I know for a fact that it is possible to sit while you take a stand.

We live in a time where our knowledge is greatly increased and we are able to access that knowledge with more ease than ever before. YouTube is about more than YOU as we fly about as flies where the World Wide Web is waiting to catch our attention so that people and not predators can feed on our intellect and internal gifts. And so we surf the waves of once hidden opportunities and now it is time that we ride them for all they’re worth.

If it is a true statement that knowledge itself is not actually power but rather what you do with the knowledge that you have, my question is what are we doing with the knowledge we possess that empowers us to be powerful in our actions?

I am asking myself this question more than I am asking it to you wondering why I have not been questioned until I questioned myself. Do we hold one another as inhabitants of the same planet and members of the same race to a high enough level of accountability? The answer to this question is no, because I had to question myself. If I waited for you to question me we might all be dead by then.

With accountability to a higher power I provoke you to question yourself after you read my account of a day in a higher court. This is a court that caused me to court the Human Race, a court where the judgment lied in the measure of my true love for others. A messenger angel was the stenographer.

I sat on the witness stand of truth in the very courts of life sitting down for a moment in order to take a stand because I was tired of running in a human race where we all lose if we don’t help someone else win. It doesn’t matter if you pass me up on the corporate ladder because when you do I have a clear view of your butt and may I tell you that the view is not a scenic one. You should have helped me or someone else, BUTT you didn’t.

I remember wanting to follow in someone’s footsteps until they stepped on me to get ahead. Following in their footsteps would have then meant walking all over myself and that is something I’m not going to do. I’d rather be an elevator than an escalator any day. This way I take you higher at the same time that I go up rather than lifting you to higher ground while repeating the same upward motion without going anywhere really.

So I am sitting down for a moment to testify and say it is time for us all to take the witness stand. I refuse to plead the 5th because I’m already incriminated. I’m going to lead by example so my failures won’t be imitated by those strong enough to follow suit. This case is both civil and criminal and though we are all guilty we are also justified by faith and liberated by the actions that our honesty produces.

When you finally decide to ask yourself some of the most important questions you’ve ever asked there is no need to lie because you’ll know it is a lie already knowing the truth. There is a great public defender better than any money can buy and He is known as the Messiah. He’ll be your advocate if you let Him and He won’t let you down. Not only does he know the law; He is the Law. And by the way, your legal fees have already been paid by His Father. It is a good thing to have a great Attorney in the family; even by adoption.

A man should never waste time worrying about going to jail when they are already in prison. Prison is where I’ve been living a life I thought was free and no one has come to visit me because most of the people that I know are locked up in the same facility.

Here are the questions I asked myself when I sat down to take the witness stand:

1. When you got dressed this morning in your nice and neat clothes did you take some time to put some aside that you don’t wear anymore for someone that doesn’t have any?
2. When you ate the food that satisfied your palate and nourished your body did you donate to a food bank or send a little something to those that are starving?
3. When you laid down to sleep with a roof over your head in a comfortable bed did you first get on your knees and pray for the homeless or spend some of your time volunteering at a shelter?
4. When you went shopping and spent money to buy gifts for the holidays, birthdays and special occasions, did you take something special off the top to give to the One who made it all possible?
5. When you’ve gone where you wanted to go when you wanted to go have you taken any of that time to visit those in prison or the jail?
6. When you’ve used your vehicle to drive all around have you given anyone without transportation a ride to someplace they really needed to go?
7. Being surrounded daily by family and friends have you ever taken time to talk to someone that was all alone?
8. While living vibrant and healthy have you visited the sick or donated to a medical fund?
9. With the knowledge you possess for your profession or the knowledge you have acquired in life have you ever helped someone with that knowledge at no charge?
10. Have you ever shown love, care and direction to child that didn’t get that from their own household?

No one knows the answers to these questions but you.

We are all here together running a race side by side. We are running for our lives in the Human Race. The winner is not determined by the one that runs the fastest but it is determined by the ones willing to slow down and take notice of other’s needs. What if the corporate ladder was a bridge? What if everyone stopped taking so much and instead decided to give? What if we all realized that to win meant putting others first? The Bible records that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Who needs a blue ribbon when you have the promise of a rainbow?

So I paused for a moment during this Human Race to question myself. I looked out into the courtroom of the world and in the audience of the court I saw:

Starving children all over the world,
Rapped and abused little boys and little girls,
Homeless people without any hope,
Prostitutes and others hooked on dope,
Orphans and runaways,
People hungry, sick and lame,
The abandoned elderly,
Prisoners wishing to be free,
Poor parents struggling,
Single fathers and single mothers,
Mentally ill men and women,
Unforgiving people that needed to be forgiven,

This is what I saw as I stood in awe sitting on the witness stand. So today I testify against myself on the behalf of mankind. Thankfully I had a great attorney that got me off on probation. I’ll be back to testify again and you better believe I will be able to answer yes to all of the probing questions that determine what type of a Human Race I am running.

You may not have been captured yet but if you are reading this please turn yourself in if you are honest enough to find yourself guilty of not doing what you were placed on the earth to do. Please ask yourself some serious questions so we can break the world record for the Human Race with the largest tie for first in human history. Once you know better please do better and put somebody else first.

Can I get a witness?

By Deneene A. Collins
All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2009

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