Apostle Dr.Christopher L.Hall Sr's Comments

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At 11:51pm on March 21, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
have a bless week in the Lord!
At 9:58am on March 20, 2010, Pastor Nathan Lennon said…
I invite you to visit (www.apostolichop.org) to hear sound Apostles' doctrine.

At 6:27pm on March 19, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
Bless u have a great night, and enjoy your. Family when get home
At 2:43am on March 19, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
Apostle Hall, how is it going for you I pray all is well
At 9:23pm on March 18, 2010, EarthAngel Divine gave Apostle Dr.Christopher L.Hall Sr a gift
At 11:16pm on March 16, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
God bless you Pastor, I know God is going to move greatly through you , I can't wait to hear your testimony on how He move in and through You Man of God , for great and mighty is our God in you, to speak healing in the life of God people, and you knowing that you can do all things though Christ that strengthen you! so speak strength to you for this hour for this shall be a great hour for you, I pray a fresh wind of God Spirit to increase in you, and you Rejoice in the Lord like never before, for the move of the Anointing that shall move in and thru you!
At 7:35pm on March 14, 2010, Pastor Darryl Miller said…
Making Dreams a Reality
At 7:28am on March 14, 2010, Apostle G. S. Jackson said…
Grace and Peace be multiplied Apostle C.L. Hall! God is certainly mending hearts and connecting spirits. We feel the bond of God with you and Lady Hall as well. I didn't know you had a page until I saw your face while accepting another invitation for connection. I hurried up and sent an invitation. Always praying God's best, choicest and richest blessings to specifically and stratigically overshadow, overwhelm, overtake and overflow your way with abundance! Take care and we will talk with you soon!

Apostle GSJ
At 6:20pm on March 13, 2010, Pastor Darryl Miller said…
Making Dreams a Reality
At 3:18pm on March 13, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
At 3:33pm on March 11, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
Great is God faithfulness, and know that God has been faithful today, for this is the day that the lord has made and I known by the spirit that u have been rejoicing and that your soul is glad, please keep me in your prayer as I pray for you
At 12:25am on March 11, 2010, Pastor Gona Calebu said…
Dear Brother Dr. Christopher L.Hall Sr
thank you so much for your encoraging words and prayers support, we love you so much, we are also thinking about you and our family in USA there,here iam fine we are all well,
We request you all with joyful heart to come to our country india and conduct some gospel meetings and pastors conference so that we can spread good news of the JESUS CHRIST. We can add lot of souls unto the Kingdome of God. That will be a greatest blessing to india. If you come teach or train the pastors we can send the well equiped to the indian mission field so that they can build their own ministries according the Lord leads them all with the inspiration of the HOLY SPIRIT. and one more thing we are willing to work with you all. continue to pray for us and for our minsitry . Hope to hear from you
along with your prayers and blessings.
Thanking You
Yours Brother in Christ
Pastor Gona Calebu
Phone No: (+91)- 9177439383
this is my e mail: pastor_gona@yahoo.com
At 7:01pm on March 9, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
God bless you How was your day?
At 8:50am on March 9, 2010, Prophtess Willie Mae Davis † said…
At 10:21pm on March 8, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
thank you again, and any time you have a word for me, speak the word. I AM a Woman of few words i talk better than i right
At 10:01pm on March 8, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
Bless you pastor I really needed that word tonight, been have a time.
At 9:43pm on March 8, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
this is a story about four persons named EveryBody, SomeBody, AnyBody and NoBody. There was an important job to be done and EveryBody was sure SomeBody would do it, AnyBody could have done it but NoBody did it. Now SomeBody got angry about that because it was EveryBody's job EveryBody thought AnyBody would do it But NoBody realize that EveryBody wouldn't do it. It ended up that EveryBody blame SomeBody when NoBody did what AnyBody could have done.
At 9:30pm on March 8, 2010, Prophetess, Estella King said…
I pray that you will have a bless week,
At 9:42am on March 8, 2010, Apostle Dr.Christopher L.Hall Sr said…
Thank you Pastor for your email.
It's always good to hear and know that God is using His people to fulfill His will and assignment for the world. I'm going to be praying for you my brother that God will open the financial flood gates for your ministry there in India. It seems that because we are endeavoring to advance the Kingdom of God, that it's truly suffering violence, but the violent are taking it by force! Be not weary in well doing my dear brother, in due season, you shall reap if you faint not. Peace and blessings be with you on your journey for His Kingdom.
At 11:40pm on March 7, 2010, Pastor Gona Calebu said…
DEAR Minister Christopher
Greetings to you in the wonderful name of the Lord and Savior Jesus
Christ. It is with great honour that I write you this email

I humbly seek your permission to introduce the Indian Ministry. I am glad
as I am extending my prayers and wishes to you and towards your ministry. And It is so good to hear how God has kept you - and raised you again to minsiter His Word,I just wanted to say that you are precious - a precious gift from Father God - to the nations - for a time like this. And I pray God's presence, His anointing, His insight and revelation in Jesus wonderful Name.

I hope Lord is anointing and using you mightily in His service.

I am introducing my self to seek your prayers for the work that I am doing
in India. I am PASTOR Gona.Calebu from Guntur- Andhra Pradesh South India,
Founder and President of “Pastor Gona Ministries” serving the Lord
for the past 25 years. I am working among tribal
people in our forest area and villages, me and my family members conduct every month pastors meeting"s,childrens and youth meetings,gospel crusades ,We all cover about 15 to 20 villages in addition to the slum areas as industrial areas.
I take jesus to unreached areas. Where the majarity of
population is hindus. . I am very grateful to the Almighty God for calling
me to serve Him in this part of the world

I will be praying for you and for your Ministry. I believe in these end
times we have to labor hard and pray for each other. Hope to hear from you
along with your prayers and blessings.

Thanking You

Yours Brother in Christ

Pastor Gona Calebu

Gudesevasula Colony




Andhra Pradesh

South India

Phone No: (+91)- 9177439383
this is my e mail: pastor_gona@yahoo.com

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