William J. Bass's Comments

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At 2:35pm on July 8, 2011, To God Be the Glory said…



 VIA EMAIL @  debtfreechurch.dfc@gmail.com 

Or call (404)663-7535

At 2:31pm on July 8, 2011, To God Be the Glory said…



 VIA EMAIL @  debtfreechurch.dfc@gmail.com 

Or call (404)663-7535

At 12:28pm on April 25, 2011, Gail Cavanaugh said…

Congratulations on your radio show.  I am sure many will be touched by it.  Glory to God.


Please support the Prospering Christians by purchasing an iPhone or iPadcase for your mobile phone or iPad.  Fruit of the Spirit design on the cover with Prospering Christians URL.  Great for youth groups. and church fundraisers.

At 12:12am on April 23, 2011, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…
At 12:39pm on March 24, 2011, Apostle Anthony Yarde said…
At 7:00am on March 16, 2011, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…
At 8:49pm on March 2, 2011, kevin thomas said…

 i love the music you use to minister to us,on the web.

At 9:22pm on February 23, 2011, David Raj said…
Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I m
pastor David from Andhrapradesh. I came to know about you through
google  when i typed ministries in india.
Literally we were Hindus, worshipping Gods / Goddesses as a part of
our life, without which it is impossible to get peace of life /
survival of us would be difficult we believed. As such we used to rush
up to the nearby temples and offered dhandams & coconuts as an order
of the day. Without which the survival of us will be difficult, we
thought of., After some years / time to pass a few problems (like
frequently sick, accidents, debts and financially ) were attacked on
us all of a sudden so we lost the peace of mind in the family
ultimately. To avoid these problems causing agony we had resorted to
visit some of the historical temples visakha SRISAILAM, NANDYALA,
KANCHI, MAHABALIPURAM and worshipped them fervently by broke coconuts
all have proved futile as their difficulties were not eased out. As we
are unable to sustain these and become miserable at that time we were
asked to rush up to TIRUPATHI so that all your problems would be
settled / peaceful it was told. Based on the advice of one of my best
friends  we went up to Tirupathi with a belief that there’s a big God
and all our problems can be solved any way. While we were proceeding
vigorously to the temple of Lord Venkateswara Swamy on the hill top a
revelation of God came up saying that these were all stones only
stones and nothing else was there in that as if some body was talking,
behind me.
At 8:33pm on February 14, 2011, Diane A. Walker said…

Good Evening Pastor Williams,

Thank you for the invitation, I will check out the radio statiion.  Have a bless evening, and Happy Valentine's Day.


At 4:01am on February 4, 2011, Prophetess Dr. Teloria Williams said…
At 3:25pm on January 25, 2011, IVEN MAURICE GARLAND said…

Pastor, I'm deeply sorry for not returning your messages . The persons to contact is 

Janet Garland @ 410-419-1862 and email Bishop Bradby @ mattbradby@aol.com

At 11:47am on January 18, 2011, G.U.W. MINISTRY said…
At 11:46am on January 18, 2011, G.U.W. MINISTRY said…

As I watch and pray, and I look around at what has happened over the past 25 years, and especially over the past five years, I see a pathetic and spiritually helpless population nearly void of discernment. It is a population that has been taught and conditioned to live in the realm of error while being embraced by the governance of a spiritual “big brother,” who is there with polluted religion, a controlled educational system, a false economic system, an abundance of perverted entertainment, and everything else that is needed to make sure that the people get the error right and perpetuate the clandestine plan of Satan. The sad shock of it all is that we are not seeing a dabbling interest in this global enterprise of Satan by the people he seeks to control. We are seeing a fatal embrace of damnation. It is a condition that cries out for the righteous judgment of the Almighty Creator to fall upon a creation run amok. Thankfully, there is a remnant that can see and hear, and these are but a few, which are scattered throughout the world. I have personally met over 15 of you – you know who you are. I am proud to be among that number and we are a praying people who have been called out and have broken free from the fatal embrace of the perverted system of the antichrist…

We are now, in these last days, beginning to see the wrath of God poured out on creation, as the coming judgment of all mankind draws near. Our Lord Jesus told us to lift up our heads for our redemption draweth nigh. We find these words in Luke 21:28. We are also told that there will be signs to watch for. In Luke 21:25 we read, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.”

At 6:07am on January 18, 2011, Rev Dr Gloria Gay gave William J. Bass a gift
CONGRATULATIONS!!!  This is a truly blessing for me and I am sure for others as well. 
At 9:28am on December 15, 2010, Co-Pastor Valerie L. Walker said…

Pastor thanks for the information. I will check it out and give you my thoughts. Be blessed.

Co Pastor Walker

At 12:56pm on November 29, 2010, Dr. Zawdie K. Abiade said…
Pastor Bass,
If you know of a church looking for a full time pastor with years of experience and administrative skills, please let me know. I can be reached at: pastorabiade@gmail.com.
At 6:27pm on November 25, 2010, James A.Donald Sr said…
God bless you Pastor,
Many blessings to you on this awesome Thanksgiving Day! Have a blessed and thankful day!
At 10:26am on November 25, 2010, william fordjour ntim gave William J. Bass a gift
Thanks pastor Bass.I will link up.God Bless.
At 11:19am on November 23, 2010, CARL E. BROWN said…
in deed it's a blessing to listen to. will tune in as often a possible.
At 11:35pm on November 22, 2010, Apostle Ronnie L Dawson II said…
Love the Radio Station!!!

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