Worship Service vs. Worship Experience (Church Leaders what are YOUR members getting on Sunday?)

Worship Service vs. Worship Experience (Church leaders what are YOUR members getting on Sunday?) Kj's discussion of the day, "When the Singing is over" Yall ready? Ok. I’m going in!!!The Lesson is under "notes" section of this profile. Church leaders...I want to hear from you. Some of all shy away from my lessons when I talk about Sex, etc. but the ONLY way something can be made an issue is if it isn’t ADDRESSED UPFRONT

Before I begin let me share. I had the absolute pleasure of visiting St. Matthew AME in Orange, NJ this past Sunday under the leadership of Rev. Reginald Jackson. And I must say, “Order…Structure. Process. Procedure. System…” aka THEY HAVE THE “FORMULA” I was so impressed by the entire modus operandi that I went to each of the Ushers and expressed my feelings to them personally. White gloves, clean suits, one hand behind the back. Tissue for noses, tears and babies. A clean well written LEGIBLE worship service program that outlined both the 730am and 11am services (which by the way are NOT the same), it was First Sunday and so that means Communion which usually runs service a little longer, but NOT in this Church. (shaking my head). The Bible teaches us that GOD not only likes but EXPECTS order! This is why the first businesses were modeled after the Church…ORDER. PROCESS. PROCEDURE. METHOD. SYSTEM. AKA “THE FORMULA”

So As someone who is traveling to different Churches, introducing myself and the PROJECTS AND MINISTRIES TO folks. I get to see a lot of things. A lot of things that should be kept “behind the scenes” making their way to the forefront of Church operations and what parishioners see and as a result of these things now being “noticed” it breeds, distraction among the congregation and “opinions” within the pews and so then when folks are asked what Church they attend, they say, “Well I was going to such and such BUT the Bishop uses the word NIGGA in the pulpit every Sunday so I’m looking for another place…” or “Well I was a member of Big name Gospel but after trying to get counseling from the pastor / Bishop / minister and no one returning my call…I decided they weren’t for ME” or “I was going to Almost Big name Church but after 10 years of going there and paying tithes and volunteering, I was home sick for two months and NO ONE from the Church called to check on me or even sent me a get well soon card”

Oh come on now yall…I know you hear me! CHURCH IS…CUSTOMER SERVICE!

Order. Structure. Process. System. Method. Aka THE FORMULA….


I’m going to go further: Before the services were started. There is a time where the choir comes up to sing and they sing a medley of songs while giving folks time to get in and be seated. After they are done = 10 minutes past the start time of service, the ushers close the doors. And there is corporate prayer at that time (for those who don’t know this term it simply means everyone is praying for the same thing at the same time) sick & shut in, the pastor and their family, etc. So as this is going on. They doors to the inside are closed so that stragglers (folks who are late for service) can gather in the main hall all together so that when the doors are reopened after the corporate prayer, all the late folks can come in together and be seated. This avoids interruptions. GOOD JOB ST. MATTHEW AME!

THE Reverend asked all visitors to stand. Our names were read and we were asked to remain standing as the Rev. went around to each of us and greeted us PERSONALLY. He shook hands. Asked our full names. What we did for a living and if we had any special needs we needed to tell him about. HE SPENT TIME WITH THE VISITORS BEFORE MOVING ALONG WITH THE SERVICE! – Again Good Job St. Matthew AME!

But the order didn’t stop there. The Church was immaculate. NO eating / Drinking in the main area of church and it showed. It showed me that the congregation is proud of their church. BECAUSE THEY TAKE CARE OF IT. I asked if they just moved there because when I tell you it was clean….THATS EXACTLY WHAT I MEAN. CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. The Rev. also went around to give communion to those who were disabled right there where they sat! GREAT JOB ST. MATTHEW AME.


They acknowledge birthdays (by the month – “Who has a birthday this month, please stand”) and said a prayer for them. GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE!

So the exposure was one that was positive for me because I enjoy structure.

Now add what I just told you to a dynamic message and you have a WORSHIP EXPERIENCE….


Worship SERVICE is what you attend. Worship Experience is what you should GET FROM IT THROUGH SCRIPTURE, SONG AND “CUSTOMER SERVICE” WHEN YOU LEAVE A CHURCH…YOU SHOULD HAVE HAD AN EXPERIENCE WITH GOD! I will repeat that…when you leave a Worship Service you should be able to say, “I’ve been with GOD” aka THE EXPERIENCE! BECAUSE you have to have MORE than religion…You have to have the TRUE living GOD and what worship does is it PREPARES YOU TO FACE THE WORLD…because the enemy is determined to prove to you that YOU CANT HANDLE THIS LIFE!


THUS the difference between SERVICE and EXPERIENCE! So what do YOU do AFTER the singing is over? Well if you didn’t have an experience…you do nothing. You go back to the “whatever” in life. Not equipped to fight / face challenges and obstacles because your FAITH WASN’T ACTIVATED. YOU WERE NOT EMPOWERED. AND YOUR BATTERY WAS NOT “RECHARGED” AKA LACK OF THE “FORMULA” EQUALS NO “EXPERIENCE” TRANSLATES TO THE PLAYGROUND FOR NEGATIVITY, CHAOS AND CONFUSION BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GROUNDED IN THE LORD…You were too busy being grounded in “Let it Rise” and the person sitting next to you and they crying baby!

But is this really the “fault” of the parishioner? Or is it lack of CUSTOMER SERVICE on behalf of the Church who in essence are GODS CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRENTATIVES?

When the singing is over. What are you going to do?

I’m going to tell you something people….IF CONGREGATIONS tithed based on customer service….A LOT OF CHURCHES WOULDN’T COLLECT A DIME ON SUNDAY AND HALF OF NOTHING ON ANY OTHER DAY THEY ARE OPEN. Because I have watched people who have been loyal feel slighted by the church ..and they feel that 10 yrs of being LOYAL to a Church body has gotten them no where in that THE CHURCH CANT EVEN PLACE A CALL TO ASK “Hey sis/ bro…you okay we haven’t seen you. Is there anything we can assist you with?” or Pastors taking time out to know folks names so that when they run into in the local supermarket and say HI…they don’t look at them like “who are you…do we know each other” and they’ve been at your Church faithfully for five and six years and their kids sing in YOUR choir.

Folks this is a challenge: I CHALLENGE YOU to visit other Churches if YOU feel you are not getting your battery recharged on Sunday…after you’ve been out in the world ALL week long. Sometimes up, sometimes down, struggling to make things happen for you and your family…IF YOUR TANK IS NOT GETTING REFILLED…maybe that place is NOT for you. And there is NOTHING wrong with admitting that.

Church leaders: structure. Process. Procedure. ORDER. Method.

Church is a TWO way street.
AND DESPITE THIS NEW JACK "MICROWAVE" CHURCH AS i CALL IT (IN BY 10 OUT BY 11 - FOREASAKING A CLEAR MESSAGE, ETC.) ST. MATTHEWS SERVICE WAS ABOUT AND HOUR AND A HALF. AND I DIDNT SEE THE BISHOPS ASSISTANT RIPPING THE TITHE ENVELOPES OPEN SNATCHING OUT THE MONEY IN A FRONT ROOM OF THE CHURCH - (yes, I have seen that in my travels too)...total discard for what people write on the envelopes. Im sure thats where someone probably put that womans request for a speedy recovery but how would they know. SO CHURCH LEADERS YOU KNOW WHAT I DO? When I come to YOUR churches. I write down my information on the envelope to see if you are going to acknowledge my gift to your HOUSE and / or extend an invitation for my daughter and myself to visit again via mail. CUSTOMER SERVICE.

Aim high!

“I love the Lord because HE has heard my cry.”

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