Brandon The Servant's Comments

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At 9:59am on November 8, 2008, Prophetess Jessica Batiste said…
Kingdom Greetings Prophet,

I humbly thank you for accepting my friend request.

I'm looking forward to the connection.

At 7:59pm on November 3, 2008, Apostle Mancil Carroll said…
Blessings to you my brotha! Thx for the love stay blessed in the Lord!
At 1:41pm on October 30, 2008, Pastor S.D. Gethers said…
Grace and peace man of God...I'm new to the site and I am reaching out to connect with Kingdom Minded people...

Pastor G
At 7:05pm on October 29, 2008, PSALMIST/ELDER DAVID FAIRMAN, II said…
At 10:17am on October 29, 2008, Evangelist S. A. Ramsey, II said…
I'v been good, how have you been?
At 11:27am on October 24, 2008, Minister Jermaine Thomas said…
Yes Lord! I'm working on it Now
At 11:08am on October 24, 2008, Minister Jermaine Thomas said…
God bless u a "Man After Gods Own Heart"
At 9:02am on October 23, 2008, Elder Robin D. Simmons said…
hey my friend,
God is still in the blessing business, so you know i'm good!!!

all is well with you I trust?
At 8:39am on October 23, 2008, John Teabout said…
Well I'm delighted to meet you and I thought the same about you. I saw your videos and wanted to encourage you, I see you're young and have a great future in Christ ahead of you. An old man told me years ago to strive to be the best preacher for God as you can be and I share that with you. you have a great opportunity to get both sides of ministry, the rhema (which you already operate in) and the logos word. Prepare yourself as much as possible because the world will be here waiting for you to share. Would love to share with you some reading material that also blessed me, "Preaching with imagination" by Warren Weirsbe The pursuit of expository preaching will take you to places you never dreamed God had waiting for you. Hope to talk again and hope this blesses you . . . .you can also see my video on youtube . . .John Teabout
At 8:21am on October 23, 2008, John Teabout said…
thank you for the invite to be friends, was there anything special that moved you to send an invite? I saw your videos and I have something to share with you but I'll wait to hear your reason for wanting to be friends . . . P.S. you can also see my video on Youtube . . .John Teabout
At 1:40pm on October 17, 2008, Bishop J. Donald Edwards, II said…
Whats up, Doc!
At 6:34am on October 17, 2008, ONLYJESUS said…

Light is the most important thing in the world. Without light how can one see? We have so many sources of light: the sun, the stars, our bulbs, etc., give us light. I hope everyone believes that without them the whole world will be in the darkness. Therefore, everyone needs light to see clearly during day and night. There is a light that is above all light which is Jesus Christ. The bible says the true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world (John 1:9). That true light is Jesus Christ.

Christ came into the world as light for us to see. Whoever believes in him will never walk in darkness but walk in the light. Just as we all need light in our homes and workplaces to work well so our souls, spirits and bodies need Jesus Christ to shine in our life. Whoever has Jesus has the greatest light that will never quench. Whoever is willing, must surrender to Jesus for true light? He loves us so much that he want us to come to the light so that we can be free from been slave to darkness. Everyone knows the meaning of slave but let me make it clear to you. Anything that control our lives, we become slave to that thing. If darkness controls our body, souls and spirit then we are slave to darkness.

Luckily, light has come into the world that who ever is willing to welcome him will be a master to darkness (no more under the control of darkness). Let me remind you that darkness always fears light. In the book of John 3:19 says This is the verdict, light has come in the world but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. This verse is telling us that we have to love light more than darkness so that the light will expose of evil in our life. The sinful nature will be taking away by the light.

Jesus said I am the light of the world, whoever follows me, will never walk in darkness. But will have the light of life we need Jesus everyday, all the time to shine upon our life (body, spirit, and souls).The light of life (john 1:4) shines within man by the inner sense of life to deliver us from sins. Jesus said are there not twelve hours of day light? A man who walk by day will not stumble but he sees by this world light. It is by when he walk by night he stumbles, for he has no light. Let us allow Jesus to shine in our life so that we will not stumble. Love light love life.
Please if you have any question you can contact me by email: ; mobile phone numbers:

Togo: 002289529228

Ghana: 00233243613286

At 1:30pm on October 16, 2008, Pastor Sean M. Lee said…
How are you Man of God?
At 7:42am on October 15, 2008, Patrick said…
At 9:16am on October 8, 2008, Pastor Sean M. Lee said…
At 3:03pm on October 7, 2008, Pastor Sean M. Lee said…
At 8:41am on September 28, 2008, Elder Joe M. Smith said…
Thank you for the add my brother. I am try to get to know how to work setting up my page, trying to at a video to it but, I can't change the floormat from my DVD, and my songs from my palylist. When I more time I get it; I hope. Be bless my brother in Chirst.
At 2:51pm on September 24, 2008, Robert Harrell said…
How are u? Long time no hear....what's going on? Just wanted to let u know I have not forgot about u.
At 10:00pm on September 22, 2008, Elder John Lee Garrett,Sr. said…
Greetings and salutations to you Bro. Brandon and thank you for adding me as one of your friends here the network. If their is anything that I can do as a Pastor miniter and brother let me know. Be blessed and standfast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free and be not entangled with the same yoke of bondage again...... Much Love to you in the Lord Elder John
At 9:06am on September 19, 2008, Minister Ross said…
Praise the name of our GOD! thank you so much for stopping by, I have been busy doing alot concerning ministry and working with the inner-city youth, Lord's will we come together one of these days to fellowship. Many blessings,
Minister Ross

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