Why Do I Feel Hurt, But still I am Blessed

Why Do I Feel Hurt, But still I am Blessed
The apostle Paul is the writer of the Corinthian books. As far as I am concerned He is the greatest convert that has ever lived but even in his life we find him suffering. In II Corinthians 11 we find Paul discussing some of his sufferings. In v 23-24 we see he is beat and faced death, he has been beaten three times with rods, stoned and left for dead and was shipwrecked spending a night and day in the deep. He has met perils of water, of robbers, of his own countrymen, by the heathen, in the city, in the wilderness, in the sea and among false brethren. But it absolutely amazes me what Paul says in verse 30. He says if I must needs glory, I will glory of the things which concern mine infirmities. Paul didn’t suffer these things because he was living wrong. He suffered them because he was living right.
We tend to find ourselves hurt by the trials we go through in our life, wondering if God hears us crying for help, that we should not be hurting when we tend to show our love for others and receive hurt from others towards us. Its like saying it is not fair to give love and not receive love back. If a person is not in Christ, they would not know how to received the love from you and give love in return, so it is up to those thats in Christ to still show love towards others as God wants us to do, and he will will work on that person that does not know Jesus. What we do can change a person's future to be saved and come to Christ by showing our love and telling them about Jesus really loves them, but we must not try to force the meaning on them or we might run them away from Christ.

I met a young lady that did not believe in going to church and still wanted to be in her own world and not be told anything about Jesus, because she felt like jesus would not love her because of all the wrong things she has done in the past, I had to let her know that we all have done wrong things in our lives and thta Jesus know we will do some wrong in our life time, but only wants us to be saved from our past of destruction and to be in Christ to be saved, we must come to Him to know that he has forgiven us and we must try not to go back to the wrong things to go wrong in life. One day she surprise me by telling me that she felt real good by visiting church one day but she said it will take time for her to get herself with Christ but she now see that God heard her prayers and guiding her in the right direction life, I told her we do things in life but it is not a mistake that you meet a person that speaks about Jesus to you, God puts people in our lives to open our eyes and to see what we are going to do.

I have met those and told them about Jesus, but was ignored and talked about, and I would say how can you want me to tell about you, and people will say wrongful things about me and hurt my feelings. I do know it is not about us it is all about God and how we tend to treat others the way he wants us to treat others.

I feel confident in saying that every one of us at some point or another in our Christian life has questioned God and asked Him why we are going through some of the things we go through. One of the biggest lies of the devil today is that you must have sinned because now you are paying for it. But I declare to you this evening you don’t have to sin in order to suffer. All you have to be doing is living right. Some of us have walked right under the arm of God and we still have to go through some things that cause us to hurt. I vouch to say unto you that sometimes you will suffer more living right than you would have living wrong. The difference between suffering while you are living right and suffering while you are living wrong is that if you are living wrong trouble can last you a lifetime and beyond. However, if you are living right your sufferings are only temporary. I want to preach tonight on the subject “Jesus if you love me then why do I hurt”.

I. For your own GOOD
A. Some people are hard headed and they have to learn the hard way
B. (Romans 8:28) And we know that all things work together for good to
them that love God, to them who are the called according to his
C. Even when we don’t realize it God is working for our good

So don't give up by letting others stop you from doing right, just keep doing right and telling others about Jesus, because God is working on them by letting them remember the things you said about Jesus to get them to be saved.

It goes the same way in marriage if you two are unequally yoke, if one is in Christ and the other is not, just keep praying for your spouse to come to Jesus and you just keep doing good and doing what God would want you to act , because by what your spouse see in you of the good in God, they will soon see the light and come to Jesus.

(Mt 5:10) Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

So stay strong in The Lord and know He is God!!

Prayer: O Lord, your loving-kindness is before my eyes, and I have walked in your truth. How excellent is your loving-kindness, O God. Because of it I am able to put my complete trust in you as I rest secure under your wings. Why Do I Feel Hurt, But still I am Blessed

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