and Father unto the children of men,
have we not a Heavenly Mother also?”

And in that moment God smiled upon me,
and immediately there fell from Heaven another great light,
and in the light did I see descending a woman of such matchless beauty,
such comely form, that I was speechless before her.

And she was clothed in robes of purest white,
and there was upon her head a telephim trimmed in gold.

And she came and stood beside the Father,
and casting down upon me a gentle gaze, she said:

“Greetings, fair son, from me to thee.”

And God the Father spoke to me again, saying:
“Behold my own Beloved, even the Heavenly Mother;
and know this thing for yourself;

for even as you see before you

the Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother,

yet are we together made but one God unto the children of men.

For even as a man and a woman are made one flesh in marriage,
even so are we become as one God.

Know then that whosoever shall pray unto the Father,
even then shall the Mother hear also.

And whosoever shall pray unto the Mother,
even unto that child shall I attend with all gentle affection.

For how shall you believe in the Father and not the Mother also?
For together are we made as one God forever unto the children of men...”

I am revealing to those who can receive it...
The Unknown God
and the only true religion... "Humanity"
Your Heavenly Father and Mother
have never ever required you
to bow before them-
You are their son/daughter-
not their servant!!
You are a citizen of heaven
sent down to this "school"
It has never been "Perfection"... but "Progression"
You will have a multiplicity of lives
until you learn to be "Holy"
At the completion of you "schooling"
you will become their "begotten son"

Food for thought-
The god of man's Bible
is responsible for the death of approx 2.5 million people
and will kill about 6 billion more people when he returns-
and the blood is horse bridal high
There are many laws of logic
one such is... the law of contradiction
an apple can not be an apple
and an orange at the same time
when two things contradict you get a big zero... a lie
An apple who tells you to
be ye perfect as your father in heaven...LOVE your enemies
can not be an orange at the same time
killing his enemies.....
a big zero...the greatest of lies!!
and so of course this truth...
goes against the teachings of the imposter god
who does kill and does demand blood atonement
The true GOD evolved through evolution as a human being
and came back to show us the way to become just like them
The false imposter is a monster
always has been... always will be...
surely you can see the difference
between the apple and the orange
mingled together throughout man made religion............
The Heavenly Mother said...
Show them something beautiful
and they will SEE the truth within it
How is it that you can not SEE
the beauty within what I have shown you??
Yeshua said
those who seek
when they find they will be DISTURBED
when they are disturbed they will marvel
and will reign over all
What could be more disturbing
then to find out that almost everything
you ever have been told and taught and believed
about God was wrong
Do you really believe GOD is perfect-
or are they continuing to evolve even now
In answer to God being perfect
Heavenly Mother replied:
Have you ever been around someone
who thinks they are perfect-
(well everyone has....)
She then said
Was it a pleasant experience???
followed by:
We never said we were perfect-
One who is perfect could never be
understanding and merciful to the "fallen"
Thus it is GOOD for mankind
to have what we call a "happy little flaw"
Another thing to ponder
The tragedies that happen upon this earth
are not brought about by the true GOD
and He has not the powers
as we have been taught to stop them
If he did and chose not to....
for what ever silly explanation christians would give
then he would be morally responsible
for the destruction or death that may have resulted
and another shocking truth...
GOD doesn't know everything either-
God does NOT
know what you are going to do tomorrow
You have Free Agency
but you do not have Free Will
For if GOD had given mankind Free Will
then the atrosities that we do to each other
would be his fault and upon his head
God (Heavenly Mother & Father) are evolved humans
who are still evolving and came back to show us
(their children) the way to do the same
The true GOD ONLY accepts "FAITH"
that allows you "to walk away"
with no condemnation
from GOD or the CHURCH or MAN
any other obedience/faith
which is based upon FEAR
means absolutely nothing to him!!
The question to be pondered for many many hours:
Is the god you worship
the GOD of LOVE and MERCY or not???
I tell you truly,
it is the imposter god
that is deceiving the entire Christian religion
The only correct religion is "humanity"
and aside from the various vices
of the children who are "in school"
Inhumanity to any human being ever...
are the sins to overcome
as one progresses through the mutiplicity of lives
learning to choose good over evil
In the end,
God who evolved from mankind
will embrace the entire human race
as ALL will be made like unto them.

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