When the Son of God prays, He is mindful and consciously aware of only His Father. God always hears the prayers of His Son, and if the Son of God has been formed in me the Father will always hear my prayers. But I must see to it that the Son of God is exhibited in my human flesh"...your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit..."(I Cor. 6:19), that is, your body is the Bethlehem of God's Son. Never let your common sense become so prominent and forceful that it pushes the Son of God to one side. Common sense is a gift tht God gave to our human nature-but common sense is not the gift of His Son. Supernatural ssense is the gift of His Son, and we should never put our common sense on the throne. The Son always recognizes and identifies withe the Father, but the common sense has never yet done so and never will. We must make sure tht our human flesh is kept in perfect submission to Him, allowing Him to work through it moment by moment. Are we living at such level of human dependence upon Jesus Christ that His life is being exhibited moment by moment in us?

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