Hello to all..................Many people are falling short. Many people are attending church, but leaving without knowledge. What is the issue? In most cases it's because too many people are just reading the Bible and that's it. There is no passage in the Bible that instructs us to simply read the Bible. It does say to study to show thyself approved. You can read a novel. You can read Jet magazine, but you have to study the Bible. Also, you can just study the Bible to preach or teach, but you have to study the Bible to live. When this is done there is no revelation to what you have read. The word of God is powerful, but it's useless if there's no revelation. In other words, you have to truly understand what you just read. You have to go home after the church service and study what was being preached. Unfortunately, in these last days you cannot just assume what's being preached or taught is the word of God. It may come from the Bible, but that doesn't mean it's God. So your responsibility is to study the word of God and get full revelation. The power of God comes through revelation. The enemy fights you through lack of knowledge. Study the word today!

THOUGHT OF THE DAY........................................

"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but happy is he who keeps the law." Proverbs 29:18

The meaning of the term "cast off restraint" means, you just run wild with no restrictions. Wow! This occurs all because of no revelation. Listen at this, you're in church, shout, run, give your tithes and offerings, but if you have no revelation, after you've done all that, you still cast off restraint. You still wander in the wilderness instead of worshiping in the wilderness. This is why many believers of Christ are unstable and then they pray for a stable blessing. God cannot give you a stable blessing if you are unstable. For a double minded man, is unstable in all his ways. That comes from lack of revelation of the word of God. We're spending so much time getting the exterior ready for school or work in the morning, but we're praying for five minutes. We're working a lot of overtime, but can't sit one hour in Bible study. We are reading every book known to man, but won't pick up a Bible until it's time for church service. Then we wonder why we are in our current state. It's time for full revelation of the word of God!

Stay and Be Encouraged!

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Comment by Queen Terrell on November 25, 2009 at 1:15am
So true, you also have so many unsaved people that call themselves reading the bible and think they can understand it , people dont want to be different, but when you are born again you are different from the world, we have so called christians, drinking , partying, smoking , having sex outside of marriage, and saying there's nothing wrong with it, if you are not born again, there is nothing wrong with it , because you are on your way to hell anyway, but when Jesus comes to live in you ,your desires change, your mind change, you are brand new ,and we dont compromise.

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