Chaplain Dr.Gabriel Ogunjobi's Comments

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At 4:53pm on February 13, 2009, Minister Jimmy E. Pearl said…
At 12:55pm on February 12, 2009, prophet angelo swinson said…
to GOd be the glory thanks for reaching out blessings to u sir keep in touch
At 9:16am on February 12, 2009, Minister Jimmy E. Pearl said…
praise the lord that can be done just let me know when and we will set it up
At 7:23pm on February 10, 2009, Larry Lewis said…
Thanks for the invitation however i cannot come to you at this time i am very busy with my ministry locally. it is a constant stuggle trying to feed the flock God has called be to Pastor.
At 6:30pm on February 9, 2009, Howard Sands said…
Thanks Dr Gabriel for the inviation to Nigeria.
At this point that is not on our agenda but who knows what the future may hold.

Please stay connected through joining the Africa Network, a place for anyone who wants to help Africans discover the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ and a place for ministries to relate to each other for ministry opportunities.

I hope you will find some good contacts there to help your ministry.
At 5:19pm on February 9, 2009, Dr.Charles F. Henderson, Ph.D said…
Thank you my brother in Christ for your kinds words, there is a website in which I would like for you to visit. The website is call "Helloworld" on this website you will be able to broadcast all of your church services to anyone in the world. This is a live audio and video broadcasting "Streaming" technology in which many Churches in America is using, please visit this website for more information., and for you to see live broadcasting please visit., My email address is: ","
At 3:14pm on February 9, 2009, Apostle Stephanie Ojo said…
God bless you man of God. Keep watching, an effecient door is about to open to you, walk in and possess it all and occupy till He comes. Shalom!
At 2:23pm on February 9, 2009, Evangelist Saadia Dublin said…
Praise the Lord, Rev. Ogunjobi I do apologize for not responding back to you soon, but I am a women who will not respond to such request without hearing a response from the Lord. I pray that you will understand and respect my position at the moment. And even though it is a privilege to be God spoken person in another country, I still must wait on His perfect timining. For if it's the Lord will for me to be there, it will be done according to His will and perfect timing....So again my brother in Christ be bless until we meet again...Your sister in Christ, Evangelist, Saadia Dublin.
At 10:34am on February 9, 2009, Dr. Cammie B. Jeffress said…
Response to your email has been sent.
At 8:14am on February 9, 2009, NEW HARVEST PROPHETIC MINISTRIES said…
i am praying about the trip i would love to come i need to get a passport and the finances to take the trip jest getting merried and jest bought a house and moving into a new church as u can see i got alot on my plate so keep me and my wife and ministry in your prayers. God bless u man of god hope to hear from u soon.
At 4:05pm on February 8, 2009, Dr. Cammie B. Jeffress said…
Praise the Lord. The HEWBI will do all we can to assist you. Our purpose is to equip saints for their ministries, spiritual growth, relationship with God, leadership roles, and laity. Check your email address. Be blessed!
At 11:06pm on February 7, 2009, Apostle Robin Harris said…
hope all is well with you
At 9:15am on February 5, 2009, Hayden Bourne said…
My e-mail is and you can visit our website @
At 9:01am on February 5, 2009, Hayden Bourne said…
God bless you and your ministry, I hope to travel soon and it would be a blessing to minister for you . tell me more about your ministry, and when God opens the door I will get back with you. keep in touch.
At 8:40am on February 5, 2009, NEW HARVEST PROPHETIC MINISTRIES said…
my email is
At 1:37am on February 5, 2009, Pastor Keisha S. Smith said…
God bless you!!!! Thank you for your reply and invitation. I will be in prayer about this travel. I will be traveling to north and south india in may to preach the gospel and hold a revival and demonstrate the power of God. Yes he has in matt 28:20 sent us to all nations and promised that he will be with us. A month or less god dropped in my spirit Africa through a vision and it's his plan I know but I will pray about time and season and if this is the connection!!!!! God blessings with you
At 8:15pm on February 4, 2009, NEW HARVEST PROPHETIC MINISTRIES said…
Pastor Gabriel this is Pastor Smith i thank u for the invite i would love to come to your church and host the program jest tell me when and i will do my best to come i have never been to south africa it will be a grate experiance for me to preach in africa GOD WILL TRULY GET THE GLORY/ GOD BLESS U MAN OF GOD.
At 3:53pm on February 4, 2009, Dr. Reginald D. Carter said…
My brother,

You may reach me directly at:

I look forward to hearing from you soon...
At 1:19am on February 4, 2009, EMMANUEL OLUSEGUN SALAKO said…
bless you man of GOD thanks for accepting the add may his word in your mouth go all over the nations i will definitely get in touch when coming to lagos shalom
At 6:52pm on February 3, 2009, Dr. Reginald D. Carter said…
My brother I would be more than happy to come to Nigeria and provide a seminar or workshops for your congregation and any other ministers and pastors who may be interested.

Let's believe God to bring this to fruition for later this year!

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